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  1. Thanks For all the help. I actually found a flash/php forum. Thanks Bendeguz
  2. Thanks Guys I did try to research but there is limited information that i can find. I am not a flash guy or a php guru. All i did is purchase a template and I did not get the full php script with the template. I am just a business owner that is trying to fix it so i can have my page up and running. The people i bought the template off of seem to ignore my emails because it's been 6-7 days and i did not get ant replies back from them. This is why i came here to php freaks because i thought that someone would be able to help me with this problem. The reason why i bought this template is because it was supposed to be easy to edit. It came with all the instructions how and what to edit in the php but when i opened the php there was only one line in it. I have been searching on google for days and i did not find any info that was helpful to me. All i am asking for is for some one to point out where i have to add the variables from the flash into the php script that i posted in one of the replies. I just don't know what and where to change in the php to make it work. You would not even have to write me any script just let me know where i should make the changes in the php so it would work with the variables in the action script. That would be all. Thanks Bendeguz
  3. Thanks Thorpe I am not asking anyone to write the script for me, I provided the php script that i found. All i am asking is for some one to point me in the right direction where i would have to change the variables in the php to make it work with the flash action script. I thought that this forum is for helping but by the looks of it no one is willing to help. For someone that knows php it would probably take less than 5 minutes to answer. Again i am not asking anyone to write the script just help me point out where and what i would have to change to make the script work with the flash. That would be it. Thanks Bendeguz
  4. Hello Is there any way some one could point me in the right direction? I still have no feedback from the people i bougth the template from. Thanks Bendeguz
  5. Hello Would anyone be able to explane where to add my variables into the php script i added. I am a newbie to php and i am not sure what i am doing. All help would be appreciated, Thanks Bendeguz
  6. Could anyone help please. Thanks in advance Bendeguz
  7. I will add the screenshot from flash maybe it will help you guys to explain a little more. Thanks Bendeguz [/img] [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. Hello I just need someone to point out where i have to put the variables into the php script that i found. I don't want to re write the AS script. The variables are in the previous reply. Thanks bendeguz
  9. Where do you add the variables from the AS in to the php? my variables are _namex _emailx _phonex _commx Can someone point it out where to add the variables into the php script i found. Maybe it will work. Thanks
  10. Hey Guys I have found a php contact form script i was wondering if you can help me in pointing out what i would have to change in order for it to work with the AS in flash: here is the php code that i found I am not sure if i can use this. I hopw someone can help. Thanks Bendeguz <?php // IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT change anything that has a $ before it // Any line that has two slashes in front of it is a comment (and will be ignored by this script) /* // In case register globals is off (backwards compatibility) // If you add additional input text fields - you need to add them here as well // for example, if you add a text field with a variable "Phone", add: // $phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Phone']; // Remember -- you would then also need to add them in the 'Remove Slashes' section // as $phone (for example), and somewhere in the 'msg_body' below // I have added this example in to the script below to help give you a guide */ $message = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Message']; $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Name']; $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Email']; $phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Phone']; // Begin Censors $message = eregi_replace('fuck', "flip", $message); $message = eregi_replace('shit', "crap", $message); $message = eregi_replace('bitch', "nice lady", $message); $message = eregi_replace('ass', "butt", $message); $message = eregi_replace('piss', "pee", $message); // End Censors // Remove Slashes Inserted by PHP $name = stripslashes($name); $email = stripslashes($email); $phone = stripslashes($phone); $message = stripslashes($message); // Start Customizable Email Information // Change the information in quotes below to fit your needs $rec_email = "kmajszki@mountaincable.net"; // who do you want to send this email to $subject = "Form From Web Page"; // this is the subject line of the email // End Customizable Email Information // The Body of the Email message // You can customize the email you receive by changing the text inside the quotes below // The code "\n" (without quotes) will add a new line in the email body // Don't forget to add extra '$msg_body .=' // for each additional input field you have added to your form // IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT change anything that has a $ before it $msg_body = "Message from $SERVER_NAME\n"; $msg_body .= "*****************************************\n"; $msg_body .= "Name: $name\n"; $msg_body .= "E-Mail: $email\n"; $msg_body .= "Phone: $phone\n"; $msg_body .= "*****************************************\n"; $msg_body .= "Message: $message\n"; $msg_body .= "\n\n"; $msg_body .= "\n\n"; $msg_body .= "\n\n"; $msg_body .= "\n\n"; $msg_body .= "*****************************************\n"; $msg_body .= "\n\n"; $msg_body .= "Additional Sender Information\n"; $msg_body .= "*****************************************\n"; $msg_body .= "IP Address: $REMOTE_ADDR\n"; $HostName = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $msg_body .= "Host: $HostName\n"; $msg_body .= "User Agent: $HTTP_USER_AGENT\n"; $msg_body .= "*****************************************\n"; // Add Some Extra Header Information to the Mail $header_info = "From: ".$name." <".$email.">"; // Now let's take the information above and mail it to the recipient mail($rec_email, $subject, $msg_body, $header_info); ?>
