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  1. I am changing my script from connecting to the database within every function, to using one connection (in the main class). However, I am getting an error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object Here is the main class: <?php class main{ // the configuration vars public $config; // the current user variables public $uid = 0; // contains the user ID public $gid = 0; // contains the group ID // database variables public $DB; // contains the connection public $query_id; // contains the query ID public $query_count; // how many queries have there been? // cache variables public $cache; public $test = 'hi'; // initiate public function __construct(){ } // start up functions public function startup(){ // first, set up the caching if($this->config['use_memcache'] == true){ // start up cache require_once('cache.class.php'); $this->cache = new cache_TS(); } // now, set up the DB $this->connectToDatabase(); // now, set up the user session $this->setUserSession(); // are we logged in? If so, update our location if($this->uid > 0){ // update location $this->updateUserSession(); } } // connect to database public function connectToDatabase(){ // connect to database $this->DB = new mysqli($this->config['host'],$this->config['user'],$this->config['pass'],$this->config['db']); // were we able to connect? if(!isset($this->DB)){ // this is an error exit('could not connect to the database.'); } // test query $q = "SELECT id,title FROM topics WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1;"; $q = $this->DB->query($q); $r = $q->fetch_assoc(); echo $r['id'] . $r['title']; // send back return $this->DB; } // some removed.... The test query works fine. It fails here: <?php class forum extends main{ public function viewTopic($tid){ // Connect To Database //$sql = new mysqli(db::$config['host'], db::$config['user'], db::$config['pass'], db::$config['db']); // Get assorted details (topic, forum, etc) // Get topic details $tid = intval($tid); $tq = "SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"; $tq = $this->DB->query($tq); $tr = $tq->fetch_assoc(); startup in main has already been called before forum is. The DB connects without failure. Can anyone see what the problem is? How can I get $this->DB->query to work? (The query works fine when it's ran in the main class)
  2. This line is wrong: $extract = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM webclientcreate"); You are not setting the id to choose: $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); $extract = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM webclientcreate WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); Since there is only one result, you can also get rid of the while loop (But keep the contents).
  3. Maybe the system should only check email addresses. I'll get that changed. Here's the API result, BTW: http://stopforumspam.com/api?username=Corey
  4. OK, I fixed it by setting up the permissions for the folder to 777.
  5. When you have a new line within the email, try using \r\n
  6. I am trying to delete a file via unlink(). It's a .html file, stored in a folder on its own. // current directory $dir = dirname(__FILE__); $dir = str_replace('classes','',$dir); $file = str_replace('./',$dir,$fr['location']); unlink($fr['location']); if(!unlink($file)){ echo 'err'; } if(file_exists($file)){ echo 'ok1'; } The $fr['location'] stores the real location, as ./uploads/1303577497/barebones.html. I've tried every combination I can think of to delete it. I've even deleted it from FTP and re-uploaded it, in case it was a permissions issue, but it refuses to go. When I file_get_contents it, it appears as existing. Can anyone help?
  7. Fixed the two XSS problems (and found a couple more which have been fixed). The Youtube JS has also been fixed, I was using & rather than + to join the strings. I could no replicate the Youtube problem - http://www.calicosoft.com/community/index.php?post=216&tid=118 If you were trying to PM CalicoSoft, that error should occur as I had disabled the PM system. The error text will be changed.
  8. Also fixed. Subjects are also prevented from being too long without spaces.
  9. If there are no results, give a 404 header: header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); Google will eventually remove it from their DB. You'll also want to give a message saying it wasn't found.
  10. $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM weekly_picks WHERE tournament = '$tournament' AND usr = '$usr'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($q); $num will hold how many results tehre are
  11. Change the PHP to: <?php if($visible=="1") echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> Not tested, but it should work.
  12. Your if statement will run only if the query succeeds. You're not checking if there are any results.
  13. What is the problem you're experiencing?
  14. This line is incorrect: if (SELECT tournament FROM weekly_picks WHERE tournament = '$tournament') You need to execute the query and get the number of results: $q = "SELECT tournament FROM weekly_picks WHERE tournament = '$tournament'"; // execute the query $q = $sql->query($q); // use num_rows if($q->num_rows > 0){ // put the rest here You will need to change the query & num_rows to fit in with how you do database queries (eg mysql_query)
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