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Strike X

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  1. I don't know modules mean for the MVC framework but I managed to get it working if controller file found in the sub directory. Here is example of code: $args = explode('/', $route); if (is_dir($this->pathfolder . $args[0])) { $this->pathfolder = $this->pathfolder . $args[0]; array_shift($args); } if (count($args) > 0) { if (file_exists($this->pathfolder . '/' . $args[0] . '.php')) { $this->controller = $args[0]; } else { // do something if not found. } } Is that ok?
  2. I have developed basic MVC framework.. The routing does this at the moment: whatever.com/classname/action/value I wanted to create admin backend, I will need a subdirectory with new controller? url will need to look something like this: whatever.com/admin//classname/action/value Do you have any example of code how does subdirectory controller/routing work?
  3. I see, I might try to develop it. Can you please give me some of advice how to implement this? and what PHP functions to use to parse custom tags.
  4. Is there any template system allow you to create customs tags? For example: For example, this creates a macro variable that prints a big "Hello Joe!'': <#macro greet person> <font size="+2">Hello ${person}!</font> </#macro> and then you can use this macro as: <@greet person="Fred"/> and <@greet person="Batman"/> Output, This will print on the browser: <font size="+2">Hello Fred!</font> and <font size="+2">Hello Batman!</font> I got this example from freemarker http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/docs/dgui_misc_userdefdir.html (For Java) but I am looking similar to this for PHP, I can't find it. ???
  5. I have never created API before. Can you point me to right direction please and tutorials site? This is what I wanted to do... To make a call using PHP, first we need to be able to contact the API server (KEY) and then be able to interpret the response. On Main Server User setup application, it will automatically generate API key. - API Key - Callback Url - Name of Application Client Hosting User need to enter his API Key (which has been created from the Main Server) to be able to interpret the response. Once has been connected, on the Main Server, it will display application from Client Hosting.. the similar the way how facebook applications work.
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