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Everything posted by binumathew

  1. Thks........................
  2. I am having a string Eg: In September, the month where IIT-ians do distinctly non-IITian things, Samar was having the time of his life. With Rock shows, JAM sessions, debates and politics, his life resembled a colourful graffiti. Adding chaos to this randomness were his three partners-in-crime, Pranav, Skimpy and Jiya. Together they made sure that life was impossibly wild and barely legal. I need a new break line on each 80 chars how can i do that???
  3. I have a rewrite rule in my .htaccess file RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ user.php?id=$1 RewriteRule ^search$ /search/ The Above code is not working properly mydomain.com/username should redirect to user.php?id=username this work wonderfull What i need is mydomain.com/search should redirect to search.php how can it possible?
  4. Use this Code for Uploading a file <?php echo "File Name: ".$_FILES[userfile][name]."<br>"; echo "tmp name: ".$_FILES[userfile][tmp_name]."<br>"; echo "File Type: ".$_FILES[userfile][type]."<br>"; echo "<br><br>"; $add="upimg/".$_FILES[userfile][name]; if(move_uploaded_file ($_FILES[userfile][tmp_name],$add)){ echo "Successfully uploaded the mage"; chmod("$add",0777); }else{echo "Failed to upload file Contact Site admin to fix the problem"; exit;} ?>
  5. Thks Andy-H and bl00dshooter, That code makes a perfect answer for my question... Thks Very Much...
  6. I think you've got some misconceptions about both the purpose of this forum and how learning works. This forum is not made so people can write code for you on-demand, and learning does not work by having others do it for you. Sorry Daniel0, I dont mean that. i am here for learning purpose...Sorry and i will not repeat it....
  7. Thks Blood Shooter. But the User is gaving input, so it can be change, i need something like twitter method, all the tag in # becaming link to search/#tag, something like that
  8. The Code i used is <?php $str=$_REQUEST['tes']; $newStr=""; $t=0; for($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++) { if($str[$i]=='$') { $t=1; $newStr=$newStr."<a href='$link'>"; } else if($str[$i]==" " && $t=1) {$link=$newStr; $newStr=$newStr."</a>"; $t=0; } $newStr=$newStr.$str[$i]; } echo "New $newStr"; ?> This is not making link i need link like if the user put string like "Welcome Fellows to My $world"; i need a link at $world, and link to $world <a href="$world">$world</a> Like this
  9. Thks for the replay But it is not my needed answer I need Links in the string...
  10. Thks, i that case, there is no need of forums, right man?
  11. Sorry DJ, I tried so much, i got anger and i delete the code, its making me pain in my ass Can you gave me a code snippet for that ??
  12. i tried, i am not well in php string function, can you help me out, by make a small snippet for me?
  13. Will the above code automatically detect the mobile browser?
  14. Can you gave a code snippet for following ?
  15. Hi Friends I Have a string "The comfortable seating, wide $automatic doors in the middle for entry, exit at the front, advanced passenger information $system and $facilities for the physically $challenged came in for praise. The stop switches at the posts in the bus for the $commuters to request for halt and the LCD destination boards in Malayalam and English drew appreciation." In the above string, there is some strings which are starting with "$" symbol. i need the place a link where $ symbol is made. How can i do that can you guys please help me
  16. Hi, I like to know how to Creating a Function in PHP returing MYSQL Row Array and return the array and it can show in the php page
  17. I need to clear session when the browser close,is it possible???can u gave me a code snippet? i need the username from log in page to home page and setting page is it also possible using session??
  18. Is its important that we have to close MYSQL Connection in php after i use a connection i am using following functions function GetConnection() { $COLAS_con=mysql_connect("localhost","root","pass"); mysql_select_db("DB_COLAS",$COLAS_con); return $COLAS_con; } function Connection_Close($COLAS_con) { mysql_close($COLAS_con); } i use this in my one of code <?php $UName='1'; echo $now = date("Y/m/d", strtotime('+5 hour+30 minutes') ); include "DB_Connection.php"; $ColasObj=new DBConnection; $ColasCon=$ColasObj->GetConnection(); $ed=$ColasObj->NoStud($ColasCon,$UName); $ef=$ColasObj->NoPreStud($ColasCon,$now); $absent=$ed-$ef; ?> can i use close connection??is it important if so where??
  19. i mean think that there is 50 person's name in the DB,i want to show these names along with the check box and when the user click some names we have to update the DB
  20. Friends How can i get IP address of the client's PC??
  21. How can i get current Date and Time of Server??
  22. i check the permission....but it not work...nw i using FTP to transfer file from my local folder to htdocs
  23. Hey Friends... Plz replay...........i need to know...plz
  24. What is the Difference Between MYSQLi and MYSQL Extenstion?? Can anybody share me....plz avoid links......
  25. Friens I installed Xampp in my system....while i try to paste PHP files to /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp..it is not allowing to paste file @ there why??
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