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  1. No because he splits the query line and the actual query. Doing: $sql = "SOME SQL STATEMENT"; mysql_query($sql); Is the same as mysql_query("SOME SQL STATEMEMENT");
  2. Yeah but the teams played games. Here is the standings: http://cod-circuit.uweave.ca/standings.php
  3. Hi, I am running a fantasy league and I was wondering how is it possible to calculate the chances of a team to make it to the playoffs? There is 10 teams and the top 8 will make it to the playoffs. Thank you, Ara
  4. There is more than 50 pictures... And I am still adding pictures... That would be really tough to have them all in the same page...
  5. The pictures is too big. The pictures vary from 1600x1200 to 800x600 so placing them in the dropbox would not fit into the design...
  6. Hey guys, Ok so here is what I need to do. I have a ofrm where users select images. But the thing is, I want to show the images in a different page ( sort of a gallery ) and when the users cliks on the image they want and confirm the picture, I want the file name to be written in a textbox in a PHP form to be submitted into a DB. I can do the gallery part and the form and all... All I need is a way for me to send the picture's name and extension to the textbox of the form. Thanks for your help, Ara
  7. Hi guys, I have a little problem. So I want to order a table in a specific way. So I started building my code: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `teams` Order by ((`nhl_wins` *2) + `nhl_ot`) DESC",$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($class == "class='odd'") { // this will rotate the value. $class = ""; }else{ $class = "class='odd'"; } // Moyenne Offensive $off = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(`OFF`),2) AS `avgo` FROM teams JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team WHERE team='$row['team_name']'",$link); while($rowoff = mysql_fetch_array($off)) { $offe = "" .$rowoff['avgo']. ""; $offe = $offe / 10; } // Moyenne Defensive $def = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(`DEF`),2) AS `avgd` FROM teams JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team WHERE team='$row['team_name']'",$link); while($rowoff = mysql_fetch_array($def)) { $defe = "" .$rowoff['avgf']. ""; $defe = $defe / 10; } // Moyenne Gardien $ga = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(`OA`),2) AS `avgo` FROM teams JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team WHERE team='$row['team_name']' AND main_position ='1'",$link); while($rowoff = mysql_fetch_array($ga)) { $gar = "" .$rowoff['avgo']. ""; $gar = $gar / 10; } // Moyenne Generale $moyge = (round((($off + $def + $gar) / 3),2)) * 2; // Le reste $team = "" .$row['team_name']. ""; $gp = "" .$row['nhl_games_played']. ""; $wins = "" .$row['nhl_wins']. ""; $ot = "" .$row['nhl_ot']. ""; $loss = "" .$row['nhl_loss']. ""; $team = str_replace(" ", "", $team); $pts = (($wins * 2) + $ot) / 3.28; $winp = ((($ot * 0.5) + $wins) / $gp) * 100; $winp = round($winp, 2); $last10 = "" .$row['nhl_last10']. ""; $lwin = substr_count($last10, "W"); $lloss = substr_count($last10, "L"); $lot = substr_count($last10, "O"); $ltpo = (($wins * 2) + $ot) * 1.5; $total = $moyege + $pts + $ltpo; But its only after that I realised that it woudn't work. Because I want it to be ordered by the variable $total..... Can someone help me please? I want it to order by $total, but I dont know how... Thanks for your help, Ara
  8. So I have changed it a bit and here is what I have: SELECT SUM(but) AS but, SUM(assist1) AS assist1, SUM(assist2) AS assist2 FROM boxscore WHERE `but` = '$nom' OR `assist1` = '$nom' OR `assist2` = '$nom' GROUP BY `gameid` ORDER BY `gameid` LIMIT 0,3 But it shows the 3 last games when the player had a point, I want it to show 0, if a player didnt a goal or an assist in the last game....
  9. Hi guys, I have a question. Ok so I have a table named boxscore. Here is the table's structure: And some records: So What I want to do, is count how many times a player has scored in the last 3 games. So the last three games id's are 5,4,3. I have this: SELECT * FROM boxscore WHERE `but` = '$nom' OR `assist1` = '$nom' OR `assist2` = '$nom' ORDER BY `gameid` LIMIT 0,3 But it selects only the rows where the player has a goal, or an assist.... Thank you for your help, Ara
  10. Of course.... Lol I cant beleive I asked you that question... Thanks daniel.... Seriously what was going on in my head
  11. Ahhhh... tought something like that could be making this... But is there a work-around?
  12. Hi guys, I have a problem and I dont know why it aint working. Ok so, I have a page named step2.php Which is the form that sends datas to the page named step3.php Here is the code of step2.php: $x = 1; if ($receveur == 'Express Mistral') { $express_goals = $receveur_goals; $express_pun = $receveur_pun; } else if ($visiteur == 'Express Mistral') { $express_goals = $visiteur_goals; $express_pun = $visiteur_pun; } echo "<form action='step3.php' method='post' >"; echo "<table>"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>PĂ©riode</th><th>Temps</th><th>But</th><th>Assist</th><th>Assist</th><th>Extra(BN,DN,FO)</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tfoot><tr><td colspan='6'> </td></tr></tfoot>"; while ($express_goals >= $x) { echo "<tr><td><input type='textbox' name='periode_$x' /></td>"; echo "<td><input type='textbox' name='time_$x' /></td>"; echo "<td><select name='goal_$x' >"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players ",$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='" .$row['prenom']. "'>" .$row['prenom']. "</option>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td><select name='assist1_$x' >"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players ",$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='" .$row['prenom']. "'>" .$row['prenom']. "</option>"; } echo "<option value=''>Aucun</option>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><select name='assist2_$x' >"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players ",$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='" .$row['prenom']. "'>" .$row['prenom']. "</option>"; } echo "<option value=''>Aucun</option>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td><input type='textbox' name='extra_$x' /></td></tr>"; $x++; } echo "</table>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='goals' value='$express_goals' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='pun' value='$express_pun' />"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='$gameid' />"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Continuer' />"; echo "</form>"; And here is the code for step3.php: $gameid = $_POST['gameid']; $express_goals = $_POST['goals']; $express_pun = $_POST['pun']; $x = 1; while($express_goals >= $x) { $periode = $_POST['periode_$x']; $time = $_POST['time_$x']; $goal = $_POST['goal_$x']; $assist1 = $_POST['assist1_$x']; $assist2 = $_POST['assist2_$x']; $extra = $_POST['extra_$x']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `boxscore` (periode, temps, but, assist1, assist2, extra, gameid) VALUES ('$periode', '$time', '$goal', '$assist1', '$assist2', '$extra', '$gameid')",$link); echo "$goal"; echo "$x"; $x++; } But for some reason, There is no data inserted and the $goal doesnt show anything. But the $x shows the numbers. Furthermore, When I change this to: $_POST['goal_$x']; to $_POST['goal_1']; It shows the name of the player... Any idea why $x is not working? And is there a way of inserting it?
  13. You mean that I explode my files using line breaks, and then I put them in a while loop to run 1 line at a time?
  14. So I put set_time_limit(20) before my script?
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