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  1. I got some problem to make dynamic the column of data.. once the data long..the display at pdf will ugly.. my coading is like this(focut at column specification) for($i=0;$i<$sizeArr;$i++) { $amunt=$price[$i]*$qty_db[$i]; $pdf->Cell($wide_item,$row_height,$i+1,1,0,'C',0); $pdf->Cell($wide_acc_cd,$row_height,$account_codedb[$i],1,0,'C',0); $pdf->Cell($wide_specification,$row_height,$spec_db[$i],1,0,'L',0); $pdf->Cell($wide_unit,$row_height,$unit_db[$i],1,0,'C',0); $pdf->Cell($wide_quantity,$row_height,$qty_db[$i],1,0,'C',0); $pdf->Cell($wide_unit_price,$row_height,number_format($price[$i],2,".",","),1,0,'C',0); $pdf->Cell($wide_unit_price2,$row_height,number_format($amunt,2,".",","),1,0,'C',0); $totalamaunt=$totalamaunt+$amunt; //$y_axis_initial = 100; $pdf->SetY($y_axis_initial); $row_height2 =10; $y_axis_initial = $y_axis_initial + $row_height2; $pdf->setXY(15,$y_axis_initial); Next_Page($pdf); }
  2. why my this query select a.jantina,count (d.no_kp), a.kp from pekebun_kecil a, t_permohonan b, t_kedatangan c inner join t_kedatangan d on d.kod_siri=b.pilihan_kursus where a.kp=b.no_kp and b.pilihan_kursus='IKPKPHGP01001007-1-2009' and a.kp=c.no_kp and b.pilihan_kursus=c.kod_siri and d.kod_siri='IKPKPHGP01001007-1-2009' and b.status_proses not in ('Batal','Diganti') appear this error Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 The multi-part identifier "b.pilihan_kursus" could not be bound.
  3. actually i want to make like this Y YYYYYYYYY x d d d d d d d x d d d d d d d x d d d d d d d x d d d d d d d Y-is dynamic.meB will be more and meB will be only one column it based on data(d) x-also dynamic.meB will be more and meB will be only one row it based on data(d) the coading that i have done is like below..but the success is only be the row dynamic not the column...can u all help me??? <?php session_start(); if(session_is_registered('username') && session_is_registered('level')&& session_is_registered('cust_id')) { //get connection to database include('../connect.php'); //declare array $group_category=array(); $group_location=array(); $sql_1 = "select company_name from fls_customer where customer_id = '".$_SESSION['cust_id']."'"; $result1 = mysql_query($sql_1, $link); $rows1=mysql_fetch_array($result1); $com_name = $rows1['company_name']; if ($_REQUEST["mula"] != '00-00-0000'){ $startDate=$_REQUEST["mula"]; $split = explode("-", $startDate); $mula = "" . $split[2] . "-" . $split[1] . "-" . $split[0]; } if ($_REQUEST["tamat"] != '00-00-0000'){ $endDate=$_REQUEST["tamat"]; $split = explode("-", $endDate); $tamat = "" . $split[2] . "-" . $split[1] . "-" . $split[0]; } //$field1="location"; $field2="company_name"; $field3="$mula"; $field4="report_date"; $table1="fls_faultreport "; $table2="fls_product_category "; $order="location asc"; if ($_REQUEST["locate"] != 'all') { $location=" and $table1.location='".$_REQUEST["locate"]."'"; } else { $location= ""; } if ($com_name == 'Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)') { $oncategory= "$table1.category = $table2.category"; } elseif ($com_name != 'Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)') { $oncategory= "$table1.category = $table2.cat_id"; }?> <? echo "SELECT $table2.category,$table1.location FROM $table1 INNER JOIN $table2 ON $oncategory WHERE $table1.report_date between '$mula' and '$tamat' $location group by $table2.category ORDER BY $table1.$order "; $sqlselect=mysql_query("SELECT $table2.category,$table1.location FROM $table1 INNER JOIN $table2 ON $oncategory WHERE $table1.report_date between '$mula' and '$tamat' $location group by $table2.category ORDER BY $table1.$order ",$link); $j=0; while(list($cat,$loc) = mysql_fetch_row($sqlselect)) { $group_category[$j]=$cat; $group_location[$j]=$loc;?> <table> <tr> <td><strong><span class="style35"><?php echo $group_location[$j];?></span></strong></td> </tr> </table> <? $j++; }?> <?php } // end session ?>
  4. how to make column and row to be dynamic or in array?? it refer based on data.... for example XX YY XX YY XX YY XX YY XX YY XX YY
  5. Hai all brilliant person... What wrong with this coading because my submenu is not appear?? help me... <div id=menu> <ul id=menuList class="submenu"> <li><a href="new_faultlog.php">Submit Faultlog </a></li> <li><a href="view_sent_report.php">View Faultlog </a></li> <li><a href="cancel_sent_report.php">Cancel Faultlog </a></li> <li><a href="search_faultlog.php">Search Faultlog </a></li> <li><a href="view_asset_report.php">View Aset </a></li> <li>Report <ul><li><a href="report_faulty_summary.php">Fault Summary</a></li></ul> <ul><li><a href="detail_faultlog.php">Detail Fault Log</a></li></ul> <ul><li><a href="list_asset.php">List Of Asset</a></li></ul> <ul><li><a href="faultlog_statistic.php">Faultlog statistic as attached</a></li></ul> </li> <li><a href="help.html" target="_blank">Help </a></li> <li><a href="../logout.php">Logout</a></li> </ul> </div>
  6. Hallo everybody.. can u all teach me or give some example of coading how to generate Excel with using php??
  7. Hye all frenz... I got a question for the botton coding.what is the meaning for isset statement.Actually i need to filter about once user click proceed button that function click either the status is N or not,if not can save...Help me from brain all brilliant frenz...
  8. i already did..but on the screen button OK and button CANCEL appear, not window pop up that have button OK and CANCEL..erm,have i do any mistake again?
  9. still same....if i put else statement..why??
  10. Hye all, I have some problem about message box.The message only run button OK but button CANCEL not function properly.Hope have anybody can help me to solve this problem.Attached here is the some of the coading
  11. oo like that, that mean the data will auto encrypt once the user key in the data rite?...got idea..thanks a lot.If any another idea,hope will be share together
  12. ok..i got what u mean..but, can u explain more about md5()??much appreciate for your advice
  13. Hallo everybody... How to make our user name and password more secure by using php coding.It is because to prevent our system from hacker. have any suggestion??
  14. owh..i don't know what happen with this coding..still not work..suppose work..arghhhh
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