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Everything posted by homchz

  1. You should have Email I got the file and found a few problems and sent it back. Josh
  2. Did you link the form to the page you are working on as it has to reload that page. So the link for the from should be to form.php if that is where your results display. In last case senerio if you want to you can email me the php page and I will open it and look at it form here just to besure. josh-jones@comcast.net Let me know we will get it working!!!
  3. I might be able to explain this in words let me see. You need to create a PHP page with a form name the page what ever you wish name the form search. Now figure out if you want the results to show on the same page or on another. If you want the results on the same page then find your form properties and link the form to the page you are working on. If you want the results on another page start a page, save it and link the form properties to the new page. Now you need to create a record set. I beleive you are going to have a search form for each element you want to search phone number search name search text search Each search will need it's own record set. Buildint he record set is very easy follow the steps when you opent the screen Here you determine what you want to oull from the db and how. Here is a link to a screen shot explaining some of it. http://new.flightfeathers.com/Images/Jeep/MXScreen.jpg Here you can see how I want to pull the info like Date, Venue, INfo, and date added. And I want it to be pulled table "josh_concert" when the date = what is in the pulldown (the pull down is no different then a text field). Where 'date' = colname is the line that makes it look for entered information however we have to define this in variables hence Colname 1 $_POST['DateSearch'] Date Search is what I have named the text field it wants to match the info up for. THen you will have a record set completed, and you just have to place the results where you want them to display. (The blue parts of the page) Simply drag them from the record set menu in the upper right and place them where you want them. Note if you want them pulled on a seperate page then you have to make the same record set on the second page and diplay results as you want. I hope this helps some, I am not so good as explaining but I hope the image will help too. Josh
  4. Are you trying to do this with out submitting? As I have no idea how tha woudl work, but... I have one set up and working where enter a pull down list in a form and create a query to dipsplay the info in the pull down dynamically, and then name the list field. I then and a submit button and link the form to the page that display the info. I use this so out two people controling our equipment inventory can echange information on each model back and forth. Each model is in the pull down, once selected they can edit the information it brings up. Query to pull information diplayed in menu/list SELECT model FROM yankee_equipment_inv ORDER BY model ASC I am using MySQL and I write a query to select information by what is displayed in the list when submitted. Query to pull info from menu/list SELECT id, model, stock, sold, on_order, comments FROM yankee_equipment_inv WHERE model = 'colname' ORDER BY model ASC colname = name of list/menu this is set then you create the recordset in DW. This worked for me fairly easily, though I might not be explaining it right. I can try to give more information if you need it. Josh
  5. I assume you mean a recordset. You want to search buy something inputed into a text field?
  6. it bugged me for a while too, I knew there was an easy answer I just pushed alot of buttons till I found it. Glad I could help, Josh
  7. I use it for layout and basic instruction on PHP, I have found Extentions that are very usefull. http://www.dmxzone.com. I am not a Hard Core coder like most of you I am just a Web Hack that likes to mess around. I am a musician by passion but like to dable in Web Design. For me Dreamweaver has helped me 100%. When I built Static sites the code veiw would confuse me. But now I find my self in Split Mode Design/Code checking out what I am doing and able to undertstand what it is. I know Dreamweaver is doe not make the best PHP code but it has all worked for me. However my bread and butter does not depend on Dreamweaver code either.
  8. if you can export access to Excel you shoudl be all set. You can then take the Excel document and export as a text file and you can upload a text file to PHPMyAdmin. I use Navicat to build and moify my table on my computer then upload the exported files to PHPMyadmin.(My provided soes not allow me direct access with Navicat (MySQL GUI). http://www.navicat.com/ Free 30 trial which is nice, there are a ton of these out there if you look some are better than others, I liked this one for the price and options. Good luck, if you need help I will do what I can but I have very littel experience with Access. Josh
  9. Figured it out, just enter HTML in the table and the browser will translate.
  10. Just wondering, if I can create a link withink a recordset. I am using MySQL and PHP. I enter my news and shows into a back page that hold the information in a table to be diplayed ont he appropreate pages on my website. When I perform with other bands I liek to link there names back to there pages but I have not found a good way to do this in, if it is even possible. I thought there might be a way to entermy text in HTML but have not found a way for it to translate it in the recordset as of yet. Am I wasting my time or is it possible. Thanks Josh
  11. IT shoud look like this <?php echo nl2br($row_rsJournal['body']); ?> You can acheve this by selecting the record set information you need to modify (on the layout page not in the code Panel. Then in your Applications panel Change the "Format" to Newslines to BR Or I thinkyou can just enter nl2br in the code line
  12. If you are willing to pay of it this is a great tool as an extention for DMX http://www.dmxzone.com/showDetail.asp?TypeId=3&NewsId=5628 Takes a bit to get used to it, and figure it out as it has no instructions but it allows you to create a PHP or HTML template and mail them to individuals or a emails in a db.
