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  1. This is my RSS managed to work except for one last thing.... all relative links arent working properly, namely links and images. http://www.phyllisquek.com/feed/test/ How do i correct it? All my web links are in relative, example, /content/image.jpg I tired str replace by replacing all src=" and href=" to src="www.exmaple.com/ and href="www.example.com/ But this would screw up all external links and images like http://www.cnn.com Help! :'(
  2. alright so i managed to get things working by refering to the website as well as the format from blogger and wordpress... Seems to be working but using the validator, there are some errors that i dunno how to solve.... anyone can help me? http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fphyllisquek.com%2Ffeed%2F Also, in mozilla, when i right click to view source, its just a ugly chunk of data unlike other website where tags and certain text are colored and bold
  3. also the file would be feed.rss right?? Will .RSS extention run php?? Or am i suppose to use php to create an RSS file? Then wouldnt that mean i have to modify my "ADD NEWS" php such that everything i add/modify a news, my RSS file would get updated? A bit troublesome...
  4. Im stuck on the structure of RSS.... There are things like CDATA, guid and there are no <p> for paragraphs.
  5. Basically I created an entire PHP website from scratch and did not use CMS like Wordpress. EXAMPLE OF MY DATABASE Title: example Date: 2009-09-09 [time not recorded] Article: <p><img src="xxx"></p><p>Today there was a huge thunderstorm</p> Link of page: article.php?id=23 Now I wanna generate an RSS feed such that it could fit into a website such as http://blog.xin.sg/Singapore some RSS features that i think are required are [*]Title [*]Description (think it excludes videos and images, perhaps just a few lines of text) [*]Content (think it includes videos and images) [*]PubDate [*]Link to article [*]Link to comments But now the question is I'm completely new to RSS. I have no idea how to do it cuz its quite different from HTML. There are things like CDATA, guid and there are no <p> for paragraphs. Is there any tutorial online that or anyone can teach me how to do it step by step?
  6. yes the iframe is on index page http://www.phyllisquek.com http://www.phyllisquek.com/index.php they're the same.
  7. This is my webby http://phyllisquek.com/filmo.php I have installed a feature that redirects pages to its parent page and loading them inside its iframe. However, when u click on other pages, the top part remains as http://phyllisquek.com/?/filmo.php Question is how do i juz remove the whole damn thing and turn it to just http://phyllisquek.com/ which is actually its true url?
  8. I made my php website using iframe. U can see the pages refreshes in the same area http://www.sgdrugstore.com However, when i enter the url directly in browsers will result in this http://www.sgdrugstore.com/prod.php http://www.sgdrugstore.com/product.php?id=27 Question is how do i do some sort of checking whether the page is loaded within the iframe or not? In javascript its something like this if (self == top){ var url = self.location.pathname; self.location = "index.php?" + url; // name of parent page } I know the concept of how to do it in php but i juz dunno how to type this line in php....how do i type this line?? self == top This is my concept In other pages checking if its self=top if top, create cookie In home page check if cookie exist if exist then redirect iframe src to that cookie page Anyone can help me or have any other methods?
  9. This is the answer i had been looking for
  10. That would result in duplicate output 1. Soccer 2. Basketball 3. Soccer 4. Baseball 5. Rugby
  11. Nope, aint working this is my sql table IDSportsName 10SoccerJohn 9BasketballAlan 8SoccerDean 7BaseballCalvin 6RugbyTosh 5GolfTobey 4BaseballPeter 3SoccerMicheal 2GolfPatrick 1BaseballLuke I wanna get the 5 latest Sports that the new members have chosen which should be... 1. Soccer 2. BasketBall 3. Baseball 4. Rugby 5. Golf Select CATEGORY FROM newtable order by ID desc LIMIT 0,1 Will get... 1. Soccer 2. Basketball 3. Soccer 4. Baseball 5. Rugby 6. Golf 7. Baseball 8. Soccer 9. Golf 10. Baseball
  12. Original text: "Hello World" ==CASE 1== Turning extra alphabets after position 7 to "..." output: "Hello W..." ==CASE 2== Showing WORDS that comes before position 7. output: "Hello..." Could someone tell me what functions do i use for both cases?
  13. How do I write this SQL statement such that i could get that output? "Getting the category of the latest updated news." ==SQL Table== ID CATEGORY 76 Sports 75 Sports 74 Entertainment 73 Sports 72 Business 71 World 70 Business ==OUTPUT== Sports Entertainment Business World There are still some more other data in the SQL Table such as news title, date etc. I just need the sql statement for "Getting the category of the latest updated news." Mine was "Select distinct last(cat) order by ID desc" but it couldn't work. I added the LAST() was because if not it will look like this ==SQL Table== 76 Sports . . . 6 Sports 5 Entertainment 4 Sports 3 Business 2 World 1 Business ==OUTPUT== Entertainment Sports World Business Any kind soul to help me?? thanks!!
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