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Everything posted by keeps21

  1. Thanks for the replies. I've now amended my code to the following which works as I expect it to. <?php /** * Filename: class.comment.php * Date: 22 October 2008 **/ // Include config.php - allows access to database. include('config.php'); class Comment { private $in_CommentId; private $in_Name; private $in_Email; private $in_Comment; public function __construct() { $this->in_Name = $name; $this->in_Email = $email; $this->in_Comment = $comment; } public function addComment() { $query = "INSERT INTO comments (name, email, comment) VALUES ( '{$this->in_Name}', '{$this->in_Email}', '{$this->in_Comment}')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("MySQL Error"); if ($result) { echo 'Success!'; } else { echo 'Failed to add comment!'; } } public function getComments() { $query = "SELECT name, email, comment FROM comments"; $result = mysql_query($query); $this->in_Comments = array(); // Initialise array while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) // Loop through query results and add rows into array { $this->in_Comments[] = $row['name'] . ' - ' . $row['email'] . ' - ' . $row['comment']; } return $this->in_Comments; } } // Call get comments function and output result. $in_comment = new Comment; $in_comment->getComments(); $comment_array = $in_comment->getComments(in_Comments); foreach ($comment_array as $row ) // Output each row { echo $row . '<br />'; } ?> The only other question I have about it is this: At the minute I'm concatenating the rows returned by the query $row['name'] . $row['email'] . $row['comment'] How would I got about creating an array where the first row would contain an individual value for name, one for email and one for comment, I guess what I want to do is create a multi dimensional array.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to get my head around OOP and have created the following script. All i want it to do at the minute is for the getComments method to return a value, which can then be echoed onto the screen. I can't figure out why it's not working, I'm sure I'm missing something really simple. Thanks for any help. <?php /** * Filename: class.comment.php * Date: 22 October 2008 **/ // Include config.php - allows access to database. include('config.php'); class Comment { private $in_CommentId; private $in_Name; private $in_Email; private $in_Comment; public $in_Comments; public function __construct() { $this->in_Name = $name; $this->in_Email = $email; $this->in_Comment = $comment; } public function addComment() { $query = "INSERT INTO comments (name, email, comment) VALUES ( '{$this->in_Name}', '{$this->in_Email}', '{$this->in_Comment}')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("MySQL Error"); if ($result) { echo 'Success!'; } else { echo 'Failed to add comment!'; } } public function getComments() { $this->in_Comments = "Why isn't this displaying?"; return $this->in_Comments; } } // call get comments function and output result. $in_comment = new Comment(); $in_comment->getComments(); $value = $in_comment->getComments->$this->in_Comments; echo 'You said ' . $value; ?>
  3. For anyone who's interested, the article that I got the code from is here http://www.talkphp.com/advanced-php-programming/1304-how-use-singleton-design-pattern.html
  4. Just a quick query for you: If you have the following code, which is a singleton to create a database connection. Where does/could this code get the database connection details from? <?php class Database { // Store the single instance of Database private static $m_pInstance; private function __construct() { ... } public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$m_pInstance) { self::$m_pInstance = new Database(); } return self::$m_pInstance; } // Prevent singleton from being cloned private function __clone() { } } ?> Cheers
  5. I found this tutorial quite useful. http://www.killerphp.com/tutorials/object-oriented-php/php-objects-page-1.php
  6. I'd imagine you need to change the maximum upload size in the php.ini and it should be straight forward from there?
  7. The $_GET needs to appear on the page which needs the information from the url.
  8. Say you have a page with a list of users and by clicking on their name you can view their profile. This is how you could do it with $_GET users.php - lists users <html><head><title>Profile list</title></head> <body> <a href="view_profile.php?profile_id=1" > Profile of user 1</a> <a href="view_profile.php?profile_id=2" > Profile of user 2</a> <a href="view_profile.php?profile_id=3" > Profile of user 3</a> </body> </html> Notice the links, they have ?profile_id=1 and so on. When you click on that link you will be taken to a page called view_profile.php with the profile_id variable appended onto the end of the url. In this next page, to show the profile you need to 'get' that variable from the url. view_profile.php - view the profile of selected user. <?php // Get profile ID to show $profile_id = $_GET['profile_id']; // No error checking is done here so do not use this code as is. // you'll need to change the values here to suit your db $query = "SELECT profile_id, name, email FROM users WHERE profile_id = $profile_id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("There was an error"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); ?> <html><head><title>Profile of User <?php echo $profile_id; ?></title></head> <body> <h1>Profile - <?php echo $row['id'] . ' - ' . $row['name'] ;?> </h1> Email - <?php echo $row['email'] ;?> </body> </html> You need to change the $row[''] to suit the db field value you want to show. $row['name'] shows data from the name column in your db $row['email'] shows data from the email column in your db I hope this clears things up a little for you.
  9. Solved: I replaced return with echo in each of the methods.
  10. note: when I say function I actually mean method
  11. This is a script about books. details are title, author first name and last name, and price. I've created a class 'book', and functions to get the title, names and price which all work individually. However I've created a function to call the above 3 functions, but am getting an error: call to undefined function and can't figure out exactly why. any help would be appreciated. <?php class book { public $_Title; public $_FirstName; public $_LastName; public $_Price; public function __construct($title, $firstname, $lastname, $price) { $this->_Title = $title; $this->_FirstName = $firstname; $this->_LastName = $lastname; $this->_Price = $price; } public function getTitle() { return $this->_Title; } public function getAuthor() { return $this->_FirstName . ' ' . $this->_LastName; } public function getPrice() { return '£'.$this->_Price; } public function showBookDetails() { getTitle(); getAuthor(); getPrice(); } } $item1 = new book( "OOP and PHP", "Andrew", "Bell", 9.99 ); print $item1->getTitle(); print $item1->getAuthor(); print $item1->getPrice(); print $item1->showBookDetails(); $item2 = new book( "PHP Cookbook", "Joe", "Bloggs", 29.99 ); print $item2->getTitle(); print $item2->getAuthor(); print $item2->getPrice(); print $item2->showBookDetails(); ?>
  12. You've lost me with this? I'm running 5.2.5. Is there an example you could give me for this to explain what you mean? Thanks
  13. Hi I'm trying to get my head around OOP and MVC. I'm wondering whether I have it right with the following code - also attached as a zip file. model.php <?php class Student { /* These are some of the properties */ var $Name; var $Gender; var $GradeLevel; var $Schedule; /* Constructor. Called as soon as we create a student */ function Student($studentName, $studentGender) { $this->Name = $studentName; $this->Gender = $studentGender; } function goToClass() { } function rideTheBus($busNumber) { $statement = $this->Name . " rides bus number " . $busNumber; return $statement; } function skipSchool() { } function changeGender() { if ($this->Gender == "Female") { $this->Gender = "Male"; } else { $this->Gender = "Female"; } } } ?> view.php <?php include "model.php"; include "control.php"; print $a_student->Gender; print "<br>"; print $b_student->Gender; print "<br>"; print $c_student->Gender . " " . $c_student->Name; print $a_student->rideTheBus("65"); print $c_student->Gender; // this will print "Male" now... ?> control.php <?php $a_student = new Student("John","Male"); $b_student = new Student("Mary","Female"); $c_student = new Student("Larry","Female"); $c_student->changeGender(); ?> Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. Hi Is there an easier way to write this pseudo code script so that I don’t have to write the form out twice? At the moment I have separated the form html into a separate script and I'm just doing an include to call it in. if { // form has been submitted // process form if { //error when processing form // output error // show form (include form.html) } } else { // form hasn’t been submitted //show form (include form.html) } Thanks for any advice. Stephen
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