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Everything posted by sloth456

  1. Difficult to understand exactly what your problem is. But if you're able to parse out the xml then why not echo it out between span tags that you can then apply CSS styling to?
  2. Hmm the query looks fine to me, I would suggest you do an echo $query; just after you define it, to see if it looks right. Then the only thing I can think of is that you're inserting into the wrong column or something :/
  3. I downloaded your login.php It's quite clear that you've not used the header command properly, because you've already outputed content to the page. The header command can only be used before you output any content.
  4. Do an fopen statement and put what you got into a string called $text. Then do a str_replace to replace --Document End-- with nothing. Then something like this $newtext=$text.$newline."--Document End--"; Then rewrite the old file with $newtext.
  5. Those kind of sites use the $_GET variable combined with a switch statement to display different content depending on the variable in the URL. Go research
  6. where ever there's a space use %20, that should do the trick, hopefully.
  7. hmm, strange, looks fine to me. Do you think maybe your host prevents outgoing requests like that? Maybe you could try using cURL instead?
  8. Read up on the header command: http://uk.php.net/header Take note of what it says:
  9. yeah, just make sure when you update the file that you first remove the old --Document End-- and post a new --Document End-- at the bottom. Is that a satisfactory solution?
  10. Either find a way to bypass it through a security flaw or start collecting a library of questions to give correct answers to. Fraid that's all I can think of. Or maybe you could get a human to do it for you some how using amazon's mturk function
  11. doesn't the url have to be prefixed with http://
  12. 2 options I can think of: 1) Don't call everything at once, make a link for each name that goes to something like getotherdetails.php?name=<echo the name here> and the have that page get the name value with $_GET and run a seperate SQL query to go retrive the information and echo it out. 2) Call everything and use some javascript to hide the extra info by default and then when the name is clicked the info shows up.
  13. Aha! so that's how to use the LIKE statement properly. Thanks, that works really well.
  14. Ok. Sorry if this has been asked before. I have a MYSQL database with just one column. This is what it has in it. blue yellow bluething blue thing thingblue I want to search this column for "blue" and have it return not just the first row, but any other column that contains the string "blue" anywhere within it. So it would return all those rows except "yellow". Just doing a WHERE statement will only return an exact match. Doing a LIKE statement would be better but wouldn't that only return "blue","blue thing" and "bluething" and not "thing blue"? Hope someone can help.
  15. seems like a pretty good technique. You know how to implement this right?
  16. maybe use str_replace to replace both sets of tags with blanks.
  17. \n|\r is safer because that would explode by new line or return key.
  18. I think the least resource intensive is just to have the script check if the id actually exists and if not go one back/further.
  19. I'm not an expert on making it all secure. But certainly I would definately check payments recorded on your database against the reciepts generated in your paypal account to make absolutely sure the payment has come through.
  20. As per your requirements. I don't understand why you're asking us?
  21. Each of the payment portals have different ways of communicating with them. It is best to pick one (I suggest paypal as you have mentioned) and read up on the documentation they provide. One simple way to do it with paypal is to create a paypal button that has variables such as "price" and "title of item being bought" and what the "thank you page" is. When clicked the user is sent to paypal where they enter their details and pay and once the payment is complete they are sent to a thank you page that you specify, this can be a php file that creates records in databases etc. You can either get paypal to pass data to the thank you page, such as what they bought, etc; or you can setup a seperate thank you page for each item and in the paypal button you create just specify the appropiate thank you page. There are of course much more secure ways of doing it, I was just giving a vague example. Main thing is to go read up on the documentation provided at the payment portal.
  22. 1) It works for your client but not you? Despite the server being the same? Perhaps your spam filters are blocking the mail. 2) You can't simply eliminate the javascript. It wouldn't work anymore, you'd have to replace it with something else. 3) It would make good sense to replace the javascript with a much more robust php solution. The current javascript is unreliable, as I have said before, it requires the surfer to have javascript turned on. The actual php coding to make something like this isn't massively difficult, I can't think of somewhere you could get something ready made of the top of my head though. Good luck.
  23. Wow, thats a lot of javascript code. I personally hate javascript and can't get my head around it. But you say it all worked fine of the previous host. I can only conclude that the problem is one of the following: 1) You have not kept the same file structure 2) You have not uploaded all the previous files 3) Your client doesn't have javascript enabled or something for some strange reason 4) Your new host doesn't have support for some of the commands Solution, either find someone better than me to fix your problem, move back to the old host or contact your host and see if they can help, check that they provide support for everything in the code. I personally think #1 or #2 are most likely. So just make sure you definately have everything and that is uploaded in the right place. Sorry I couldn't of been of more help to you. By the way, just a note, a lot of your form submission is reliant on javascript which users sometimes have turned off, stopping it from working, what you have is not the ideal solution.
  24. Would you be willing to attach all files used to run this. That way I can upload it to my own hosting and play around with it. I would change everything so that the emails would only send to me, but you might want to warn the client and say that he may get some test mails just in case. It sounds to me like the first file isn't sending the data to the reserv-1.php
  25. ok I just copied the code you've provided to my host. Ran it and it worked fine. I got the follwoing email: ============================================================== New Reservation Request sent 19 December 2008 9:43:2 ============================================================== CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Email: Phone: RESERVATION REQUEST Tour: Type: Date(s) Adults: Children: Hotel: Arrival: COMMENTS AND SPECIAL REQUESTS: ============================================================== So the email sent definately is not blank. There are however no values next to each title. But this is because I only ran the mail sending part without defining values. When you uploaded the script did you make sure that the existing file structure was the same and that /includes/generalFunctions.php and /includes/language/language.php where present?
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