  13. Kind of a tough question as I have no idea how much you know. Once you have a connection built to a database that has tables with information it is now time to think of how you are going to use that information in your web site. I have built a customer based web site for the compny I work for and the tables contain customer information which I extract buy uiputed information. How I started was bought a book on Databasing though DMX, it explained in ASP but ig gave me the start I needed to understand what I was doing, for the most part the steps are the same no matter what format you are using. I woudl advice to check out a book on Dreamwaever and Databasing, the go from there. I have been only in it for a bout a month and I have my first site up and running, it is in testing and I can think of 100 things a day to make it better I am just now tryingt o find the answers to my question. The book I got was Dreamwaever MX Complete Course. Databasing is only covered in Chapters 14-17 but it was well worth it for me.
  14. I want to beable to search account information by three options Account Number Phone Number Company Name I have the query working for each individually, but I think I need to create three different queries for it to work on the page, each query needs a place to put the info and I want to use the same page for the info display. Working with record sets in Dreamweaver, I can accoplish what I want but lay out is a pain, I though I had a solutions using form fields but it looks like I can only insert one record set into a form field <input name="AcctType" type="text" id="AcctType" value="<?php echo $row_Recordset1['customer_type']; ?>" size="20"> But can I manually insert multiple record sets? Thanks Josh
  15. Nevermind fixed my issue. If you are having problems with record sets in DMX2004 not acting like they should be sure you are syncronizing your site to the testing server. It was not untill I deleted everything and notice the behavors still worked on test that I figured it out.
  16. I have a record set of a SQL query the query looks like this: SELECT C.equipmentaccount, C.company_name, C.address, C.city, C.zip_code, C.phone_number, E.make, E.modelnumber, E.serialnumber, E.deliverydate, C.state, C.contact_name, C.account_type, C.email, C.fax_number, C.phone_number2, C.partsaccount FROM customer_info C LEFT JOIN equipment E ON (E.equipaccount = C.equipmentaccount) WHERE ( (C.phone_number = '603-448-1134') ) It works in great in a query builder, and works fine when I use the query as written in DMX2004 but what I want to do is have the WHERE command entered in a search field. I am pulling information from two tables in one database. When I am done with the PHP code and query it looks like this. $colname_Recordset1 = "1"; if (isset($_POST['Eaccount'])) { $colname_Recordset1 = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST['Eaccount'] : addslashes($_POST['Eaccount']); } mysql_select_db($database_connCustomerInfo, $connCustomerInfo); $query_Recordset1 = sprintf("SELECT C.equipmentaccount, C.company_name, C.address, C.city, C.zip_code, C.phone_number, E.make, E.modelnumber, E.serialnumber, E.deliverydate, C.state, C.contact_name, C.account_type, C.email, C.fax_number, C.phone_number2, C.partsaccount FROM customer_info C LEFT JOIN equipment E ON (E.equipaccount = C.equipmentaccount) WHERE C.equipmentaccount = '%s' ", $colname_Recordset1); $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $connCustomerInfo) or die(mysql_error()); $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1); While this works great WHEN the customer has equipment to find, but if there is nothing in the equipment table for the searched customer it displays nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Josh
  17. I have just started messing around with PHP/MySQL though I have been working with Dreamweaver for some time. Is there a preference to builing a page in HTML and inserting the PHP code where needed or shoudl s page be entirely built with PHP? Though I guess as long as it works who is to say one is better than the other, but is one less prone to problems. I am not a hand coder I am a hack and just ask questions, push buttons and read books till I get it. All the books i have been reading on PHP tall you how to code a complete sight but none say much about mixing PHP and HTML too much. I will build a page in DW and even thoug it is saved as a PHP file there is more HTML on the page than PHP. Just looking for some thoughts. Josh
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