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Everything posted by plznty

  1. Use a sequence with a very large amounts of permutations available, then check if file exists, if exists from another and loop it.
  2. Thanks both of you. I did make one in the mean time but my god it was badly done. This is much cleaner. Cheers both.
  3. I would like to have a generator that basically creates a certain number of mixed characters. For example 6 characters which use A and B It would randomly produce things such as ABAABA BABABB I cannot think of any basic ways of achieving this. Any help would be appreciated even if its written rather than code. Thank you in advance.
  4. Post on the code and we'll add fixes. It is hard to explain something by not knowing the background.
  5. DIV positioning is what you are looking to do I'm guessing. Which I'm afraid is best using CSS. How you have conducted yourself with replies I can clearly see that you are stubborn. Therefore I'll leave you to get on with it and struggle.
  6. Is this just for one link in particular? or many that you would need a database for?
  7. A website should be viewed the same in every browser, then you have stable grounds to effectively convince others to listen to what you are offering etc. You should not punish the viewer simply because they are using a browser that you do not agree with. Some people may not be as knowledgeable as others when it comes to these things.
  8. So you want a Button click counter? and the number should be saved where? I could help with this info.
  9. Multiple, since it could be stored in the language directory and also is easier for you to organised without calling for the whole script.
  10. You can never be too paranoid unless your government security. About the input of "bad guys" wouldn't this be resolved with an escape string?
  11. If you are low on resources when you could always implement max file size etc.
  12. I would use a uploader on your site for images, since 3rd party things cannot be linked properly to obey your format. However I would enable people to insert embedded youtube code. Perhaps by asking for video ID.
  13. This is confusing, by how you phrased it. However I'll try and help. Perhaps have a include command at the top of your file that gets your functions. Post in full detail please.
  14. I'm pretty sure no ones going to create code for someone when they don't know how your system works. This section of the forum is to help with faulty code whether it be logical error etc. I think AJAX is needed to log for exact users online otherwise your going to need to have users within the last X amount of time.
  15. Cookies could be deleted and sessions would just go. You will need to log ip and then only allow ip's that are not in your database.
  16. I once used text files. The problem is that you end up having a ton of different folders for different users etc. If you are having potentially untrusted people with an access to the back-end then it would be easy for them to cause damage. I had file_get_contents(paths) to link to there folder etc. This is the code I used for editor, if you can extract anything you may need from it feel free. <?php include("include/data.php"); if ($_COOKIE[user] == ($username) && $_COOKIE[pass] == md5($password)) { include("include/config.php"); $welcome = ucwords($_COOKIE[user]); echo "<center><font color='#FFFFFF'><body bgcolor='#000000' link='#FFFFFF' vlink='#FFFFFF' alink='#FFFFFF'>"; if ( $_GET['view'] == contents ) { echo " <b>$welcome's Webpage Editor</b> <p><a href='editor.php?view=website'>Website</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?view=forum'>Forum</a></p>"; } if ( $_GET['view'] == website ) { echo " <b>$welcome's Webpage Editor</b> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=title'>Title</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=bgcolor'>Background Colour</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=logo'>Logo URL</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=txtcolor'>Text Colour</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=link'>Link Colour</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=home'>Home</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=memberlist'>Member list</a></p>"; } if ( $_GET['view'] == forum ) { echo " <b>$welcome's Webpage Editor</b> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forumthreadname'>Forum Thread Name</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forumowner'>Forum Owner</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum1'>Forum Box [1]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum2'>Forum Box [2]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum3'>Forum Box [3]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum4'>Forum Box [4]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum5'>Forum Box [5]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum6'>Forum Box [6]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum7'>Forum Box [7]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum8'>Forum Box [8]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum9'>Forum Box [9]</a></p> <p><a href='editor.php?process=edit&file=forum10'>Forum Box [10]</a></p>"; } if ( $_GET['process'] == edit ) { $data = file_get_contents("./web/$_COOKIE[user]/$_GET[file].txt"); echo " <b>$welcome's Webpage Editor</b> <p>You are editing: $_GET[file]</p> <p><form action='editor.php?process=submit&file=$_GET[file]' method=post><textarea name='data' cols='40' rows='10'>$data</textarea> <p><input type=submit value=Edit></p> </form>"; } if ( $_GET['process'] == submit ) { $myFile = "./web/$_COOKIE[user]/$_GET[file].txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = "$_POST[data]"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "<center><font color='#FFFFFF'><body bgcolor='#000000' link='#FFFFFF' vlink='#FFFFFF' alink='#FFFFFF'><a>Successfully changed</a>"; } }else{ echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=timeout.php">'; } ?> Sorry I could not be any more help to you, maybe if you respond I would like to offer more help.
  17. This is the right idea, I cannot believe you haven't considered dynamic pages before, do a bit of research into dynamic webpages and we will help you if you get stuck on the way.
  18. Ive seen you can use it to play around with subscriptions, is it possible for a subscribe button to be placed on your own webpage? If not how could you use it to an advantage to gain subscribers throughout your own community? http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol_subscriptions.html#Adding_a_subscription Thanks
  19. <?php header('Location: http://www.yoursite.com/'); ?> Taken from - http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php
  20. I doubt your own mum would program for free for a few months or maybe a year for you for free. Just get some cheap freelances, ive seen a few.
  21. Im looking for a cheap vps, around 20-30 GBP p/m. Ive tried vps land and they are pretty, erm how can i put it other than ****. Any other sites or recommendations? Thanks
  22. Its usually set to half video length. For example if the video is exactly 3 minutes long it will take the pic from around 1 min 30 secs. I think you can changle after for it to take from either the first quarter, the middle or the last quarter.
  23. habbo is built in macromedia director and uses shockwave, not java?
  24. I recommend directing the data to a page to check if the sql can be connected to through the input connection details, then to post the data yet again to a filewrite system if it works.
  25. I am making a php application that can be downloaded by others to put on there web server. But for help with backlinks ide like to make the application have a footer at the bottom where the application cant work if they were to delete it. Any help?
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