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  1. Does anyone have a preference as to which dedicated hosting company to use? Single Hop and Codero seem to be pretty good ones and reasonably priced. Thanks.
  2. Haha, thanks. Maybe I'll buy a few TB hard drives then mail them off to separate relatives. I'm not a freak about backups, but I've lost lots of pictures before due to malfunctioning hard drives and it's very annoying.
  3. I know it will take a while. Probably a few months to create the initial backup. But that's no fun. I want an automated backup. And to be able to access form any computer. I have a very rough version of this working already, but it's hardly secure at all. It helps out a lot when going from laptop to pc multiple times a day too. So it's not only a backup, but a data transfer system. Yes, my current backup solution has 615GB and another 100 or so pending. I don't know what you mean by "archive position". Please refer to my first post. I want to do this all with php. I want a web interface to access the files and such. Oh well, it looks like there isn't a good way to keep it secure. I don't mind a lot of coding work. But if it's not really practical then I'll stick with my current backup method (which doesn't allow file sharing). I appreciate all the input everyone. If anyone else has any ideas, let me know!
  4. When I said "secure" I was talking more in the way of making sure I don't ever lose the files.
  5. I've thought about that (and used to do that). But I want something more secure. For example, a hard drive will be stolen with my pc if someone ransacks my house. Plus, if I was able to do what I'm trying, I'll be able to access my files from any computer.
  6. Ya, I have a shared hosting plan. Godaddy will let me store it if i upgrade to their unlimited plan...only $15 a month too. Unlimited space (subject to availability) and bandwidth. I was hoping to make it so i can easily transfer full quality pics and vid among family members too. Maybe I'll just do that and not actually store the files on the server...at least permanently.
  7. What if I didn't need anything real secure? What I mean is, I have about 600 GB of pics and vid I want to backup. If someone managed to get in and steal my vacation pictures it wouldn't be the end of the world. Are you saying I always be pretty much wide open to hackers? In which case I'll look into something else.
  8. I've searched around and haven't found much. Probably because I'm not sure what to even search for. Here's what I want to do: Have a program to upload files to my ftp site (godaddy) as a backup for my computer. I was thinking a web interface (php) would be the best. My concern is with security. How can I secure the ftp site? My first step would be to just not put anything real sensitive in the repository in the first place. I currently use curl to upload files and have the ssl option enabled. So I think the upload part is secure. Can someone point me in the right direction for securely uploading, storing and downloading files using php and a shared hosting account? Thank you.
  9. Wow, thank you so much! The program I was using wasn't set to UTF-8 (set to ANSI), but maybe I didn't get another setting correct. I think profile.php was the only one not set to ANSI. I downloaded Notepad++ to see if a different devel studio would work. Now everything works just great!
  10. The only way you can get that error message is if there is something - content, newline, tab, space, or BOM before the <?php tag on that line. Check again. Ok, I've been trying and trying to get this to work. I simplified it into a new "logintester" program. From everything I can do in my editor I believe there is no whitespace or anything before the <?php tags. I have it set to ANSI. I just can't figure this error out and I know it's got to be a simple error! I'm going to attach my files here, I'd be very grateful if someone could look at them to see what I'm doing wrong. Here's the code (also attached): login.php <?php session_start(); include('database_info.php'); $dbcnx = mysql_connect(host, username, password); if (!$dbcnx){ echo '<p>Error connecting to database</p>'; exit(); } mysql_select_db(database_name) or die(mysql_error()); //choose database to work with // retrieve form data $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password = sha1(pass_salt.$_POST['password']); $query = "SELECT id FROM ". table_name. " WHERE email = '$email' AND password = '$password' ORDER BY id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num>0) { //username and password correct $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = true; $_SESSION['email'] = $email; $_SESSION['id'] = mysql_result($result,0); header("Location: profile.php"); } else { //user or pass incorrect echo "Wrong Info"; exit; } ?> auth.php <?php session_start(); if ($_SESSION['is_logged_in']) $email = $_SESSION['email']; else echo "Can't login!"; ?> profile.php <?php include('auth.php'); include('database_info.php'); echo "Logged in!"; ?> database_info.php <?php define('host','localhost'); define('username','root'); define('password','123456'); define('database_name', 'users_data'); define('table_name', 'data'); define('pass_salt', 'Jv76Ht'); //concatenated to every password to complicate the password ?> Thank you very much! [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. The script timing out is what I meant. I figured it was just as if I loaded it up in my browser, but wasn't sure. Thanks.
  12. Are Cron jobs limited by the same timeout restrictions as regularly served .php pages? setting - "max_execution_time" ? Also, is there any way to tell what jobs are currently in progress? or what php scripts are currently running? Thanks.
