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  1. It is still showing me red X.
  2. Hi, I am trying to create a image. I am using WAMP and PHPinfo show GD is included. I have following code but i am not able to see the image. It displays the placeholder. Code for picture1.php <?php $image = imagecreate(400,300); // do stuff to the image imagejpeg($image, '', 75); imagedestroy($image); ?> Code for phppicture.html <HTML> <TITLE>PHP Art</TITLE> <BODY> PHP woz 'ere: <img src="picture1.php" /> </BODY> </HTML> Please help me with this problem. Thanks
  3. Hi, I have "registration form" in Html. This form has text fields like loginid, password, email, address, zip, etc. I want to check the loginid is available or not before submitting the form. For that i have given following link in html form just below to the loginid text field. <div align="left"><a href="checkid.php?action=CheckID">Check the availability</a></div> And checkid.php has following code. <?php $loginid = $_POST['loginid'];mysql_connect("localhost", "root") or die("Cannot connect to DB!");mysql_select_db("loginsys") or die("Cannot select DB!");$r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM login_tbl where loginid='$loginid';");$numrow = mysql_num_rows($r);if ($numrow == 0){print "This UserID is available";include "register1.html";}else{print "This UserID is not available";} ?> But the problem is after selecting the link for checkid.php the $_POST['loginid'] is considered as blank. This is may be because I am not submitting the form. Is there any other way to get $_POST['loginid'] value without choosing the submit button? Can i pass the value of $_POST['loginid'] without choosing the submit button? [/]
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