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Posts posted by Soulstealer

  1. switch points to exp and thats why im looking for also want to join my site crew?



    how would you start that? im currently learning htlm says u should know some for php so im about 4/10 almost done learning



    so how would u start the level system


    http://www.pulse-box.com/rpg-beta/ has a nice level system i was looking thorugh sites


    please help


    atm i know how  to echo to world do headings pargraphs and sentences with html + links

  2. thanks sam sorry about that im just really bad at this can someone teach me how to start making lvl system i readed some arctiles but other than that i pretty much suck and i came here ot ask if somone can help me learn to make      im just that big of a php newb

  3. they gain exp from attacking other players and training their player i just started but i found this code tell me if its right




    <td align="center">

    <table class="quickstat_col">


    <td class="volatile_var" onmouseover="showtip('<table><tr><td><b><i></i>Exp Left Until Next Level:</i></b></td><td>1000</td></tr><tr><td><b>Minimum:</b></td><td>3,890,170</td></tr><tr><td><b>Exp Per Hour:</b></td><td>51</td></tr><tr><td><b>Exp Growth Today:</b></td><td>2,771</td></tr><tr><td><b>Link Clicks Today:</b></td><td>0</td></tr><tr><td><b>Attacks Today:</b></td><td>58</td></tr></table>');" onmouseout="hidetip();">EXP:1</td>



    <div class="progress_border" style="width: 30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">

    <div class="progress_bar" style="background: green none repeat scroll 0% 0%; width: 40.485%; height: 10px; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"></div>

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