  13. I'm confused on how to determine what page it posts to. I don't know much about javascript, but I've done similar things with html. As far as I can tell the page it posts to is a javascript function. Do you know how to handle that? That's the main thing I'm confused about - <input value="" maxlength="9" type="text" onkeypress="javascript:return handleQuickjlsSearchEnterKeyPress();" style="width:100px;" size="20" name="TxtpCode"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:TxtpCode"> </td>
  14. The form code is below. I need to enter text into the text box "TxtpCode" then submit the form and read the resulting hml page. <form action="/site/olspage.jsp?_DARGS=/site/en_US/checkout/olschkjlfindersearchform.jsp" name="frmjlsSearchForm" method="POST"><input value="ISO-8859-1" type="hidden" name="_dyncharset"> <input type="hidden" name="sourcePageURL" value="olspage.jsp?id=1202649765246&type=product"/> <input type="hidden" name="listingType" value="null"/> <input value="http://www.domain.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=cat14001&type=page&redirectAfterSessCatId=pcat17005&redirectAfterSessCatType=page" type="hidden" name="/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.sessionExpiryURL"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.sessionExpiryURL"> <input value="olspage.jsp?id=1202649765246&type=product" type="hidden" name="/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.cancelURL"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.cancelURL"> <input value="olspage.jsp?id=pcat17006&type=page" type="hidden" name="/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.refreshURL"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.refreshURL"> <input value="olspage.jsp?id=1202649765246&type=product" type="hidden" name="/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.successURL"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.successURL"> <div class="frame" style="margin-bottom:10px;"> <div class="content" style="padding-top:7px;"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" blcd="0"> <tr> <td valign="bottom"> <span class='Body-Small'><b>p Code</b></span><br /> <input value="" maxlength="9" type="text" onkeypress="javascript:return handleQuickjlsSearchEnterKeyPress();" style="width:100px;" size="20" name="TxtpCode"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:TxtpCode"> </td> <td width="30" > <span class='Body-Small'><b>OR</b></span> </td> <td valign="bottom"> <span class='Body-Small'><b>City</b></span><br /> <input value="" style="width:140px;" size="20" name="TxtCity"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:TxtCity"> </td> <td valign="bottom"> <span class='Body-Small'><b>State</b></span><br /> <div id=hidethisdropdown> <input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:DrpState"></input><select style="width:145px;" name="DrpState"><option value="" selected>Select State <option value="AL"> AL - Alabama<option value="AK"> AK - Alaska<option value="AP"> AP - Armed Forces Pacific<option value="AE"> AE - Armed Forces Europe<option value="AA"> AA - Armed Forces America<option value="AZ"> AZ - Arizona<option value="AR"> AR - Arkansas<option value="CA"> CA - California<option value="CO"> CO - Colorado<option value="CT"> CT - Connecticut<option value="DC"> DC - Washington D.C.<option value="DE"> DE - Delaware<option value="FL"> FL - Florida<option value="GA"> GA - Georgia<option value="GU"> GU - Guam<option value="HI"> HI - Hawaii<option value="ID"> ID - Idaho<option value="IL"> IL - Illinois<option value="IN"> IN - Indiana<option value="IA"> IA - Iowa<option value="KS"> KS - Kansas<option value="KY"> KY - Kentucky<option value="LA"> LA - Louisiana<option value="ME"> ME - Maine<option value="MD"> MD - Maryland<option value="MA"> MA - Massachusetts<option value="MI"> MI - Michigan<option value="MN"> MN - Minnesota<option value="MS"> MS - Mississippi<option value="MO"> MO - Missouri<option value="MT"> MT - Montana<option value="NE"> NE - Nebraska<option value="NV"> NV - Nevada<option value="NH"> NH - New Hampshire<option value="NJ"> NJ - New Jersey<option value="NM"> NM - New Mexico<option value="NY"> NY - New York<option value="NC"> NC - North Carolina<option value="ND"> ND - North Dakota<option value="OH"> OH - Ohio<option value="OK"> OK - Oklahoma<option value="OR"> OR - Oregon<option value="PA"> PA - Pennsylvania<option value="RI"> RI - Rhode Island<option value="SC"> SC - South Carolina<option value="SD"> SD - South Dakota<option value="TN"> TN - Tennessee<option value="TX"> TX - Texas<option value="UT"> UT - Utah<option value="VT"> VT - Vermont<option value="VA"> VA - Virginia<option value="VI"> VI - Virgin Islands<option value="WA"> WA - Washington<option value="WV"> WV - West Virginia<option value="WI"> WI - Wisconsin<option value="WY"> WY - Wyoming</select></div> </td> </tr> </table><br /> <input type="image" onclick="javascript:return clearlcdURL();" src="http://images.domain.com:80/domain_US/en_US/images/global/buttons/btnpa_findjl.gif" blcd="0" alt="Find Nearest jl" name="/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.jlSearch"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.jlSearch"> <input type="image" style="margin-right:10px;" src="http://images.domain.com:80/domain_US/en_US/images/global/buttons/btnsa_cancel.gif" blcd="0" alt="Cancel" name="/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.cancelSearch"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/domain/digiterra/h/lcd/formhandler/formatQuickjlsFormHandler.cancelSearch"> <br /> </div> </div> <script> document.frmjlsSearchForm.TxtpCode.focus(); </script> <input value="/site/en_US/checkout/olschkjlfindersearchform.jsp" type="hidden" name="_DARGS"></form>
  15. Yes, but the form is processed with javascript.
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