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Posts posted by RussellReal

  1. function roundP5($num) {
    if ($d = stristr($num,'.')) {
    	$place = substr($d,1);
    	if (strlen($place) == 1) $place = $place * 10;
    	$zpad = str_repeat('0',strlen($place) - 2);
    	$main = substr($num,0,strpos($num,'.',0));
    	if (!$main) $main = 0;
    	if ($place >= ("75".$zpad)) {
    		$place = 0;
    		$main = $main + 1;
    	elseif ($place >= ("25".$zpad)) {
    		$place = 5;
    	} elseif ($place < ("25".$zpad)) {
    		$place = 0;
    	return $main.".".$place;
    return false;


    this is working.. I just tested it

  2. try this.. its not tested


    function roundP5($num) {
    if ($d = stristr($num,'.')) {
    	$place = substr($d,1);
    	if (strlen($place) == 1) $place = $place * 10;
    	$zpad = str_repeat('0',strlen($place) - 2);
    	$main = stristr($d,'.',true);
    	if (!$main) $main = 0;
    	if ($place >= ("75".$zpad)) {
    		$place = 0;
    	elseif ($place >= ("25".$zpad)) {
    		$place = 5;
    	} elseif ($place < ("25".$zpad)) {
    		$place = 0;
    	return $main.$place;
    return false;

  3. you mean $key would be a numeric salt.. or would be converted to a number and then used as salt? manually salted algorithms don't really work with systems where a user will log in and out lots of times, because you'll have an extra task of being able to match the password again if you want to confirm the user for being authentic

  4. you'd need to use javascript.. but include a button somewhere under or to th eside of the button incase a user has disabled JavaScript..


    but you'd do something like this:


    <script type="text/javascript">
      function _switch(obj) {
        //either submit the form (which you could do from onChange .submit()
        // or set the new url manually..
        top.location = "http://new.url.com/?whatever="+obj.value;
    <select name="whatever" onChange="_switch(this)">
      <option value="1">Whatever</option>

  5. you mean say you have a file




    and you call it like


    php whatever.php


    you want it to READ out to you the contents of whatever.php


    or do you want in the middle of some script,. to spit out some php code..?


    assuming its the second one..


    nowdoc would make the most sense




    echo <<<'LaLa'


    $e = "HOWDY!!";

    echo $e;



  6. com objects for the weighing machine

    (don't ask me to write it for you I am not experienced with com objects)


    and for securing your PHP files' contents.. that is pretty much impossible mainly because no matter HOW you try to GET the data to the user


    whether by sending it from a remote server, or trying to jumble the code where it is really hard to interpret how it works.. the code will still be accessible to the end user 1 way or another.


    how you would go about semi-securing your files... you'd probably want to look into an actual programming language where you COMPILE your code so the language code gets shifted into machine code.. but even then it can STILL be de-compiled

  7. #1


    don't do


    echo "$varname"




    I don't think you need to terminate single line php things but..


    I usually do.. try


    <?php echo $varname; ?>


    I do not see if you'er even setting $varname


    but if you arn't that would be your problem as I'm assuming php isn't spitting out parse errors and double quotes WILL evaluate a variable..

  8. you mean like.. for the vitamin products?





    Name: Vitamin X

    Price: $15.99/cont.

    Description: Vitamin X, take 3 of these right before sexual intercourse to experience the best XXX imaginable.


    (I hope I don't get banned for that.. LOL)


    if so, than yes you can do that


    make a mysql table


    id - int - auto_increment - primary key -

    name - text - -

    price - text - -

    description - text - -



    just put all the vitamins names price and description into the database


    then when you list them..


    list them by ID


    for example




    then inside of product.php you'd do


    "SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `id` = '{$_GET['id']}'"


    as your query


    and then mysql_fetch_assoc the result resource


    and then put


    $theRowVar['price'] wherever the price should show up, same method for name and description



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