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Everything posted by stalian4002

  1. hello i am trying to build a family tree database i am a beginner, want to make tables where i would not have redundancy any ideas on what type of tables i would need.
  2. hi can anyone please help me, i am a beginner at php and mysql. i am trying to make a family tree website similar to GEDCOM. i am having some problem what i am trying to do is make a button called spouse on the page once clicked on it will save it to the corresponding user and vice versa id | firsname| lastname| spouse| MotherID| FatherID| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| steve | go | 2 | Null | Null | 2| Julia | steve | 1 | Null | Null | 3| robert | go | Null | 2 | 1 i have my tables http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1729/tablessr7.jpg this is what i am trying to achieve something similar to this http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8363/genesreunitedb3.jpg PLEASE HELPPP!!!
  3. hi can anyone please help me, i am a beginner at php and mysql. i am trying to make a family tree website similar to GEDCOM. i am having some problem what i am trying to do is make a button called spouse on the page once clicked on it will save it to the corresponding user. id | firsname| lastname| spouse| MotherID| FatherID| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1| steve | go | 2 | Null | Null | 2| Julia | steve | 1 | Null | Null | 3| robert | go | Null | 2 | 1 i have my tables http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1729/tablessr7.jpg this is what i am trying to achieve something similar to this http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8363/genesreunitedb3.jpg PLEASE HELPPP!!!
  4. many thanks once again. juss wanted help in sql query in how to find half siblings and cousins
  5. im sorry i dont understand i am a beginner at this can you give me a brief description on what you mean, many thanks.
  6. i have deleted mothers and fathers table did you mean something like this http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/6738/relationship2ws8.jpg
  7. this is how my tables look like, http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7355/relationshipkf8.jpg
  8. hi i am trying to make a family tree website using php mysql, i have the following tables im not sure if its correct or if i am going the right way about it, can someone help me out please. i am using phpmyadmin i have 5 tables: USERS: user_id (PK) username password firstname lastname email FAMILY_TREE: user_id(FK) family tree name description family tree ID(PK) FAMILY_MEMBERS: family memberID(PK) firstname lastname date of birth date of death place of birth place of death gender family treeID(FK) motherID(FK) fatherID(FK) MOTHERS: motherID(PK) mother of family(FK) mothers userID(FK) FATHERS: fatherID(PK) father of family(FK) fathers userID(FK) user table: has web users details and stores password family tree table: holds family tree id making it unique family member: will hold all members of the family mothers: will hold into who is whos mother father: will hold into who is whos father i just wanted to know if my table structure is correct and if im going the right way about it. can someone also help me with sql join query [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. hi i wanted someone to help me build a simple family tree database that links all relations between one another can anyone help me build the tables that
  10. I am writing a program to store family tree data, similar to the GEDCOM format. I need help writing a sql query to get all the relatives and determine the relation (father's mother, brother's wife, etc) for a particular user. Here is my basic table structure: Table Users -UserName (PK) -FirstName -AsChildInFamilyID -AsSpouseInFamilyID -AsParentInFamilyID Table Families - FamilyID (PK) - MarriageDate Table FamilyMembers - FamilyMemberID (PK) - FamilyID (FK) - UserName - Relation (0 - Husband, 1 - Wife, 3-Child) ---> So, given any user, I need to find all the relatives (traverse up as well as down the tree) and also calculate the relationships as I go along. The relation column stores the relation specific only to the family (that too not very accurate, because for instance the husband is actually the father to the child, not the husband), but I need to "update" the Relation field to include the depth of the traversal. Based on my table structure, a family unit is husband, wife and children....I somehow have to recursively find all the ascendants, descendants, etc... Any help on how I can do this would be great. I am using mysql
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