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Everything posted by Monkuar

  1. Ok I grabbed all info exactly from my Database! $color_one = "<td width=33%><fieldset><legend> {$row['sname']} </legend> <div class=\"p3\"> Added on {$row['date']} by {$row['author']}</a> </div> <table class=\"ftb\"> <tr><td nowrap class=\"ce desc\"> Public<br> Views: {$row['views']}<br><br> Rank: {$row['rating']}<br><br> Comments: 0<br><br> </td> <td class=\"lc ib\"><span class='linkthru'><a href=\"index.php?download={$row['id']}\"><img src='{$row['screenshot1']}' border='0' align='center' width='100' height='100' /></a></span> <br> </td></tr></table> </fieldset> "; $color_two = 'ce'; static $i = 0; $color = ($i % 6) ? $color_one : $color_two; $i++; $this->output .= $color; That currently display's exactly this,: NOW I need it to span 3 rows across and do a break tag, like this: I've been trying to use some type of PHP Code that makes it like that, i'm using the 1 in my code as u see but it's not doing it. Please please God.. thanks.. this is my 3rd thread and 20hours on this I cant figure it out, Thanks! It has something to do with "; $color_two = 'ce'; static $i = 0; $color = ($i % 6) ? $color_one : $color_two; $i++; $this->output .= $color; With that [my above code I posted
  2. Any help on this issue sir?
  3. Sir please please give me that information, Im using old old code from 2002 but I enahcned with u guys best code around!! : So it would be like this? $color_one = '</tr>'; $color_two = '</br>'; static $i = 0; $color = ($i % 3) ? $color_one : $color_two; $i++;
  4. $color_one = '</tr>'; $color_two = '</td>'; static $i = 0; $color = ($i % 2) ? $color_one : $color_two; $i++; global $ibforums; //caption is sname return <<<EOF <td width=33%><fieldset><legend>{$info['sname']}</legend> <div class="p3"> Added on {$info['date']} by {$info['author']}</a> </div> <table class="ftb"> <tr><td nowrap class="ce desc"> Public<br> Views: {$info['views']}<br><br> Rank: {$info['rating']}<br><br> Comments: 0<br><br> </td> <td class="lc ib"><span class='linkthru'><a href="index.php?download={$info['id']}"><img src='{$info['screenshot1']}' border='0' align='center' width='100' height='100' /></a></span> <br> </td></tr></table> </fieldset><br> $color How can I use: $color_one = '</tr>'; $color_two = '</td>'; static $i = 0; $color = ($i % 2) ? $color_one : $color_two; $i++; that Code to make the above above code spit out 3 rows each then a break tag? Thanks!
  5. Explain more sir plz
  6. HAHA I almost got it to work! How do i make it so it does a break tag every other 3rd line for 3 lines!
  7. Ok look on my Photo Gallery : I want it to go over 3 rows then do a break tag. Like this: Like that, i'm going to show u some code think u can help me? I would really appreciate it Been up since 1:00am figuring it out can't.. This code is the html for it <table width=100%> </tr><tr valign=top><td width=33%><fieldset><legend>{$info['sname']}</legend> <div class="p3"> Added on {$info['date']} by {$info['author']}</a> </div> <table class="ftb"> <tr><td nowrap class="ce desc"> Public<br> Views: {$info['views']}<br><br> Rank: {$info['rating']}<br><br> Comments: 0<br><br> </td> <td class="lc ib"><span class='linkthru'><a href="index.php?download={$info['id']}"><img src='{$info['screenshot1']}' border='0' align='center' width='100' height='100' /></a></span> <br> </td></tr></table> </fieldset> this is the PHP that spit's it out: [i think?] if($ibforums->input['cat'] != 'all'){ $row['cat_extra'] = ""; if($ibforums->vars['d_dis_screen_cat'] == "1" || ($ibforums->vars['d_dis_screen_cat'] == "2" && $row['dis_screen_cat'] == "1")){ $row['screen_extra'] = "1"; $row['screenshot'] = $this->screenshot($row); $this->output .= $this->html->files($row); } elseif ($ibforums->vars['d_dis_screen_cat'] == "0" || ($ibforums->vars['d_dis_screen_cat'] == "2" && $row['dis_screen_cat'] == "0")) { $row['screenshot'] = ""; $this->output .= $this->html->files1($row); } } else { $row['cat_extra'] = "<br />(".$row['cname'].")"; $row['screenshot'] = ""; $this->output .= $this->html->files1($row); Thanks! Please respond!
