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On Sale

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Everything posted by On Sale

  1. That seems to be the problem i am running into too. Does anyone know of any other scripts that will work? Perhaps maybe even one with yahoo?
  2. http://multiz.com/google/ ^^ just like that, if you dont understand il try to explain. i want to have a site that looks like a full blown search engine site, but querys googles database and inserts the results into my site. Basically i want to use google search results. I have used the same script as the site i listed above, but it always returns 0 search results, i registered for a google api account so its not that i think its a problem with the script. But anyway can someone please help me??
  3. Hey guys in trying to start a site that essentially uses Google's search results, but on my domain. I have found a few scripts but they all seem to not work with googles new Ajax API settings. They are old and outdated with only API and not Ajax settings. Maybe im just a newb and screwing it up, but anyway im looking for a script that will display google search results but on my site... not a script that search's my site. Please help!!!! Thanks in advance and btw this site layout is extremly nice!
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