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  1. If you don't need particularly fine grained permissions then Joomla will probably suit your needs quite well. To be honest from that spec they probably all will.
  2. Which one fits your needs the most? It's a very difficult question to answer, especially so when you provide no information on what you want to use it for. What are your requirements?
  3. Would it be possible to use the $_SESSION var or would it not be guaranteed to be set by the time the iframe was called??
  4. You're calling findcity.php but you indicate your file is called findCity.php. If you're on Windows this will be fine but not on nix. There's nothing obvious wrong with your javascript. What happens if you view findcity.php?id=1 in your browser?
  5. You really ought to validate here. If you implement that you're effectively giving an attacker full access to your server. if (isset($_GET['page']) && preg_match('!^story[0-9]+\.html$!', $_GET['page'])) { include($_GET['page']); } else { echo "select a story"; }
  6. SELECT CASE `field` WHEN '' THEN 'Value' ELSE IFNULL( `field` , 'Value' ) END FROM `table`
  7. You talking about cookies or a file on their c: drive?
  8. Can't you just echo: <?php echo 'round(((($_GET[\'h\'] / 25.4) * ($_GET[\'w\'] * .01) * 2) + $_GET[\'d\']), 2) = '.$thc;
  9. Beat me to it nankoweap Ahhh, apologies, don't know how I missed those. You could use a case.
  10. exactly as typed: SELECT masterdataid, IFNULL(resultsnotations.prospectrating, 'Not Rated') AS prospectratingch, IFNULL(resultsnotations.lastactivity, 'Loaded') AS lastactivity FROM resultsnotations WHERE masterdataid = '339' and (prospectrating is null OR prospectrating = '') ORDER BY resultsnotations.lastactivity DESC
  11. and (prospectrating is null OR prospectrating = '') That what you mean?
  12. You can order by more than one thing at once. Order by sticky first and date second.
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