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  1. hi everyone i want one application for my website(php based) , i got list of tv channels to watch online and if visitor click on any channel , it open in new page as the classical way is, but i want to play that channel on the same page, i have seen some websites , but i dont know where should i start, what should i learn , i want you guys give a direction . i am using php mysql to get tv channels information. the websites are http://video.msn.com http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/video_and_audio/default.stm http://fomny.com/ (i want exactly like this) please tell me what are the keywords to search for this type ajax tutorial? do u know any good tutorial for this kind of problem (i have seen many for forms, autocomplete etc)? i tried ajax tab stuff, but i failed to pass url variable ?id=2&name=channel. should i use iframe? please just put me in right direction , i dont know much about ajax.
  2. hey all i stuck with this, i spent 3 hours of internet search but didnt find solution. i want to make a navigation like nokia nokia N95 nokia E71 samsung samsung D500 D900 Sony Erricson w110 p10 i made 2 tables , phone, model phone > id, name model > id, name, phoneid i tried this query in php select phone.id, phone.name, model.id, model.name, model.phoneid from phone, model where model.phoneid= phone.id it shows nokia nokia N95 nokia nokia E71 nokia some model nokia some model samsung samsung D500 samsung D900 and soo on if i use $query= "select * from phone"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id =$row['id']; $phone= $row['name']; echo "<h1>$phone</h1>"; echo "<ul>"; //[b]2nd while loop[/b] $query2= "select * from model where phoneid='$id'"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2); while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $model= $row['name']; echo "<li>$phone</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; this code just fetch one result nokia nokia n95 please help me , i shall be greatful.
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