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Everything posted by flemingmike
i know i have it wrong, cant figure it out. anybody able to help? echo "<td align='center'><a href="#" onmouseover="alert('" . $customer . " <br /> " . $address . "');return false">" . $customer . "</a></td>";
is there a way to make the column width to try not have multiple lines if possible when pulling 200 rows from a database?
that worked much better!
hello, is there a wat to limit the following to only the first 25 characters? $customername=$row1["customer"]; thanks
perfect. thanks
hello, so when i use like 'a%' it gives me all names stating with a when i use not like 'a%', it gives me all names that dont start with a how would i use not like so it would show me all names that dont start with a, b or c?
hello, i have the following, which is sorting by id number with a horizontal line between. im trying to make it so that it is sorted by supplier with lines between each letter. <?phpif ($PreviousID!=0 && $ManID != $PreviousID) {?> <hr /> <?PHP } $PreviousID = $ManID; include 'config.php';include 'javascript.php';@mysql_select_db ("citycore", $conn) OR DIE (mysql_error());$sql = "SELECT * FROM supplier ORDER BY supplier";$result = @mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());//$row2 = mysql_query($sql, $conn);$PreviousID=0;while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $ManID = $row['id']; $id=$row['id']; $supplier=$row['supplier']; $address=$row['address']; $city=$row['city']; $province=$row['province']; $postal=$row['postal']; $phone2=$row['phone2']; $phone=$row['phone']; $fax=$row['fax']; $email=$row['email']; ?> <div align="center"> <table border="1" width="95%" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr> <td><?php echo $row['supplier'];?></td> <td><a href="http://mapof.it/<?php echo($address .' ' .$city .',' .' ' .$province .' ' .$postal); ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo($address .' ' .$city .',' .' ' .$province .' ' .$postal); ?></a></td> </tr> </table> </div><?PHP } ?>
i guess specifically, i have a supplier list that is stored in mysql. even if i could have it sorted by letter, that would be great. then along the top i could have a-b-c-d-.....-z and when you click a letter, it would goto the suppliers that start with that letter.
hello, was wondering if there is a way to have a search box that searches all data on the current page. similar to what a ctrl+F would do in internet exoplorer
i found this, i configured it, and it does nothing. do i have to call a command at all? <?php include 'config.php'; include 'javascript.php'; $backupFile = $dbname . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.gz'; $command = "mysqldump --opt -h $dbhost -u $dbuser -p $dbpass $dbname | gzip > $backupFile"; system($command); include 'close.php'; ?>
hi, im looking for a way to make a page that will backup my mysql when i click a button and i can save it locally on any machine i use. anybody able to help me out with what to search in google? thanks!
two questions, 1) what is the default font that is used? 2) if i wanted to change the font for the whole site, is that simple?
i have this: @media print { @page { size: landscape; } } how would i write my <div class='what goes here?'>
hello, is there a way with css to make the default print to print in landscape? thanks
hello, i have the following script, and it works great. one thing i need is to print in landscape. is it possible to modify this to set to print landscape? <head> <script><!-- function printURL(URL){ if(!window.print){ alert("Your browser does not support printing"); } else{ popup = window.open("about:blank", "", "fullscreen=no,toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,directories=no,location=no,width=200,height=200"); popup.document.write("<html><frameset cols=*><frame src=\"" +URL+ "\" onload=\"window.print();setTimeout('window.close()',100) \"></frame></frameset></html>"); popup.location.reload(); } } --></script> </head <body> <a href="javascript:printURL('shortview.php?">print shortview</a> </body>
hello, is it possible to get the logged in user id when using windows authentication?
hello, new to javascript, is there a way to make a print button that will print the page without headers and footers and also print it horizontal?
hello, i am trying to import a xlsx file into mysql and am recieving an error. Error in ZIP archive: 11 anybody have any ideas?
is there a way to make a link or button that will print the current page, but only page 1, landscape with no headers or footers? or print between two tags? thanks
cool. never used that before.
i have a script that calls for a field, but if you arent on a blackberry it asks you to select a name first, so it gives error until you select: Notice: Undefined variable: posteid in E:\Website\citycore\2\mobile\schedule.php on line 20 i could make it so it didnt call for $posteid until after the name is selected, but then it wont work from the blackberry as it detects the pin number first.
it was the upper case H. been many hours at this. thanks.
$memberid='Mike'; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM //table goes here\\ WHERE member_ID = '$memberid'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $city=$row['ID']; $x=$row['X']; and so on here..... }