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Everything posted by webmaster1

  1. The 'desired page' is single page where I want the client to be able to submit text to database I've created. It'll be set up using PHP. There is only one 'desired page' thought I don't want it to be publically accessable.
  2. Sorry about being so incoherent. Hopefully this will help: index.html Contains the regular content of my home page (text and graphics) Also contains a password form (text field, password field and sumbit button). I want PHP to firstly verify the correct user input and secondly redirect the user to the desired page. privatepage.html Contains the content of the private page (text and graphics). I don't think this needs any php.
  3. That went over my head. Is their anything else I can provide to help you lads to help me?
  4. I'm relying on PHP to authenticate the given username and password.
  5. What an expedient response! Here's how most tutorials advise how to password protect a page: Intended Page: <?php include "password_protect_page.php"; ?> PHP Page: <?php session_start(); $admin_user_name = "admin"; $admin_password = "pass"; //you can change the username and password by changing the above two strings if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['user'])) { if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['u_name'])) $u_name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['u_name']; if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['u_password'])) $u_password = $HTTP_POST_VARS['u_password']; if(!isset($u_name)) { ?> <HTML> <BODY bgcolor=#ffffff> A working example can be found here with the username as 'admin' and the password as 'pass': http://www.phpbuddy.com/sample/password_pg.php This IS NOT what I want to do. Instead I want the form (picture below) to be situated in the top right of all of my pages When the correct details are entered I want the user to be redirected to the desired page. The difference is that the tutorials require a url to be followed and only then pulls up the password form. I want the password form to be available on all my page and to redirect upon the users correct submission. I hope this makes sense.
  6. Hi Freaks! I have two text fields (username, password) and a submit button that I want at the top of all my pages for website I'm working on. When its authenticated I want it to redirect to a private page. Most tutorials only show me how to put a link on each page that only when clicked pulls up the text fields and submit button (in a seperate page) upon directing to the url. Can anyone help me out? I'm very new to PHP. ??? Thanks!
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