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  1. shaney

    Php ini

    All the php scripts that i use ie coppermine phplinkk directory require an admin email address, if this matches the email address in php.in the mail sends fine. This would be fine if i was just using server for my own site but i want to let others users use coppermin etc
  2. shaney

    Php ini

    May be I should have posted this in PHP Installation, sorry I did not see the link.
  3. shaney

    Php ini

    Any body got any ideas on this problem or somewere i can get more info...Many thanks
  4. shaney

    Php ini

    I have been looking at the posts and they all seem to be about code before it reaches php server, i am wondering if i am in the right place for the help i need. I am thinking that i may need to go to a server type forum, can somone recomend one please.....many thanks
  5. shaney

    Php ini

    I have been googling and still canot find a and anwser to this.....any idears
  6. shaney

    Php ini

    I did look for free smtp server but got a little confused as to wether or not they could sent mail from php script.....could you recommend a free service just encase what I am trying to do is not possible.
  7. shaney

    Php ini

    I have about 20 different websites running on my server, I use mybb forum, coppermine gallery and a few others they all require a php mail address in there setup page. The mail system on my website works fine but unless I use my email address on other people’s forums/galleys that I host, their mail will not work. Obviously I do not want to receive other people’s forum or gallery admin email. Sorry if this is a bit confusing as i am doing my best to explain....lol
  8. shaney

    Php ini

    Hello Forum, First off I am no expert were it comes to anything php, I hope someone can give me a little help on a problem I have. I setup a windows server 2003, php, mysql etc a few years ago and all is working very well. I host two of my own sites and quite a few charity sites, my problem now is that many of the charity sites want to use some of the php programmes I am using ie forum and photo gallery. I have set these up on there sites but am having problem getting there email to send via php mail. I am quite sure that I ether have to add something to my php.ini or make other php.ini on my server, maybe I am wrong Here is what I have now: [mail function] ; For Win32 only. SMTP = localhost smtp_port = 25 sendmail_from= admin@websitename.co.uk ; For Win32 only. sendmail_from = admin@websitename.co.uk This works fine for my site, but how do I add more address. Any help would be welcome many thanks……..Shaney
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