  8. Is that security risk? I use this: for each variable good enough? $id = $ibforums->input["id"]; $num = $ibforums->input["num"]; if (isset($id)){ if (is_numeric($id)) { } else { die("Your ip has been saved in the Database and will be reported to your ISP."); } } if (isset($num)){ if (is_numeric($num)) { } else { die("Your ip has been saved in the Database and will be reported to your ISP."); } } my code is from 2002 but i enchance it alittle each time
  9. for ($a=0;$a<$num;$a++) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ibf_itemshop_inventory(productid,memberid,paid) VALUES( '". mysql_real_escape_string($product["productid"]) ."','". mysql_real_escape_string($ibforums->member["id"]) .",'". mysql_real_escape_string($product["price"]) ."')"); } im using mysql real escape against for hackers.. but it's giving me a error: mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ibf_itemshop_inventory(productid,memberid,paid) VALUES( '10','1,'0') mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0')' at line 1 mySQL error code: Date: Sunday 28th 2009f June 2009 07:29:54 AM
  10. $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_tcusergroups SET allowed_ranks = allowed_ranks+ ". mysql_real_escape_string($settings['ranks_increase']) .", ranks = '". mysql_real_escape_string($data2) ."' WHERE mod_id = '" mysql_real_escape_string($ibforums->member['id']) "' LIMIT 1"); Somehow when i run that query i get an error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home3/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/sources/shop/shopitem_addranks.php on line 78 Im using mysqlescape so people cant hack.
  11. Warning: opendir(/home/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/sources/shop/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home3/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/sources/shop/core_admin.php on line 1254 Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home3/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/sources/shop/core_admin.php on line 1256 Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home3/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/sources/shop/core_admin.php on line 1262 here is the code line.. while ($filename = readdir($dir)) { if (!preg_match("#^shopitem_(.*)\.php$#",$filename,$match)) {continue;}; $modules[$match[1]]["filealert"] = " "; $modules[$match[1]]["usedcount"] = 0; } closedir($dir); im lost??!
  12. function uc(o,f){var h="";for(var i=0;i<o.childNodes.length;i++){var x=o.childNodes[i],a="";switch(x.tagName?x.tagName:x.nodeName){case "#text":h+=x.nodeValue;break;case "BR":h+="\n";break;case "EMBED":if(x.src.indexOf("mp3.swf")!=-1)break;case "B":h+="[b]";a="[/b]";break;case "U":h+="[u]";a="[/u]";break;case "I":h+="[i]";a="[/i]";break;case "S":h+="[s]";a="[/s]";break;case "CENTER":h+=" [center]";a="[/center] ";break;case "A":var v=x.href,c="URL";if(v.indexOf("javascript")!=-1){v=v.replace(/.+?['"](.+?)['"].+?/,"$1")}else{if(v.indexOf("mailto:")!=-1){v=v.substr(7,v.length);c="EMAIL"}}h+="["+c+"="+v+"]";a="[/"+c+"]";break;case "IMG":if(x.alt){h+=x.alt;}else{h+="[img="+x.src+"]";}break;case "SPAN":if(x.className=="edit"){continue}if(x.style.color){h+="[color="+x.style.color+"]";a="[/color]"}else{if(x.style.fontFamily){h+="[font="+x.style.fontFamily+"]";a="[/font]"}else{if(x.style.fontSize){h+="[size="+(parseInt(x.style.fontSize)-7)+"]";a="[/size]"}}}break;case "DIV":if(x.style.textAlign=="right"){h+=" [right]";a="[/right] "}else{if(x.className=="quote1"){if(x.childNodes[0]&&x.childNodes[0].nodeName=="#text"){var v=x.childNodes[0].nodeValue;if(v.indexOf("uote")!=-1){if(f&1){continue}h+="[quote";if(v&&v.length>6){h+=v.replace(/Quote \((.+?) @ (.+?)\)/i,"=$1,$2")}h+="]";continue}else{h+="[code]";continue}}}else{if(x.className=="quote2"){if(f&1){continue}a="[/quote]"}else{if(x.className=="code2"){a=" "}}}}break;case "OL":case "UL":h+="[list"+(x.type?"=+x.type:"")+]";a=" ";break;case "LI":h+="[*]";a="\n";break}h+=uc(x,f)+a}return h.replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"")} [/code] is there a program that breaks it down so it's not 100%width horizontal and it does a break tag after each ; so it's easier to read? is there a program that would do it? thx
