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Everything posted by FD_F

  1. problem solved set $subdomain ""; set $subdomain_root ""; if ($host ~* "^(.+)\.domain\.com$") { set $subdomain $1; set $subdomain_root "/$subdomain"; rewrite ^(.*)$ $subdomain_root$1; break; }
  2. Hi, i have many sub domains i need to rewrite for example: http://subx.domain.com/i30/index.html will rewrite to: /home/domain/live.domain.com/subx/i30/index.html so i did rule: if ( $host ~ "subx.domain.com" ) { rewrite ^(.*) http://live.domain.com/subx/$uri last; } but i don't want make every time different rule and i need to create one will take care all the sub domains with the same course any ideas ? thanks!
  3. thanks grate idea when i running find /var/www/test/ -name test.php -exec rsync -av --dry-run {} /var/www/test2/ \; i get only one test.php file when i run only find /var/www/test/ -name test.php i get : /var/www/test/deeptest/test.php /var/www/test/test.php so the find works any other ideas?
  4. hi, how i can rsync recorsive in one big folder only files name test.php and exclude all others i tryed rsync -av --dry-run /var/www/test/ --include='test.php' /var/www/test2/
  5. solved i spilt the query to tow parts but if somone have idea how to optimize [now php doing the md5 job]
  6. Hi, i need to get the file name was hashed and saved into mysql table filename is the field with the file name in his real name 84cce6f10297af027e28fc779097eeb6 and 45436 comming from my php script i did somthing like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE customer='45436' AND md5('lefttsalt + table.filename + rightsalt') = '84cce6f10297af027e28fc779097eeb6'; any idea to what i`m doing wrong ? thanks in advanced
  7. run this command : GRANT ALL ON Dbname.* TO username@'yourip' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
  8. found solution eclipse PDT WSDL editor http://help.eclipse.org/help32/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ui.doc.user/tasks/tcrtwsdl.html
  9. Hi, i have big class i need to define for web service ( create WSDL file ) there is any tool to convert PHP class to WSDL file ? thanks
  10. you can try work with .htaccess http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/910/how-to-set-cookie-expiration-in-apache
  11. you can check sendmail logs if you own the server if not ask the hosting company support i prefer using phpmailer and prevent this kind of problems
  12. the hashing is good idea i cant know which user will write the file but you can open windows process list and see what the user name running IIS
  13. yes check from php if the upload is jpg,gif also don't save in same file name uploaded give the files random name before saving if its IIS you can prevent execute script in the image folder give your IT this link : http://www.aspplayground.net/forum/tm.aspx?m=376885&mpage=1#376885
  14. to add AD user will not help because when you will upload file apache\IIS user will be write the file so you will haft to give apache/IIS user write permittions you can tell your IT manager you will secure the file by checking the file type from the code
  15. example: if(!empty($row['web'])) { echo "<TD><a href='http://".$row['web']."' target='_blank'>web page</a></TD>"; } echo will only run if $row['web'] not empty
  16. you can open only in server side using shell_exec("C:\Word Folder\winword.exe /ttemplate name"); more info: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290961
  17. you can use & example: php -f /Volumes/Work\ HD/Projects/testProject/test.php & then you can close the terminal
  18. try work with UTF-8 example: header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8') ;
  19. you have syntax error to display errors add on the top of the code this lines: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1);
  20. in this case use CRON JOB (if no user interface involve )
  21. if your using wamp you don't have sendmail in this case just remove $mail->IsSendmail(); from your code
  22. check if /var/qmail/bin/sendmail is sendmail path to check sendmail path type in command line : which sendmail usually its on /usr/sbin/sendmail than update php.ini
  23. solved i need wrote full path /bin/ls
  24. $con = ssh2_connect("",22); ssh2_auth_password($con, 'user', 'pass'); $stream = ssh2_exec($con, 'w'); stream_set_blocking($stream, true); $output = stream_get_contents($stream); echo $output; unset($con); when i using ssh2_exec($con, 'w'); its ok when i using simple linux ls command - ssh2_exec($con, 'ls'); i dont get any output any idea why?, thanks
  25. thanks in the end i did str = str.replace(/[^-a-z 0-9]/gi,'');
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