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Everything posted by tradm

  1. <?php $database = new SQLiteDatabase('../database/crimson_forum.db', $error); sqlite_exec($database); // create databas $db = sqlite_open('../database/crimson_forum.db') or die("Could Not open Database"); $question = 'CREATE Table forum_question ( "id", INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "topic" TEXT NOT NULL, "detail" TEXT NOT NULL, "name" TEXT NOT NULL, "email" TEXT NOT NULL, "datetime" TEXT NOT NULL, "view" INTEGER NOT NULL, "reply" INTEGER NOT NULL)'; $answer = 'CREATE TABLE forum_answer ( "question_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "a_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "a_name" TEXT NOT NULL, "a_email" TEXT NOT NULL, "a_answer"TEXT NOT NULL, "a_datetime" TEXT NOT NULL, "a_id" INTEGER UNIQUE)'; sqlite_exec($db, $question) or die("Could Not Insert Table From Sql"); sqlite_exec($db, $answer) or die("Could Not Insert Table From Sql"); sqlite_close($db); ?>
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