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Everything posted by neogranas

  1. If you plan on sticking with ASP, go for a Windows server. Yes, the prices are much high due to licensing of the install, but that's the way it is for Microsoft.
  2. If you are running a Fedora or Red Hat-based system, you can type this in a terminal: su - yum install wine That will install wine itself and any dependencies it needs. Then you can double click on an .exe file that is anywhere on your system, not just the virtual windows environment it creates.
  3. Have you set the DirectoryIndex to include index.php?
  4. I talked to a few other people who knew linux (both Ubuntu and Fedora) better than I, you should have any problem chmod'ing /var/lib/php/sessions to 777, getting around the pesky error about not having access to it, and you don't have to create/specify a different directory for each user.
  5. I finally found out how to get it all working. .htaccess: In either the httpd.conf/apache.conf or if you use your own config files in conf.d add this: <Directory /path/to/your/public/folder/> AllowOverride All </Directory> Then any folder after that will also be able to use them. php.ini for your directories: You'll need to install mod_suPHP first. Then in your /etc/httpd/conf.d/suphp.conf file you should see options for: #suPHP_AddHandler php5-script Uncomment that line to activate suPHP, then below that you should see: #suPHP_ConfigPath /etc Below that is where you specify where you want additional directories to be checked for php.ini files. Because I am hosting a few different websites using VirtualHosts, here is what I use: suPHP_ConfigPath /home/*/public_html/* That allows any user's folders in the public_html folder (which isn't actually publicly available, just the ones inside it) to have their own php.ini You'll obviously need to restart apache after configuring all of this, but I tested it on my system and it's working as expected. You'll need to look at different php.ini settings as most will reference root owned folders for some things like sessions and such, but it will at least get it working! It was incredibly simply once I knew what to install.
  6. You may need to look at an apache module for setting two separate directories for cgi-bin's. mod_cgi perhaps?
  7. I don't know windows servers at all, but that error you mentioned indicates that you apache config file doesn't have a ServerName set to a real domain name.
  8. Have you tried a simple rewrite to include www or force no www? What are the permissions and ownership on the file and is your apache config file set to allow override?
  9. I believe you can do it through .htaccess or with the robots.txt file.
  10. Someone helping me came across suphp to allow php scripts to run as apache or non-root. I checked for it on my server. It wasn't installed so I installed it, apache said it was already configured for it so I restarted apache and still no luck.
  11. deny from all did not work, however, I did get a rewrite to work. So I assume it is working, but not fully or as I would expect. And I should clarify, it's not really per 'user' it would be per directory so I can have a php.ini or .htaccess in any directory containing the rules and settings that I want for that directory specifically.
  12. Name the first page you want to come up index.php or index.html. If you want it to be something different, specify it in either your apache config or if you have .htaccess working you can specify there so it can be different in each directory.
  13. In my domain's virtual host config file I have that AllowOverride all set for my public folder, still am not getting any .htaccess commands to work.
  14. Check your php.ini file for anything that would block phpinfo() Then check your apache config file (apache.conf or httpd.conf depending on your setup) for DirectoryIndex and I'd suggest changing it from .php3 to .php
  15. I started the thread here, did get some response but it didn't go far. I was hoping I could get some more answers. I have a Fedora 9 server running Apache 2 and PHP 5. For the life of me I cannot get .htaccess to work at all, and if I put a second php.ini file outside of /etc, say in the folder where I had a Joomla install, it would not recognize it. I was told that I had to compile php as a cgi binary, not a module for apache. Does anyone know how to do that or knows of a decent how to article that was already written?
  16. Err, redacted for lack of reading what you originally posted. You could possibly change ownership to nobody and make it an unwritable folder, but if you need people to upload to it, you'll either have to have it set up so that they login or you may just have to hope that they don't botch it.
  17. You can have as many entries pointing to within your /etc/hosts file. All it does is create another name to access your machine by. I know that, but since it is not a fully qualified domain name, and not on the same line as localhost, wouldn't his system try to then assign it as a domain name and with the absence of a TLD extension fail? I admit that I may be wrong, but just trying to help.
  18. Sorry to keep side tracking you, but have you tried commenting out the line in /etc/hosts for mike-server then restarting your services?
  19. Did you comment out the line in /etc/hosts for
  20. Just a shot in the dark, but try changing the 127... line in your /etc/hosts file to : domain.com localhost I think that is your problem, you aren't specifying a domain name in that file. So it can't get the "fully qualified domain name" because it can't find an actual domain name.
  21. Do you just type it in or do you have a link from main_login.php to checklogin.php?
  22. Is it just a one time thing, or do you want it to continually keep the files between both domains the same? If it's just once, do a cp -r of the directory that the first domain's files are in to the second's directory. If you need it to continually keep the same content, don't waste space on your hard drive and just symlink the directories. ln -s /path/to/dir1/ /path/to/dir2/
  23. Unless you know that there weren't any updates to apache then it may be a cause, but i don't believe anything was released the the last month. To be honest, I'm fresh out of ideas. Hopefully someone else will know what to do.
  24. Odd. What changes have you made in the last month?
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