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Everything posted by MetalSmith

  1. These are permission's set within the Apache httpd.conf? or are these windows security permission's?
  2. Hello all! I am still having issues with this command. How come if I run a basic script such as: <?php exec(regedit); ?> Using php script.php in DOS this script will open the regedit window. If I access the script through my web server the page just crashes. I will not be doing anything with this script it's just something to understand what's happening. My real script will open a session to Linux using Putty and running a command then close. How can I open and run an external program like a regedit in the background do what it needs to and close out without interrupting anything else within the script. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the reply. I posted this question in more detail. It's been solved. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,239555.0.html
  4. Thanks Corbin!!
  5. It's case sensitive?
  6. I am stumped on why when I run a script from DOS using php script.php this will work fine: <?php echo exec("c:\putty.exe -ssh [email protected] -pw password -m reload.sh"); ?> But when I run the same script changing the folder where putty is it won't run: <?php echo exec("c:\program files\putty.exe -ssh [email protected] -pw password -m reload.sh"); ?> What could I be missing?
  7. Ok I know this is a really dumb question but I don;t want to research hours for this. Does anyone know why I can't run php script.php under folders on my PC other than the root of C:\ I have a script in the program files folder that I am running from DOS and it won't work. What am I missing?
  8. I did some looking and found a site that had a command that I am trying. I modified it to see if it would work. when I run php script.php it opens up putty real fast and closes it. I am not sure if its working. If by chance I am on the right track here where in this command would I enter the linux command asterisk -r? Thanks! <?php echo exec('c:\putty.exe -ssh 192.168.0.xxx: -l {username} -pw {password}'); ?>
  9. LOL that program looks just like winSCP. I am already using that. Does that program let you run commands to? I just use it to copy and delete file off my linux box.
  10. Let me do some reading about Putty. I will start there. Thanks for the help getting started!
  11. Ok I am very new to PHP. Is there a way I can manually test this ssh command on the windows box? Also is ssh something I need to install? the command I need to remotely run is asterisk -rx "reload" So would my command be like ssh 'asterisk -rx "reload"' I will do some more resarch on ssh since I am unfamiliar with it.
  12. Hey everyone, Ok here is what I need to do. I need a php script on a windows machine to connect to a linux box remotely open the command line and run a command. Has anyone does this type of thing?
  13. Hello all, I have a text file with tons of names. The format looks like this: firstname,lastname firstname,lastname firstname,lastname firstname,lastname My challenge is I can only display 15 names at one time on the screen of a phone. Using the fgetcsv() command I need a way to advance and rewind the file pointer one line at a time. I have tried the fseek() functions but no luck. Any ideas?
  14. Ok I am stuck, I have Apache and PHP installed on a XP machine. I have a script that reads a file on the XP machine but needs to write the file to another server on the network that runs linux. I do not know Linux very well at all. So what would my script look like if I wanted to write a file to a linux sever if I am on a different server. Is that possible? Thanks!!!
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