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Everything posted by KingOfHeart

  1. Can someone give me a simple socket script that I can copy and paste. It can return anything you like. I just want to make sure I have a working socket connection, and if not then you can maybe help me fix it.
  2. I got it working. function Recatch() { foreach (glob("Catched-Images/*.png") as $file) { //recatch unlink($file); } } $img = $_GET['img']; $wid = $_GET['wid']; $hei = $_GET['hei']; $xoff = $_GET['xoff']; $yoff = $_GET['yoff']; if($img == 0) return; $image = array("HyruleTown","Bosses","ForestNPCs","RoyalFamily","Rings"); $out = "Catched-Images/".$image[$img-1].$xoff.$yoff.$wid.$hei.".png"; header("Content-type: image/png"); if(file_exists($out)) { readfile($out); return; } $im = imagecreatefrompng($image[$img - 1] . ".png"); $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($wid, $hei); imagecopy($dest, $im, 0, 0, $xoff, $yoff, $wid, $hei); imagepng($dest,$im); imagepng($dest,$out); imagedestroy($dest); ?> I threw in a function to delete all files in the directory, but it's only there if I ever need it.
  3. Did I make a mistake? <?php $img = $_GET['img']; $wid = $_GET['wid']; $hei = $_GET['hei']; $xoff = $_GET['xoff']; $yoff = $_GET['yoff']; if($img == 0) return; $image = array("HyruleTown","Bosses","ForestNPCs","RoyalFamily","Rings"); $out = "Catched-Images/".$image[$img-1].$xoff.$yoff.$wid.$hei.".png"; if(file_exists($out)) { readfile($out); return; } header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = imagecreatefrompng($image[$img - 1] . ".png"); $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($wid, $hei); imagecopy($dest, $im, 0, 0, $xoff, $yoff, $wid, $hei); imagepng($dest,$im); imagepng($dest,$out); imagedestroy($dest); imagedestroy($im); ?> So far it's creating the images but the fileexists isn't working. Guessing the two strings don't match up or something.
  4. Too complicated or did I lack some detail explaining what I wanted?
  5. <?php $img = $_GET['img']; $wid = $_GET['wid']; $hei = $_GET['hei']; $xoff = $_GET['xoff']; $yoff = $_GET['yoff']; if($img == 0) return; $image = array("HyruleTown","Bosses","ForestNPCs","RoyalFamily","Rings"); header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = imagecreatefrompng($image[$img - 1] . ".png"); $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($wid, $hei); imagecopy($dest, $im, 0, 0, $xoff, $yoff, $wid, $hei); imagepng($dest); imagedestroy($dest); imagedestroy($im); ?> This script allows you to take an image and only show parts of it. This script works great, but there's one problem. As I add more and more to a page, it takes longer and longer to load. http://openzelda.thegaminguniverse.com/wiki/index.php5?title=OZWiki:Alien_Invasion There will be a lot more php images added soon. I used this method so I don't have to upload a ton of images at once. So is there a way to speed things up? Is it possible to have it save cache so the images don't reload everytime you refresh the page?
  6. That article wouldn't of helped. Anyways any ideas on what I could try to get rid of some of this static?
  7. I found out that I don't need to install anything. By going in my control panel I managed to get my sound to record. I think I messed with HD Audio Manager. Anyways now I hear the sound. When I try recording my N64 I get a little static. but not just for the recording but I hear it live. What I'm saying is I can hear static while recording.
  8. I think the computer itself is the issue and HP never designed it to work well. http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-PC-Sound-and-Audio/Terrible-sound-for-new-Windows-7-Computer-with-Realtek-HD-driver/m-p/145764/highlight/true I may have to settle for using a mic, or I have to install something to fix this.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ6wFA87QFs (Give it more time for more resolution options) After fooling around with combos, I managed to get my stereo mix to record but it's getting mixed with the speaker. So far I haven't found a way to fix it so I can record and keep it clear.
  10. My emulators, my game programs, etc. Not to be rude, but do you even know about these issues, otherwise please don't reply.
  11. Plug what in, a microphone? I don't want to use one, it's not clear enough.
  12. Ever heard of wave out mix? A computer can record sounds without a microphone. I did it with my old computer easily.
  13. Other then using a microphone, I can't figure out how to record sounds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyINS-zH38g That video will help you know my computer a bit better. I'm using a HP computer.
  14. How do I use this function in a MYSQL search, and I don't want to use a JOIN command. $ignore = array(82,11,75,95); Select * FROM {$db_prefix}messages Where !in_array(ID_BOARD,$ignore) Order BY posterTime Desc Limit 300
  15. I connected my two computers together directly, but no idea what to do it access it. For now I'm shutting my new one down and using a flash drive.
  16. I'll test after I'm done from work. By network you don't mean internet, right? I plan on just using a USB cable and Linking the two like that. The old one is a windows(XP) 2002
  17. I just switched over to a new computer but there's some files I want to transfer from my old computer. So is it possible just to plug in the mother board with just a single wire just to access the files. I don't want to use another internet or anything, just one direct wire.
  18. I see, I get two questions. Is it possible to read the error and then use that information to tell them what they did wrong?
  19. I pressed "No" but I think I got a slightly different question then you guys because it doesn't work. So how do I reset it so I can get that message again. Also is there a way I can have someone click a link to get that message again in case if they choose the wrong one?
