validation text:
I have created a tutorial system like and I would like people to test it out.
especially the security
I'm using mysqli and mysqli_real_escape_string() to protect most of the website.
The tutorial system is written in OOP and I used try&catch for the error reports
How it works?
1- We'll... just register and login
2- Submit a tutorial (needs to be approved by admin first)
3- click on a link to view the detail page of a tutorial
° You can rate tutorials
° You can comment (needs to be approved by admin)
4- You can edit your profile
5- Add tutorial to your favorites
I also implemented a gravatar system, when it's checked it will use the email for the gravatar, if not the image which was uploaded or the default image if nothing was uploaded (you will find that option when editing your profile)
so that's pretty much it, the goal of that website is to offer people a site where they only find tutorials for CMS systems like wordpress, vBulletin, joomla,... and so on (but also webdesign, css/xhtml/php tutorials)
I do have one question, I'm only using sessions for know because my web teacher told me not to use cookies (you can modify them, he told me) I then asked how could I create the session so that the browser keeps the user info even after closing the browser and he told me to look for that answer so i'm asking you guys does anyone know if cookie is bad? if not what information should I store in the cookies? or if my teacher is right how would I extend sessions?
ps: general feedback about the layout and other is welcome, escpecially the usability