  13. Warning: require_once(/home/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php") [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/chat/index.php on line 3 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php"' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/gxforums/public_html/24-7GT.com/chat/index.php on line 3 Here is my site, 24-7GT.com/chat/ this is the php code: // Load and Start IPB SDK require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php"'; $SDK =& new IPBSDK(); $member = $SDK->get_info(); It worked fine on my other site, talkalot.info but once i switched over to cpanel it's now saying i got error, and yes all file are uploaded. any ideas? thx
  14. my bad i forgot lol yea done thx now my forums look sexy
  15. damn.. epic UPDATE ibf_forums SET topics = 0, posts = 0 thanks guys!
  16. Make's all posts/Topics at 0 So I dont have to go and edit each freaking row, lol See the topic and posts row? I want all of them to have 0 See.. ; database is called gzforums_ipb13 table is: ibf_forums how do i make a query? So I can make it all 0 posts Topics 0 thanks
  17. i just found how to intergrate my forum with any php script that allow's variables lol anyone know any good free sites that offer free downloable php script's multiplayer games/ fun games that store in cookie or w/e anything fun? Thanks ~_~
  18. Man I love u. Thanks alot my brother.
  19. $DB->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET points='25' WHERE id='".$ibforums->member['id']."'"); Ok I dont want to set the points to 25 I want so everytime the use refreshes this query it addes +25 to the value of points instead of setting it. possible? Thanks!
  20. thx u sir resolved.
  21. Script is from 2002. lol Im so lost on what u said could u explain it a little bit more, thanks sir something like this? require_once '$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php"; i get error.. ;p
  22. // Load and Start IPB SDK require_once "/forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php"; $SDK =& new IPBSDK(); Ok im editing this: but im putting that inside a directory that's http://talkalot.info/phpfreechat/demo/demo55_mysql_container.php how do i require require_once "/forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php"; if im in a different folder directory? Omg this is hard to explain but yea.. xD dont i have to use like /....//forums/ipbsdk/ipbsdk_class.inc.php something like that?to make it go back directorys
  23. $matches peremeter and make that 3 ?
  24. Ok On my forum we use BBcodes tag's to replace so people can put in a youtube code and it replaces it all with php and makes it show youtube video. here is code: $txt = preg_replace( "#\[youtube\](.+?)\[/youtube\]#is", "<object width=\"425\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/\\1\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param><embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/\\1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\"></embed></object>", $txt ); that's preg_replace this is another 1 that's preg_replace but different... //youtube by Abe90 $txt = preg_replace( "#<object width=\"425\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/(.+?)\"></param><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param><embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/(.+?)\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\"></embed></object>#is" ,"\[YOUTUBE\]\\1\[/YOUTUBE\]" , $txt ); Is there any way I can limit people using it 3 Times? Like only allowing 3 Youtube's or whatever I need to make it so people can only use that preg_replace thing 3 times.
  25. Thanks for your help!
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