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  1. I never saw that before, these download lines. For me it looks like they uploaded it through a script at /cgi-bin/
  2. Is it possible that the host name wont be passed until the session is encrypted? because after I add an expection for the cert i gonna be redirected to the host i want. it works fine I think I create a multi domain certificate and enable ssl for all. That would be the best for every domain. thanks for the help
  3. Take a look at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default probably this helps <Directory "/var/www/"> Order deny,allow allow from all </Directory>
  4. Got it, <VirtualHost domain1.com:80> ServerAlias *.domain1.com RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*) http://www.domain1.com$1 [R=301] </VirtualHost> (for every domain) works fine i tried "<VirtualHost *.domain1.com:80>" before, that was the problem but it wont work for the ssl one, NameVirtualHost ****Server'sIP****:443 <VirtualHost mail.domain1.com:443> ServerAdmin info@domain1.com ServerAlias mail.domain1.com DocumentRoot /var/www/roundcube/ <Directory "/var/www/roundcube"> Order deny,allow allow from all </Directory> #PHP config (stripped) #SSL (stripped) </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost mail.domain1.com:80 mail.domain2.com:80> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*) https://mail.domain1.com$1 [R=301] </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost domain1.com:443> ServerAlias *.domain1.com RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*) http://www.domain1.com$1 [R=301] </VirtualHost> i dont understand why it works fine for port 80 but not for port 443 apache2 gives no error while starting...
  5. "The very first virtual host that you set will be the default one. If no other virtual hosts match, the first one will be used. So, just set one up for the IP or something." the problem is i got 3 domains how can i set a default one to every single domain? "Hrmmmm...... I'm sure that's possible, but I don't know how. Is it possible to use wildcards in VirtualHosts? If so, you could set a wildcard virtual host as the first one for a subdomain, and then set the individual subdomains." Thats not possible, how should apache resolve the hostname *.domain.com?? correct me if im wrong! "I have no idea why SSL is enabled in all of the VirtualHosts and not just the one you specified. Are you sure that's the only SSLEngine On statement in the file?" Yes, it is. because apache doesnt find another vhost which is bind to port 443 he use this one, and because the domain doesnt match the browser gives a domain mismatch error.
  6. <VirtualHost www.domain1.com:80 www.domain2.com:80> ServerAdmin info@*** ServerAlias www.doman1.com DocumentRoot /var/www/****/htdocs # some php and log configs </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost abc.domain1.com:80> ServerAdmin info@****** ServerAlias abc.domain1.com DocumentRoot /var/www/***/subdomains/abc/htdocs/ </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost we.domain1.com:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerAlias we.domain1.com DocumentRoot /var/www/****/subdomains/we/htdocs/ #some php configs </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost domain1.com:80> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*) http://www.domain1.com$1 [R=301] </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost domain2.com:80> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*) http://www.domain2.com$1 [R=301] </VirtualHost> other file for ssl <VirtualHost mail.domain1.com:443> ServerAdmin info@****** ServerAlias mail.domain1.com DocumentRoot /var/www/roundcube/ #some php configs #SSL SSLEngine On SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/mail.*****.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/mail.****.key </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost mail.domain1.com:80 mail.domain2.com:80> RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*) https://mail.domain1.com$1 </VirtualHost> and domain3 file <VirtualHost www.domain3.com:80> ServerAdmin info@****** ServerAlias www.domain3.com DocumentRoot /var/www/******/htdocs # some php and log configs </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost mail.domain3.com:80> ServerAdmin info@******* ServerAlias mail.domain3.com DocumentRoot /var/www/roundcube/ #... some php configs </VirtualHost> replaced some stuff with ****
  7. hi i got a linux-vserver with one ip running apache2 with 3 domains as virtualhosts almost everything works fine. the dns redirects all subdomains to the IP. the problem. subdomains which not exists as virtualhost show up the frontpage of one domain. (xyz.domain2.com shows the same as www.domain1.com) how can I redirect all not existing subdomains of domain1.com to www.domain1.com, the same for domain2 and domain3? The same for SSL I host one site with a SSL certificate mail.domain1.com, when I open https://www.domain3.com/ its the same as mail.domain1.com just with a certificate error. How can I redirect them to http://www.domain3.com without creating a virtualhost for every subdomain!
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