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Posts posted by AviNahum

  1. assume that the var $txt contain this:

    sad <{img_2}> asd


    i want the output will be 2

    i want all the content that comes before and after the number 2 will removed...

    and its important to me to replace the "<" and ">" with "<" and ">"


    i tried this:

    $img_id = preg_replace("/^(.+?)\<{img_(.+?)\}>(.+?)\$/", "\\2", $txt );


    but its still wont work...


    and thanks for trying to help!

  2. i need some more help and i thought it's will be better if i post it here and dont open a new topic...


    $img_id = preg_replace( "/<{img_(.+?)\}>/", "\\1", $txt );


    this code works fine,

    for example:


    sad <{img_2}> asd


    will be replaced with:

    sad 2 asd


    i want to remove all characters  thats comes before and after the number "2"

    i tried this code:

    $img_id = preg_replace( "/(.+?)\/ /<{img_(.+?)\ /(.+?)\/}>/", "\\2", $txt );


    but its wont work and shows this error:

    Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier '&' in C:\wamp\www\cms\functions.php on line 265


    i tried a few another ways but still it's wont work...



  3. hey,

    i'm trying to convert some special combination to images...


    it's my first time i'm try to use regular expressions...

    this is the function i using:

    public function convert($txt) {
    global $DB;
    $txt = preg_replace( "<{img_(.+?)\}>", "<img src='\\1\.gif'>", $txt );
    return $txt;


    in simple words, i want it to convert the combination <{img_1}> to <img src='1.gif'>

    the number 1 (<{img_1}> ) can change to any number...

    this function wont work and shows me an error:

    Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier 'g' in C:\wamp\www\cms\functions.php on line 260




    ***sorry for poor english***

  4. hey,

    i'm trying to make an option on my CMS ACP to download a full backup of database (mysql)

    and i have no idea how to start...

    i'm not asking for a full code, i just need direction or algorithm...




    ***sorry for poor english***

  5. i trying to get all files that exist in my "uploads" directory...

    im using this code:

    	// Getting out all images from the images directory
    	$dir = 'uploads'; 
    	$files = scandir($dir); 
    	foreach($files as $ind_file){ 
    		echo '<img src="'.$dir.'/'.$ind_file.'" width="120">';


    this code works fine...

    but there is a problem...

    there are only pictures on this folder, and i insert the file name into "<img>" tag in the foreach loop...

    its display all the pictuers but its always shows me 2 pics without a URL....

    those 2 picstures does not exist in this folder!




    ***Sorry for very poor english***

  6. try this code:

    <p>Transfer resaults:</p>
    //connect to base1 server
    $con = mysql_connect("localhost","MYSQL USER","MYSQL PASS");
    if (!$con)
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
    //select the smf database
    mysql_select_db("MYSQL DB", $con);
    // Let's validate all the fields
    //validating credit password
    $select = "SELECT member_id FROM smf_themes WHERE member_id = '{$_POST['memberid']}' and credits = '{$_POST['creditpass']}'";
    $result = mysql_query($select, $con); 
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    if(mysql_num_rows($result) != 1); //if member id and creditpass didn't match do:
    echo  "An error occoured: <br /> Your member id and/or creditpassword didn't math. Please try again";
    //Let's see if the user tries to cheat by inserting other stuff into the transfer amount other than positive numbers.
    //Let's see if the user tries to cheat by transfering more credits than he got
    //Make sure whmcs email exists
    //DONE!! Start the transfer!

  7. try this:

    mysql_connect("localhost", "CENSORED", "CENSORED") or die(mysql_error());
    echo "Connected to MySQL<br />";
    mysql_select_db("runetyco_cms") or die(mysql_error());
    echo "Connected to MySQL<br />";
    $content = $_POST['content'];
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO cms 
    (content) VALUES('$content' ) ") 
    or die(mysql_error()); 
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms")
    or die(mysql_error());  
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ))
    echo "Name: ".$row['content'];

  8. ummm i made an article application that allows to admin to put

    one article in more than one category...

    i use checkboxs to choose the categories and i just implode it and insert into DB...

    but when i try to edit a article i want the checkbox of category already be checked (only categories that choosen)...


    	$DB->query("SELECT * FROM cms_articles WHERE id='$article_id'");
    	$article = $DB->fetch_row();
    	// Select all out categories
    	$DB->query("SELECT * FROM cms_categories order by id");
    	$cats_number = $DB->get_num_rows();
    	$c .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="45%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr>';
    	// Set up cats counter
    	$count = 1;
    	// If we dont have any categories so show an error
    	if ($cats_number == 0)
    		$c .= '<td><b>לא קיימים קטגוריות<b></td>';
    	$a = explode(',', $article['cats']);
    	$b = count($a);
    	while ($cat = $DB->fetch_row())
    		for ($i=0; $i<= $b; $i++)
    			if ($a[$i] == $cat['id'])
    				$checked .= 'checked="checked"';
    		$c .= '<td width="25%"><input type="checkbox" name="cats[]" value="'.$cat['id'].'" '.$checked.'> '.$cat['name'].'</td>';
    		// Every 4 cats we want to break a line
    		if ($count == 4)
    			$c .= '</tr><tr>';
    			$count = 1;
    	$c .= '</tr></table>';


    there are some words in hebrew, sorry...

    as you can see i just select the cats of the article and explode it....

    and i using the FOR loop into the WHILE loop to make the boxes checked...

    it's wont work... its make all categories checked...

    i want it's checked only the categories that i choosed when i made the article...


    ***sorry for very poor english***

  9. it's my first time i using OOP, and it's my first time i working on system that i totally separator between the HTML and PHP codes.

    so i trying to make a redirect screen that redirect the user to the index after registration (only for example)

    but when i print the redirect i dont want that print other parts... for example, this is my HTML code:

    some text


    i want it clear this totally!

    and print the redirect!

    this is my function:

        function redirect_screen($text, $url)
        	global $gvars, $skin_global, $DB;
        	$htm = $skin_global->Redirect($text, $url);
        	echo $htm;


    and this is the "Redirect" function (the html):

    function Redirect($Text, $Url) {
    global $gvars;
    return <<<HTML
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1255" /> 
    <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2; url=$Url' />
    <table width='30%' height='85%' align='center' dir="rtl" style="border:1px solid #dbdbdb;">
      <td valign='middle' align="right">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center" dir="rtl">
    	<table class="good_m_tile" align="right" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" dir="rtl"><tr><td align="right" width="100%">thanks</td></tr></table>
    	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center" dir="rtl">
    			<td align="right" class="linkt">
    				$Text<br />
    				you are transfor<br /><br />
    				(<a href='$Url'>some text</a>)


    as you can see it's print the HTML tag again...

    there is some function that totally clear all browser data?


    [sorry for poor English, i'm not english speaker :|]

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