  11. Thanks guys for replying. the problem is that i really have no clue how php works. I expected just to change the email address in the php and it would work but when i opened it up it only had one line that was it _root.Status=success as i said i purchased the template but i cannot get a hold of the people that sold me the template it's been 4 days and no one got back to me. This is why i came here because most people know how php works i have not got a clue. it was supposed to be an easy set up because it's an xml flash template and i have done all the pictures and all the text but when i was going to add my email to the php i discovered that there was just that one line in there. This is why i am asking you php gurus maybe you can help me out. Thanks Bendeguz
  12. Could anyone explain how to make a php script for this email form? I am very new to php and don't really understand it yet. I am willing to learn and write the code if some one can explane how this exactly corespondes with the action script in flash. I would like to have my site up and running but my email is not working. Is there anyway one of you guys could help me. I have been trying to get a hold of the people that sold me the template but sofar it's been 4 days and I have not Heard anything from them. All i need is that the form sends me the email that's it i guess it would be a simple email form. No return mail is required to the sender and i would be using an existing email address not through a server but just a regular email like geroge@yahoo.com. Thanks Guys Bendeguz
  13. Hello all I have bought a template and i cannot get the php working. I mean i am not much for php but i think the file should be more than just what it says in the php file for the contact form. I mean this would be a simple contact form that just sends the email info to lets say johnny@yahoo.com, it does not have to send a thank you mail to the sender. THanks and any help would be appreciated. I tryed to contact the place i purchased the template from but i have not received anything from them in 4 days. Now the code below is for the MailPHP.php _root.Status=success this is all it says in the MailPHP.php i think it should be more. the variables in flash are: txtName=_namex txtMail=_emailx txtPhone=_phonex txtMessage=_commx Now in the actionscript in flash i have this code: function validateEmail(strEmail) { return (strEmail.indexOf("@") < 2 || strEmail.lastIndexOf(".") <= strEmail.indexOf("@") + 2 || strEmail.lastIndexOf(".") > strEmail.length - 3 || strEmail.length < 8 ? (false) : (true)); } // End of the function function clearForm() { new mx.transitions.Tween(txtName, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 0, 5.000000E-001, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMail, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 0, 5.000000E-001, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(txtPhone, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 0, 5.000000E-001, true); var _loc1 = new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMessage, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 0, 5.000000E-001, true); _loc1.onMotionFinished = function () { txtMessage.text = "Message"; txtName.text = "Name"; txtMail.text = "Email"; txtPhone.text = "Phone"; new mx.transitions.Tween(txtName, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMail, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(txtPhone, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMessage, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, txtMail._alpha, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); }; } // End of the function stop (); mcolorx = _root.mcolorx; new Color(_Error1).setRGB(mcolorx); new Color(_Error2).setRGB(mcolorx); new Color(_Error3).setRGB(mcolorx); new Color(_Error4).setRGB(mcolorx); btnOver = function (MC) { new mx.transitions.Tween(MC._txtMC, "_alpha", normal, MC._txtMC._alpha, 50, 2.000000E-001, true); }; btnOut = function (MC) { new mx.transitions.Tween(MC._txtMC, "_alpha", normal, MC._txtMC._alpha, 100, 2.000000E-001, true); }; _Nxt.btn.onRollOver = function () { btnOver(_Nxt); }; _Nxt.btn.onRollOut = function () { btnOut(_Nxt); }; stop (); txtName.onSetFocus = function () { if (txtName.text == "Name") { txtName.text = ""; } // end if }; txtName.onKillFocus = function () { if (txtName.text == "" || txtName.text == " ") { txtName.text = "Name"; new mx.transitions.Tween(txtName, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } // end if }; txtMail.onSetFocus = function () { if (txtMail.text == "Email") { txtMail.text = ""; } // end if }; txtMail.onKillFocus = function () { if (txtMail.text == "" || txtMail.text == " ") { txtMail.text = "Email"; new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMail, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } // end if }; txtPhone.text = "Phone"; txtPhone.onSetFocus = function () { if (txtPhone.text == "Phone") { txtPhone.text = ""; } // end if }; txtPhone.onKillFocus = function () { if (txtPhone.text == "" || txtMessage.text == " ") { txtPhone.text = "Phone"; new mx.transitions.Tween(txtPhone, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } // end if }; txtMessage.text = "Message"; txtMessage.onSetFocus = function () { if (txtMessage.text == "Message") { txtMessage.text = ""; } // end if }; txtMessage.onKillFocus = function () { if (txtMessage.text == "" || txtMessage.text == " ") { txtMessage.text = "Message"; new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMessage, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } // end if }; _Nxt.btn.onRelease = function () { if (txtName.text == "Name") { new mx.transitions.Tween(txtName, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } else if (!validateEmail(txtMail.text)) { new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMail, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } else if (txtPhone.text == "Phone") { new mx.transitions.Tween(txtPhone, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } else if (txtMessage.text == "Message") { new mx.transitions.Tween(txtMessage, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 5.000000E-001, true); } else { loadVariablesNum("MailPHP.php", 0, "POST"); clearForm(); clearForm(); } // end else if };
  14. Hey Guys Thanks for the script. Now what do i have to change in it in order to work with my action sript from flash cs3? also there are 2 different copies of the script on by Akenatehm and one by waynewex. Which one should i use? Like I said when it comes to php i am a sitting duck. thanks for your help. Bendeguz
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