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sridhar golyandla

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Everything posted by sridhar golyandla

  1. "process.php" is a external server page. I don't have code. Code in my page : <iframe src='https://www.websites.com/process.php' width='400' height='500' scrolling='yes'></iframe>
  2. Code : <iframe src='https://www.websites.com/process.php' width='400' height='500' scrolling='yes'></iframe> In my page (test.html) i have inserted the above code. After loading the page, it directs to the "https://www.websites.com/process.php", it is a 3rd party page, and opened these page on the browser. Now i have a question "How to restrict in my page (test.html) to open the iframe in the page (test.html)."
  3. Here is my code... Main WIndow : (test.html) <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><iframe src="pages/frme.html" align="top" width="447" height="600" style="vertical-align:top; border:0px;"></iframe> </tr> </table> frame.html : having a hyperlink to open a popup window. popup window: having a hyperlink. here is code in popup window... onClick="javascript: return win();">xxx</a> function win() { window.opener.location.href="test1.html"; self.close(); } when am clicking on the hyperlink of the popup, the popup is closed and loaded the test1.html page in the iframe place. But i need to open as a parent window instead of iframe. Please any body suggested me how to solve my problem.
  4. Hi to all... I need javascript code... 1) How to deselect the selected images. Suppose if we selected 10 multiple images using shift key and i don't need the images from 1 to 5 range. then when iam click + shiftkey on the image 6 the selected 5 imgaes has to be deselect. You people can find it out in the Picasa. Please any body help me our from these problem.
  5. Hi 2 all, I am new bie to php/javascript. I have a problem with the flash. The flash file has been written in the javascript. just am calling the javascript file to my main page. Now i have a prob. When page loads, the flash image has jump to 2nd or 3rd image depending on the internet speed. if the net is fast, it is working well and starts from image 1 to till the end image. Now i have my query... Is it possible to put the static image for the every time the page loads and after complete the loading the flash has to be start? Please egarly waiting for the answer.
  6. Hi, But how it can be possible? can u send me the code plz...
  7. Hi 2 all, Please help me out.... Is it possible pagination in popup window and when am click Next link in pagination, it has to be open in same window. If it is, How?
  8. Hi to all, Is it possible to to create dynamic doc file and can we zip these doc file as zip archeive at a time doc file contains : Information abt for example an emp, information. if it is possible, how?
  9. Hello.... Plz help me out "HOW TO UPLOAD MULTIPLE FILES". Eg : "a" person wants to upload more than 3 CVs. Here i have two tables, one is user and another is cv user table : id uname pw 1 a a cv table id uid name type size path 1 1 cv.doc msword 1009 9889809898-090.doc (unique id) cv1.doc msword 1009 adadasdasdas.doc cv2.doc msword 1009 wtwetwtrtrt.doc the cv has to be inserted into mysql table and as well as dir which i given the dir. now the uid is the id from the user table which is not increment in the cv table. the uid is increment of another person who uploads the new cv. Plz help me out.
  10. Sorry, it is not an error. it was giving the Warning msg... Sorry, but we can not find an entry to match skill2 or skill3 or skill4 or skill5.
  11. Hi to all, I have a two tables to search the fields with two different keywords. Like i have one dropdown list , contains the firstname and skills as keyword. The field firstname is in the table 1 and skill1, skill2, skill3, skill4, skill5 fields are in the table2. i have to search according to the keyword by selecting the dropdown value. Now it is fine to search the firstname and skill1, am getting the correct results but when i am trying to search in skill2, skill3, skill4, skill5 am getting the error. Please help me out.
  12. the uploaded file is stored in folder called CV. i am using xamp. Here is the my code which is working well with one file with unique id $uploaddir = "table/"; $fileName = $_FILES['tab']['name']; $tmpName = $_FILES['tab']['tmp_name']; $fileSize = $_FILES['tab']['size']; $fileType = $_FILES['tab']['type']; $filePath = $uploadDir . $fileName; // get the file extension first $ext = substr(strrchr($fileName, "."), 1); // make the random file name $randName = md5(rand() * time()); // and now we have the unique file name for the upload file $filePath = $uploadDir . $randName . '.' . $ext; $result = move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $filePath); if (!$result) { echo "Error uploading file"; exit; } if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $fileName = addslashes($fileName); $filePath = addslashes($filePath); } $qry1="insert into table2(table2id,table1id,name, size, type, path) values('".$table2id."','".$table1id."','$fileName', '$fileSize', '$fileType', '$filePath')" or die(mysql_error()); Please help me out.
  13. Thanx for quick reply Iam searching in the manual of the PHP.. currently am using php4 and mysql5 on winxp as OS. i have two diff tables called tab1 and tab2 for time being... it is working well with one file upload with unique id but i want to upload multiple files with unique tab1.id which is foreign key for tab2. suppose mr.x has been uploaded with 3 files... a1, a2, a3... tab2.id tab1.id name type size path 2 1 a1.doc mswrd 20k aamdkakd86786767.doc (Unique a2.doc mswrd 20k 232143434mhjhj.doc id) a3.doc mswrd 20k 212csfds54545.doc now i have to display all the files which that particular person has uploaded? Please help me out...
  14. Hi to all, am new bie to php and mysql. Please help me out about, how to upload multiple files with unique id.
  15. Hi to all, Am new bie to php and javascript... i need a help... When clicking on send mail button, can it is possible to show the bar, messaging "Sending Mail" send bar like loading bar. If it is, how? Please help me out.
  16. i want to import the new table which is saved file in the ".SQL" format in local system to phpmyadmin through php code.
  17. Maq, i want to store a new table from local system into phpmyadmin through php code?
  18. Hi to all, please any one can help me out... "how can insert new table into phpmyadmin using php".
  19. Hi to all, Plz any one can help me out... "how can insert new table into phpmyadmin using php".
  20. Thank you alot kickstart.... It is working, now prob has solved....
  21. SELECT DISTINCT r.rid, r.email, s.col1, s.col2, s.col3, s.col4, s.col5, q.col1, j.col1, c.col1 FROM register r JOIN skill s ON s.rid= r.rid join qal q on q.rid=r.rid join job j on j.rid=r.rid join col c on c.rid=r.rid WHERE s.col1 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col2 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col3 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col4 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col5 LIKE '%PHP%';
  22. Thanks kickstart It is working fine with two tables, if it is more than two table... it was not working well... getting empty rows... i checked all the tables with r.rid, all tables having the rows values of corresponding r.rid, Plz help me out.....
  23. i tried with that link a long back ago... but it was not working properly with my application.... How to search the value whether it has in col1, col2...... to con n SELECT DISTINCT r.rid, r.email, s.col1, s.col2, s.col3, s.col4, s.col5 FROM register r, skill s WHERE s.col1 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col2 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col3 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col4 LIKE '%PHP%' OR s.col5 LIKE '%PHP%' AND s.rid= r.rid; getting duplicate values. please help me out.
  24. Hi 2 all, Please how to search the variable in a table with multiple columns using php and mysql EG: table1 having the columns like col1, col2, col3, col4..... how search the value in coln?
  25. How can i get each value separatley and how should i fetech the values of corresponding id's.
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