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Everything posted by gabrielalcivar

  1. Thanks it works now...that's why is good to stop when you work for too long the 2 foreach's are actually a copy/paste mistake (again tiredness)
  2. Hi all! Ok, I've done a few searches and spend about the last 2 hours trying to figure out what's wrong. I upload a file and I want to search in it for a string line by line for a string: (;;{"t":"msg","c":" function chatparser($fname) { $needle='(;;{"t":"msg","c":"'; $file = fopen($fname, "r") or exit("Filename ERROR - Unable to open file: ".$fname); while(!feof($file)) { $lnc++; $chatstr= fgets($file,4096); if (strlen(stristr($chatsrt, $needle))>0) { echo "Stristr: ".strlen(stristr($chatstr, $needle))." <b>Line: </b>$lnc <br>"; } else { echo "Stristr: ".strlen(stristr($chatstr, $needle))." <b>Line: </b>$lnc <br>"; } } I also tried this: $lines = file($fname); foreach ($lines as $chastr) { $lines = file($fname); foreach ($lines as $chastr) { echo "Stristr: ".strlen(stristr($chatstr, $needle))." <b>Line: </b>$lnc <br>"; } } In both cases I get a a value of "0" although in text file there's a line including the word the search string. Text File contents: Content-Length: 314 Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n \r\n Line-based text data: text/html [truncated] for (;;{"t":"msg","c":"p_500 Thanks for the help in advance.
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