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  1. Thanks Ken, that has improved my function.
  2. For the URL: http://mobi/weather/addo/ The function returns this html code: Final Nav: <a href='/'>Home</a> >> <a href='mobi/'>mobi/</a> >> <a href='mobi/weather/'>weather/</a> >> <a href='mobi/weather/addo/'>addo/</a> Which is what I Basically wanted, you can check the code and help me improve, I am less experienced.
  3. Basically, I wanted to generate a menu based on the user navigation or (Request URI), I spend the last hour trying to write this, it works as I wanted, but I need to clean it up, I am not a Guru, but this is how I managed to get to the solution: function showNavigationPath() { //$request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $request_uri = "About/Weather/Park/Addo/"; //Test URI $current_url_length = strlen($request_uri); $uri_split = str_split($request_uri); $link_counter = 0; $buffer = ""; for($i=0;$i<$current_url_length;$i++) { $buffer .= $uri_split[$i]; if($uri_split[$i] == "/") // Found a "/" in the URI String { $link[$link_counter] = $buffer; $buffer = ""; $link_counter++; } } //echo($buffer); // Test $link_counter = 0; $final_nav = "<a href='/'>Home</a> "; // Buffer like store for Final out of the Navigation foreach($link as $item) { @$url .= $item; //echo("url[" . $c . "] " . $url[$c] . "<br /> "); $final_nav .= ">> <a href='" . $url ."'>$item</a> "; $link_counter++; } print("Final Nav: " . $final_nav); }
  4. Hi Guys, I am not very experienced and I want to write a php function that will generate Links(Menu) as a user goes deeper navigating the website. This is what I want to see being generated: Home >> weather >> addo for a url like this: http://mobi/weather/addo/ The first step would be to get the position for the occurrence of the character "/", then get the string in between the "/" Well, I don't know how to about this for now...
  5. I am working on a little php App, I want to make it fancy by using lovely window/alerts. after searching the net, I bumped into:" http://www.dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxWindows/index.shtml " which looks really cool, but all I want is to create a simple neat and lovely alerts using those. I am struggling to find out to easily implement this... or are there any nice tools available to accomplish such...??
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