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Everything posted by Twister1004

  1. Oooh, I see the issue. Ummmm, in the menu where it has , home, products, and about, in the CSS you should put background-repeat:no-repeat; That should fix the problem.
  2. Word of warning about that compatibility; Never code it to Firefox. You will screw over every browser. Always code to IE and then make the necessary changes.
  3. Hey everyone! I have a simple yet complicated problem. lol. I'm making a comment page on the same as a profile page. However, I don't know Javascript, so that means it's a little more difficult. Objective: I want to make the comment box in a scrolling box, not write able (Unless PHP is entered). I have tried to use a textarea, however it will displays the <br/>. I have tried frameset. Any other ideas are accepted =)
  4. It's not exactly over the field but it works. So thanks again =D
  5. Thanks bliljerk, This is what I asked for in a way. You have also just increased my CSS now =D. New thing I didn't think was possible. Thank you everyone!
  6. For a PHP driven site, I would suggest you learn SQL as well, for database contact =). a fully PHP driven site is not as easy as it sounds. Just make a page in HTML Then add some PHP content inside where you need it. It is good practice.
  7. Wouldn't that cause confiscations? Edit: Yes it did as I suspected. Thanks for your suggestion though =)
  8. Hey everyone! I have a question or ask if it may be possiable. I am wanting to post an image over an <input type="text" /> field. However, I don't believe I can just stick a src="" thing in there. So is there another way to use it like this?
  9. Ahh, I see your point wise one! I also see why I seemed for it to not work right. The SQL was partly messed up from where I altered it. Although, I didn't think I could reset the pointer until your last post sparked my idea to reset it to 0. Thank you very much uniflare. <3. Fixed script. $gettickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cype_tickets` WHERE `name` = '{$_SESSION['pname']}' AND `status` = 'Open' ORDER BY `ticketid` DESC")or die(mysql_error()); $getnumber = mysql_num_rows($gettickets); $NumberTicket = 0; while($tickets = mysql_fetch_array($gettickets)){ echo " <tr> <th> " . ++$NumberTicket . " </th> <td> <a href =\"?cype=ucp&page=ticket&a=$tickets[ticketid]&ticket=Yes\"> " . $tickets['title'] . " </a> </td> <td> " . $tickets['date'] . " </td> <th> " . $tickets['status'] . " </th> </tr> "; } echo " </table>"; //Check to see if the user has more than five tickets open. $pointerReset = mysql_data_seek($gettickets, 0); $opentick = mysql_fetch_array($gettickets); if($getnumber >= 5 && $opentick['status'] == "Open"){ echo "<b><center>Please wait until one of your tickets is solved before creating another one.</center></b>"; } else{ echo " <center> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Create Ticket\" onclick='parent.window.location = \"?cype=ucp&page=ticket&ticket=create\"' /> </center> "; }
  10. Ok, I just tested it, and I can't really move the pointer where it needs to go due to other people are also using this as well. Meaning that the pointer will select the incorrect place to check for the tickets, and check if they have made more than five; which will always be true.
  11. I'm going to try it as soon as I figure out how, It just seems, by reading it, that it only moves a pointer to that row, and not everything.
  12. Well, I've never had a problem when I've used it like this, but I will see if that will fix it. I'm still open to suggestions though =). Thank you uniflare. Edit: I do not need this function, uniflare. From what I've read this will tell you where your pointer is, or tell it to pick that row.
  13. Hey everyone! How are you doing? Well, I'm glad you ok, or doing ok. But I have an Issue I would like to ask of your help. Objective: Figure out why this script isn't executing correctly. Problem: Well, like earlier, I'm making a ticketing system, but I can't seem where I went wrong. Issue: It will show the previous tickets EXCEPT the last ticket created by the user. PHP Partial with the problem. $gettickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cype_tickets` WHERE `name` = '{$_SESSION['pname']}' ORDER BY `ticketid` DESC")or die(mysql_error()); $getnumber = mysql_num_rows($gettickets); $opentick = mysql_fetch_array($gettickets); $NumberTicket = 0; while($tickets = mysql_fetch_array($gettickets)){ echo " <tr> <th> " . ++$NumberTicket . " </th> <td> <a href =\"?cype=ucp&page=ticket&a=$tickets[ticketid]&ticket=Yes\"> " . $tickets['title'] . " </a> </td> <td> " . $tickets['date'] . " </td> <th> " . $tickets['status'] . " </th> </tr> "; } echo " </table>"; //Check to see if the user has more than five tickets open. if($getnumber >= 5 && $opentick['status'] == "Open"){ echo "<b><center>Please wait until one of your tickets is solved before creating another one.</center></b>"; } else{ echo " <center> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Create Ticket\" onclick='parent.window.location = \"?cype=ucp&page=ticket&ticket=create\"' /> </center> "; } I've been on this for about 1 hour and I've not figure it out, with multiple testing. It is more than likely a stupid mistake, but I can't seem to find it. Thank you for your help and for reading this.
