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Everything posted by schalkl

  1. Hi BarandT Thank you very much for showing me where I went wrong. I really appreciate your help. I have completely missed the easy solution. Thanks again
  2. Hi Barand. Please forgive me. Call it newbie syndrome ;-) Ok, I will try that. Thank you for your help. I will keep you updated on the development.
  3. Hi Sen I hear you, but its a bit different situation. The user is completing a form which might have the R12 on multiple fields. How do I overcome this problem?
  4. Hi Sen. Thank you for your quick responce, can you give me an example please?
  5. Hi All. I am stuck at the moment and hope that someone can help. My problem is as follow: $sql4 = ('SELECT *,COUNT(*) FROM tt_new_make inner join tt_new_size ON tt_new_size.no=tt_new_make.no inner join tt_new_rub on tt_new_rub.no=tt_new_make.no WHERE tt_new_size.s_line_no1="12R" GROUP BY m_line_no1, line_no1'); $sql5 = mysql_query($sql4); The above results give me the correct answer according to tt_new_size.s_line_no1="12R" which is 2, but I actually need to broaden the querry to access all table fields. I have data on another 2 coulombs called s_line_no2 and s_line_no3, which I also need - see attachment. The correct answer should be 4, not 2.
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