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  1. I don't want to take up a lot of your guys' time, but any help would be greatly appreciated for this school project of mine. I'm to make an online form to request print jobs. Having no PHP experience, I chose to use Dreamweaver to help edit my form due to its graphical ability. There are a few areas I'm having issues with: 1. When clicking "next" or submit, my form does not validate, however all my rules work on blur. 2. I would like to have a "confirmation page" that outputs all the values the user selects after clicking submit. and has a button to either go back and edit or go ahead and fully submit 3. This may be small, but my reset button for some reason completely stopped working. The only fields that are required are the ones in the 'customer information' section and the file attachment. Any bit of help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. With all that saidmy files are attached in a .zip file. Thanks once again. [attachment deleted by admin]
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