  14. Never mind, I found another way around it =D. Thank you for your help! <3
  15. Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Well, I'm back again with another issue I can't seem to logicaly figure out (Probably thinking too hard). Objective: I'm making a ticket system for a group I'm with, and what I want to do is kinda tricky. Well to me anyways. Issue: I can't seem to logically think out how to increase the ticket number available by the user's name. Meaning, a person can only have a max number of 5 tickets. So I am trying to figure out in a function how to check for a user's name and increase its value. File I've made. (Note: It's not the whole file. This is the part of the file that is only affecting this.) $_SESSION['pname'] = "Twister"; function ticketNumber(){ $countID = 0; $countTickets = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cype_tickets` WHERE `name` = 'Twister'"); while($countTicks = mysql_fetch_array($countTickets)){ ++$countID; return $countID; } } echo ticketNumber(); $gettickets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cype_tickets` WHERE `name` = '{$_SESSION['pname']}' ORDER BY `ticketid` DESC LIMIT 6")or die(mysql_error()); $getnumber = mysql_num_rows($gettickets); $opentick = mysql_fetch_array($gettickets); while($tickets = mysql_fetch_array($gettickets)){ echo " <table border=\"1\"> <tr> <th> " . $tickets['ticketid'] . " </th> <td> <a href =\"?cype=main&page=ticket&a=$tickets[ticketid]&v=yes\"> " . $tickets['title'] . " </a> </td> <td> " . $tickets['date'] . " </td> <th> " . $tickets['status'] . " </th> </tr> "; } echo " </table>"; if($getnumber >= 5 && $opentick['status'] == "Open"){ echo "<b><center>Please wait until one of your tickets is solved before creating another one.</center></b>"; } else{ echo " <center> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Create Ticket\" onclick='parent.window.location = \"?cype=ucp&page=ticket&ticket=create\"' /> </center> "; } Thank you for your help.
  16. Well, the main one I wanted to do was color and urls. But, anyways, Thanks for the help again
  17. I fixed, I just needed to put a variable there! Ok, nect question, how would I be able to put [-color=green] and make it green? I've not figured it out yet.
  18. Thank you for the script from microsoft, however, I wish to try and make one.
  19. ok, Well, I just wrote a few codes, but they doesn't wanna work. Any ideas what I did wrongly? xD str_replace(array("[b]", "[/b]"), array("<b>", "</b>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array("[i]", "[/i]"), array("<i>", "</i>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array("[u]", "[/u]"), array("<u>", "</u>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array(" [center]", "[/center] "), array("<center>", "</center>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array(" [right]", "[/right] "), array("<span align=\"right\">", "</span>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array(" [left]", "[/left] "), array("<span align=\"left\">", "</span>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array("[img=http://", "]"), array("<img src = \" \">", "</img>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array("[url=http://", "]", "[/url]"), array("<a href=\"\">","</a>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array("[color]", "[/color]"), array("<font color=\"\">", "</font>"), $c['comment']); str_replace(array("[font]", "[/font]"), array("<font face=\"\">", "</font>"), $c['comment']);
  20. Kay kay!!!! I love you <3333333 *hugs tightly* Thank you =)
  21. OMG CORBIN I LOVE YOU!!! <3 *IS EXCITED~!* I actually get it now =D!!!! str_replace("hey!", "Go die!", "Hey! Tyler!"); So let me get this clear and make sure! 1st parameter ("hey!") Is what it is looking for. 2nd parameter ("Go Die!") is what it will replace once it finds the "hey!". 3rd parameter ("Hey! Tyler!") is the input and will look in this parameter and look for the "hey!" and then it will replace it? Final Clear up, This is my final answer for $50,000!!! IS IT CORRECT?! *Waits for the answer!*
  22. No offense taken Corbin. I'm not easily offended when I'm trying to learn something new. So, by how this is setup (Really confuzzling to me, but still learning its structor), there is a loop going on, and it is named $c. So to do what your saying I need to do, but I think I get it, please correct me if I'm wrong, $code = str_replace("[-b]", "<b>", "bold"); The first one would be if it finds it ([-b]) then it will replace it with <b>. Then the "bold" is its name?
  23. You kinda lost me. Note: I'm not the best in PHP. So how would I do that?
  24. Hey everyone! I have another question, still with my PHP skills still in development =) Objective: I am trying to make a BBCode for a webpage so it will just register it when it sees it. More like Using a Smiley and not the "=P" stuff. This is not for forums. This is for like a little comments on a users profile. Issue: I don't know exactly how to go about this. I was told I was doing it wrong, which now I believe I am, however, I don't know of another way. Either I'm too stupid or I've just never used it. (I've not done anything like this!!!!!) So without further due, here is the original code I wrote, <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); if("[b]" || "[b]"){ echo "<b>"; } elseif("[/b]" || "[/b]"){ echo "</b>"; } elseif("[i]" || "[i]"){ echo "<i>"; } elseif("[/i]" || "[/i]"){ echo "</i>"; } elseif("[u]" || "[u]"){ echo "<u>"; } elseif("[/u]" || "[/u]"){ echo "</u>"; } elseif(" [center]"){ echo "<center>"; } elseif("[/center] "){ echo "</center>"; } elseif(" [right]"){ echo "<span align=\"right\">"; } elseif("[/right] "){ echo "</span>"; } elseif(" [left]"){ echo "<span align=\"left\">"; } elseif("[/left] "){ echo "</span>"; } elseif("[img]http://"){ echo "<img src=\""; } elseif("[/img]"){ echo "\" alt=\"Image\""; } elseif("[url=http://"){ echo "<a href=\"$\">"; } elseif("]"){ echo "<a href=\"$\">"; } elseif("[/url]"){ echo "</a>"; } elseif("[font]"){ echo "<font face=\""; } elseif("[/font]"){ echo "\"</font>"; } elseif("[color]"){ echo "<font color=\""; } elseif("[/color]"){ echo "\"</font>"; } elseif("" || "=)"){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/smile.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif("" || "=P"){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/tounge.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif(":/" || "=/"){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/bored.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif(""){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/lol.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif("" || ">=("){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/mad.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif("" || "=O"){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/smile.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif("" || "=("){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/sad.gif\" alt=\"sad\""; } elseif(":wink:" || "^_~" || "" || ""){ echo "<img src=\"parser/smileys/wink.gif\" alt=\"wink\""; } ?> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  25. Ok so what is your suggestion for fixing that? Is there some type of function to prevent that?
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