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  1. titrokb

    PHP Mail + Flash

    Thank you very much. It worked.
  2. titrokb

    PHP Mail + Flash

    Hey I have had trouble making a flash website with a contact form. The PHP script works along with the SWF but only when the SWF is on my computer and the PHP is on the server. If I try to do it while the SWF is on the server it fails. PHP Code: <?PHP $to = "######@live.com"; $subject = "####### Form"; $message = "Name:\n " . $theName; $message .= "\nEmail:\n " . $theEmail; $message .= "\n\nMessage: \n" . $theMessage; $headers = "From: $theEmail"; $headers .= "\nReply-To: $theEmail"; $sentOk = mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); echo "sentOk=" . $sentOk; ?> Action Script: stop(); var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); sender.onRelease = function() { senderLoad.theName = theName.text; senderLoad.theEmail = theEmail.text; senderLoad.theMessage = theMessage.text; senderLoad.sendAndLoad("http://############.com/send.php",receiveLoad); } receiveLoad.onLoad = function() { if(this.sentOk) { _root.gotoAndStop("success"); } else { _root.gotoAndStop("failed"); } } All this works until I try to access the form when its uploaded on the server. Please help me.
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