  20. Well, I got close but hit an error. <?php function FindUsers() { global $count, $mem, $path; if (!$data = simplexml_load_file($path)) return false; else { $inChannel = $data->count; foreach($data->user as $user) { $mem .= $modes[(int)$user->prefix] . $user->nick; } } $count = $inChannel; return true; } $inbox_text_only = true; include "global.php"; if(isset($inbox_msg)) { header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = imagecreatefrompng("images/msgbox.PNG"); $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 220, 0, 0);//0,0,0 imagestring($im, 4, 5, 3, $inbox_msg, $color); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); return; } $path = 'http://api.dproj.info/oz.xml'; $modes[0] = ''; $modes[1] = '+'; $modes[2] = '%'; $modes[3] = '@'; $modes[4] = '&'; $modes[5] = '~'; $users; $count = 0; $stats = FindUsers(); if($stats == false) return false; $title = "Members in #OZ (" . $count . ")"; if($count >= 2) { $advertise[0] = "Just ask anyone of the members with ~ or &"; $advertise[1] = "beside their name for some help with Open Zelda."; $advertise[2] = "Click on this image to join the #oz chat!"; } else { $advertise[0] = "Sorry there are currently no members in the OZ chat."; $advertise[1] = "at this time."; $advertise[2] = "Click on this image to join the #oz chat!"; } $users = wordwrap($mem, 45, "*"); //edit this line if the users stretch too far or to little on image. $users = implode("*",$mem); echo $users; return; header("Content-type: image/png"); if(isset($_GET['pressed'])) $im = imagecreatefrompng("images/inchat.png"); else $im = imagecreatefrompng("images/inchat.png"); $bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $bg2 = imagecolorallocate($im, 200, 255, 200); $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);//0,0,0 $color2 = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);//0,0,0 $px = (imagesx($im) - 6.3 * strlen($title)) / 2; $px = (imagesx($im) - 5.9 * strlen($uv)) / 2; imagestring($im, 3, $px, 5 , $title, $color2); $px = (imagesx($im) - 7.8 * strlen($users[0])) / 2; //if(strlen($users[0]) > 0) //imagefilledrectangle ($im,$px,26, $px + strlen($users[0]) * 8, 40,$bg2); imagestring($im, 4, $px, 27 , $users[0], $color2); if($count < 2) { $px = (imagesx($im) - 6.3 * strlen($advertise[0])) / 2; imagestring($im, 2, $px, 34, $advertise[0], $color2); } //imagestring($im, 4, $px + 2, 27 , $users[0], $color); $px = (imagesx($im) - 7.8 * strlen($users[1])) / 2; //if(strlen($users[1]) > 0) // imagefilledrectangle ($im,$px,41, $px + strlen($users[1]) * 8, 55,$bg2); imagestring($im, 4, $px, 42 , $users[1], $color); $px = (imagesx($im) - 7.8 * strlen($users[2])) / 2; //if(strlen($users[2]) > 0) //imagefilledrectangle ($im,$px,56, $px + strlen($users[2]) * 8, 70,$bg2); imagestring($im, 4, $px, 57 , $users[2], $color); $px = (imagesx($im) - 7.8 * strlen($users[3])) / 2; //if(strlen($users[3]) > 0) // imagefilledrectangle ($im,$px,71, $px + strlen($users[3]) * 8, 85,$bg2); imagestring($im, 4, $px, 72 , $users[3], $color); $px = (imagesx($im) - 7.8 * strlen($users[4])) / 2; //if(strlen($users[4]) > 0) // imagefilledrectangle ($im,$px,86, $px + strlen($users[4]) * 8, 90,$bg2); imagestring($im, 4, $px, 87 , $users[4], $color); /*$px = (imagesx($im) - 6.3 * strlen($advertise[0])) / 2; imagestring($im, 2, $px, 95 , $advertise[0], $color2); $px = (imagesx($im) - 6.3 * strlen($advertise[1])) / 2; imagestring($im, 2, $px, 105 , $advertise[1], $color2); $px = (imagesx($im) - 6.3 * strlen($advertise[2])) / 2; imagestring($im, 2, $px, 130 , $advertise[2], $color2);*/ imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); break; ?> Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/thegamin/public_html/openzelda/users2.php on line 69 Explode, implode it don't matter. What I need is to use wordwrap to separate users into another array if it gets too long. http://openzelda.thegaminguniverse.com/users2.php
  21. Interesting script. I'll try modifying it to the way I need it. In the mean time, thanks.
  22. http://api.dproj.info/oz.xml So how do I extract this data? I need to extract the total into $count and the list of users into $users.
  23. Well thought of what I can do, but I forget the basic commands. I'm going to use plain text, combined with a span tag to be used as tabs, span tag to color certain words, and create some kind of border around this whole area with a div tag. So in a css file how would I draw a border? A tab in my file is "1.5em;" but what do I need to put for span? <div class = "code"> <span class = "blue">#include <<!>general></span><br> How do I set up the css file names? #div.code { < is this right? #span.code.blue < what about this?
  24. Well when I started my computer up today it looked normal for about 2 minutes, and then it went yellow again. Actually it appears to be even more yellow today. There are some areas on my computer that are not affected though. I see some thick regular lines while the rest looks yellow. If something is lose why would did it start up normal?
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