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  1. So let's assume i'm making a script for searching cars by different criteria. Name of the car, color, and mileage. I used to do this by using LIKE and just adding AND for as many times as needed. But i've read that that is obsolete and is giving servers a hard time, so i went ahead and started making a new script that will use fulltext search. I've hit a dead end. function search($table,$what,$string,$limit,$start,$country) { global $totrows; global $pages; $string = explode("*",$string); $what = explode("*",$what); $cname = trim($string[0]); $t = 0; $parameters = ""; while (isset($what[$t])){ if ($t>0) { $paramm .= ", "; } $paramm .= trim($what[$t]); if ($t>0) { $parama .= " "; } $parama .= trim($string[$t]); $t++; } $parameters .= " AND locationc = '".$country."'"; $sql = "SELECT *, MATCH(".$paramm.") AGAINST('".$parama."') AS score FROM main WHERE MATCH(".$paramm.") AGAINST('".$parama."') ORDER BY score DESC"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { var_dump($row); } } How does this work: The user selects and enters his parameters> The script then joins them all into a single variable which is then sent to the function(the reason i do this i because the user might input only the name, so that way i can add more criteria and not need to change the script)> The script explodes those into arrays and then it processes them into a form for use with sql> I run the sql query and then return the results. What's the problem? There's two of them actually> The first one is that mysql returns an error "Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list" even though i did setup fulltext indexes. (phpmyadmin c/p) name FULLTEXT No No name 0 YES color FULLTEXT No No color 0 YES mileage FULLTEXT No No mileage 0 YES The second problem is that the script is not selective and will not work as intended. For example, a car's name is 300, the users input's 300, and the script will return those rows that had mileage 300 or 300000 or whatever. How do i fix this, and is FULLTEXT the right way to go with multi criteria search?
  2. lnenad


    That's what i wanted to know, thanks, i was thinking that special code is necessary when using SSL. Cheers
  3. lnenad


    Yes but how is it used, how do i use SSL with my scripts, will just by adding httpS (and if the server supports it) all of the inf be encrypted ?
  4. lnenad


    It that time in a boy's life to learn new things to keep up with the latest trends. Now i've been doing google researching but i simply don't get it. How do you use SSL, how do i interact with the user using SSL, all i know is when it's https it's secure but what about if the user tries to access the script with http? I've got Xampp for local testing and open_ssl, on their website nothing can be found (it's as old as php ). Any help would be appreciated
  5. Nice, works like a charm ! My logic is faulty Thanks a lot mate
  6. I need OR . $res is a mysql return array ['cat'] is a column. It represents some categories, 5 of them, and some (3) have additional info to be displayed, 2 of them don't so i don't want to display that additional information when the categories selected aren't those 3. If it's NOT EQUAL 4 OR 5 display the info, otherwise don't display it, hence the IF ($res['cat']!="Nothing" || $res['cat']!="Something"){ do some code }
  7. ($res['cat']!="Nothing" || $res['cat']!="Something"){ do some code } That for some reason is not working and the code gets executed even though $res['cat']!="Something" . When i try the conditions separately it doesn't. I don't understand what's wrong ?
  8. How to generate an inverse color based on a hex color code ?
  9. I'm using AJAX in combination with PHP to do some stuff and when i try to return the result it doesn't work right. The problem is i have multiple items and multiple result div's. I'm quite capable with PHP and the page is generated like i want it to be, but i stink with JS so i can't find the problem function dc(id) { var idd = "rez"+id; xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject() if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return } var url = "dc.php?id="+id; xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true) xmlHttp.send(null) } function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { document.getElementById(idd).innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { var xmlHttp=null; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { //Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } return xmlHttp; } I'm blind, i haven't noticed the AJAX help board below lol please MOD's move this topic sorry for the trouble. Please help .
  10. That did the trick, thanks a lot man !
  11. I'm trying to compare arrays, so i'm checking if an element from array1 is not in array2 and if that happens add that element from array1 to array2 But no matter how i try to write not in it gives me bunch of errors. if (!in_array($svi[$s],$ukupno)) { $ukupno += $svi[$s]; } Even when i try != true and == false or != 1 still i gives me an error, how do i fix this?
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