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  1. Since i am pulling out more then just one array, not only model but also make and engine liter i am ordering not the mySQL query but the arrays once they have been populated. using sort($ArrayName); Just added your 2 lines and i get a mess of reports :-) F reeking 1&1 guy could of told me that 2 instead of hunting for a non existing 500 error log file.... I get this, a few ( 8 ) of the "Undefined variable" errors and then a bucked full (100+) of the 'Undefined offset" error switching off between line 18 and line 34 which correlate to this php code (LINE 18) for($run=0;$run<=sizeof($partvaluesArray);$run++){if($part==$partvaluesArray[$run]) // My Loop for getting the stuff into the array (LINE 34) for($run=0;$run<=sizeof($car_makevaluesArray);$run++){if($car_make==$car_makevaluesArray[$run]) // Same just for a different variable . . . Notice: Undefined variable: car_makevaluesArray in URL/php_500error.php on line 34 Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in URL/php_500error.php on line 18 Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in URL/php_500error.php on line 34 . . . Well its defiantly something with the loop; Looks like maybe a mistake in my table? Ill look into this in more detail in a few minutes, once i done with my Anthro HW. :-) So this query statement: Select DISTINCT model FROM table_name WHERE model LIKE '%$query%' only selects distinct model rows from my table? I don't think i can use that since i have to save the matching part numbers to further compare to a second database. But thanks for the tip, didn't know that existed; might come in handy later on. [EDIT by SystemLord] As a sub question related to this, whats the best way to search for a matching date? Year only. The .xls sheet we use sets dates in this format 1983-1985 This cylinder head is used from 1983 to 1985. The current, and painful way i do this as of now, to list these dates in a separate column called year_search which looks like this: 83 84 85 So that if someone searches for the year 84 the mySQL query will find a match via LIKE '%$year_s%' Any ideras on how to do this simply on the fly? Or a excel statement that could be used in the original excel file before uploading it to mySQL. [END EDIT]
  2. You mean why are there duplicates in the database in the first place? The database is a bit more complex then what i have shown in the post, but this should not be relevant to my problem. Anyhow, the database matches car makes, car models, years, engine liter and configuration to a cylinder head database. Lets take this for example: INSERT INTO part_car_match VALUES('AC101C', '1984-1987', "", 'Jeep', 'Wagoneer', "", "", "", '2.5L L4 150 CID'); INSERT INTO part_car_match VALUES('AC101C', '1984-2000', "", 'Jeep', 'Cherokee', "", "", "", '2.5L L4 150 CID'); INSERT INTO part_car_match VALUES('AC101C', '1986-1992', "", 'Jeep', 'Comanche', "", "", "", '2.5L L4 150 CID'); The Jeep Cherokee 2.5 Liter L4 between 1984 to 2000 is matched to the AC101C cylinder head. Furtherdown on the list howerver there might be a Jeep Cherokee 3.0 Liter matched to a different cylinder head. By just taking all the results from the "model" row i would get duplicates of the 'Cherokee' which i don’t want. Is this your question? A possible solution to my problem might be to get ride of the entire loop all together and just load the array from a create database table just containing the current individual models. However, because this database will be updated somewhat frequently i would like to do this on the fly if possible instead of 'hard coding' the array of models.
  3. Hey guys hope someone can help me out with this: The Plan: To read my MySQL database and a row, insert the results into an array that is then used to create a drop down menu. I don't want duplicates in the drop down menu so I check to see if it already in the array. I provided some comments in the following php code so you know what I am trying to do. The Code so far: [code] $results = mysql_query("Select * FROM table_name WHERE model LIKE '%$query%''") // Get data from mySQL that match while($row=mysql_fetch_array($results)) //Loop though all my results that matched the query { $model=$row["modle"]; //create variable model that matches current row modle $modleCount=0; // Set modleCount to 0 on every new loop for($run=0;$run<=sizeof($part_numvaluesArray);$run++) // Run this loop for every value in the array { if($modle==$modlevaluesArray[$run]) // If the current modle is already in the array then add 1 to Count { $modleCount++; //Add 1 } } if($modleCount==0) // If 0, so model is not yet in the Array then enter loop { $modlevaluesArray[]= "$modle"; // And add model to array } } . . . . . //Then output the created array to a drop down // The code below should be irrelevant to the problem //I just included it so you see what i am trying to do Car Model: <br/>'; $modelvalues = $modelvaluesArray; echo '<select class="inputsearch" name="modelMSearch" onChange="this.form.submit();">'; for($x = 0; $x < count($modelvalues); $x++) { // write "selected" if the value matches the one posted if($modelvalues[$x] == $modelMSearch) { $selected = ' selected'; }else{ $selected = ''; } // print the option echo '<option value="'.$modelvalues[$x].'"'.$selected.'>'.$modelvalues[$x].'</option>'; } echo '</select><br/>'; The Problem: Since my database has 15242 rows in it, you see that the looping thought the array will increase very quickly since i have to run the loop at least 15242 times but i am increasing the array also. This gives me an internal Server Error 500; so i have to figure out a way to reduce the massive looping through the increasing array. So my question is how can accomplish my goal without all the massive looping. I know that its has to do with the 15242 rows because when I limit it to 7500 or less I don’t get the error [the run time for it is about 8 sec. or so I would need to find a way to reduce that anyhow. Additional required Info: MySQL server version: MySQL5.0 No error message from mysql_error() server just stops. Error 500. the raw MySQL statement in question [in a CODE block, and without any PHP variables] Table Structure via Create Table: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name; CREATE TABLE table_name (part VARCHAR(255), car_model VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO table_name VALUES('AC100C', 'Eagle'); . . . . . And then 15241 more That’s about it, hope I got all my bases covered and someone can help me figure out a solution. Thx
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