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Everything posted by claritydigital

  1. Whoops, I missed something... Sorry: OK what is happening is, 1. I click the element to edit the text. 2. I clear the old text, and enter the new text. 3. I click outside of the element to initiate Ajax to save the new text. 3a. Ajax shows "Saving..", which is default text for updating element. 4. Element reloads, and instead of showing the new text inside of element, the element shows (Click here to edit text), which is the default text in the js file for an element that returns empty. 5. I refresh the page manually, and new text is loaded in element. I hope that makes more sense. Thanks again
  2. Hi, thanks for your answer.. Umm..more code? Do you mean the $row variable? This is refering to a query done on page load. Its a user profile page: User profile page: otherwise, there is the entire page. but i dont think you will need that? the link to the js file contains the js for the in-place edit function, and everything else is posted underneath that. Thanks again..
  3. Hi all, I am trying to implement this rather snazzy in-place editor available here: tutorial: http://www.davehauenstein.com/code/jquery-edit-in-place/ js file: http://davehauenstein.com/code/scripts/jquery.inplace.min.js Using php/mysql i am updating the values sent through the editor, which works perfectly.. the value is inserted into the database. but once it updates, the plugin shows the default text for an empty element... and the content in the element isnt updated until the page is refreshed manually. where am i going wrong? this is the code im using: The element with in-place edit: The file (update.php) that updates the database: I would be so greatful for any help.
  4. hi all, thanks for this thread. I am experiencing the same problems as raytri. Damn cookie wont set... It worked one day, then I woke up, and it didnt work anymore. The issue i have with using sessions is that they seem to lose persistance after the user is inactive(not going from page to page to refresh session) for 30 mins or so... Now this is why I want to use cookies. I dont want my users typing out long blog entries for instance, and then going to save them, and their session is dead, so they lose their work(so 1997). I know you can set a time for the session to expire, but I also read that this is unsafe. Ive also read session data can run heavily on your server if your site has alot of users, and that cookies is the best option for sites of this kind.... what do you think of this phant0m? Im still a learner, so this is a genuine question. Thanks everyone Clarity
  5. Hi there, here i the code from the original script: <?php $page = "signup"; include "header.php"; if(isset($_POST['task'])) { $task = $_POST['task']; } else { $task = "step1"; } // SET ERROR VARS $is_error = 0; // IF USER IS ALREADY LOGGED IN, FORWARD TO USER HOME PAGE if($user->user_exists != 0) { header("Location: user_home.php"); exit(); } // CHECK IF USER SIGNUP COOKIES SET (STEPS 3, 4, 5) $signup_logged_in = 0; if($task != "step1" && $task != "step1do" && $task != "step2" && $task != "step2do") { if(isset($_COOKIE['signup_id']) && isset($_COOKIE['signup_email']) && isset($_COOKIE['signup_password'])) { // GET USER ROW IF AVAILABLE $user_id = $_COOKIE['signup_id']; $new_user = new se_user(Array($user_id)); // VERIFY USER LOGIN COOKIE VALUES AND RESET USER LOGIN VARIABLE if($_COOKIE['signup_email'] == crypt($new_user->user_info[user_email], "$1$".$new_user->user_info[user_code]."$") && $_COOKIE['signup_password'] == $new_user->user_info[user_password]) { $signup_logged_in = 1; } } if($signup_logged_in != 1) { cheader("signup.php"); exit(); } } if($signup_logged_in != 1) { setcookie("signup_id", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("signup_email", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("signup_password", "", 0, "/"); $_COOKIE['signup_id'] = ""; $_COOKIE['signup_email'] = ""; $_COOKIE['signup_password'] = ""; $new_user = new se_user(); if($task == "step1") { if(isset($_GET['signup_email'])) { $signup_email = $_GET['signup_email']; } else { $signup_email = ""; } if(isset($_GET['signup_invite'])) { $signup_invite = $_GET['signup_invite']; } $signup_password = ""; $signup_timezone = $setting['setting_timezone']; } } // PROCESS INPUT FROM FIRST STEP (OR DOUBLE CHECK VALUES), CONTINUE TO SECOND STEP (OR SECOND STEP PROCESSING) if($task == "step1do" || $task == "step2do") { $signup_email = $_POST['signup_email']; $signup_password = $_POST['signup_password']; $signup_password2 = $_POST['signup_password2']; $step = $_POST['step']; if($task == "step2do" && $step != "1") { $signup_password = base64_decode($signup_password); $signup_password2 = base64_decode($signup_password2); } $signup_username = $_POST['signup_username']; $signup_timezone = $_POST['signup_timezone']; $signup_invite = $_POST['signup_invite']; $signup_cat = $_POST['signup_cat']; // GET LANGUAGE PACK SELECTION if($setting[setting_lang_allow] != 1) { $signup_lang = 0; } else { $signup_lang = $_POST['signup_lang']; } // TEMPORARILY SET PASSWORD IF RANDOM PASSWORD ENABLED if($setting[setting_signup_randpass] != 0) { $signup_password = "temporary"; $signup_password2 = "temporary"; } // CHECK USER ERRORS $new_user->user_password('', $signup_password, $signup_password2, 0); $new_user->user_account($signup_email, $signup_username); $is_error = $new_user->is_error; // CHECK INVITE CODE IF NECESSARY if($setting[setting_signup_invite] != 0) { if($setting[setting_signup_invite_checkemail] != 0) { $invite = $database->database_query("SELECT invite_id FROM se_invites WHERE invite_code='$signup_invite' AND invite_email='$signup_email'"); $invite_error_message = 705; } else { $invite = $database->database_query("SELECT invite_id FROM se_invites WHERE invite_code='$signup_invite'"); $invite_error_message = 706; } if($database->database_num_rows($invite) == 0) { $is_error = $invite_error_message; } } // CHECK TERMS OF SERVICE AGREEMENT IF NECESSARY if($setting[setting_signup_tos] != 0) { $signup_agree = $_POST['signup_agree']; if($signup_agree != 1) { $is_error = 707; } } // RETRIEVE AND CHECK SECURITY CODE IF NECESSARY if($setting[setting_signup_code] != 0) { session_start(); $code = $_SESSION['code']; if($code == "") { $code = randomcode(); } $signup_secure = $_POST['signup_secure']; if($signup_secure != $code) { $is_error = 708; } } // IF THERE IS NO ERROR, CONTINUE TO STEP 2 OR PROCESS STEP 2 if($is_error == 0) { // ONLY IF ON STEP ONE, CONTINUE TO STEP 2 - ELSE GO TO PROCESSING STEP 2 if($task == "step1do") { $task = "step2"; } // IF THERE WAS AN ERROR, GO BACK TO STEP 1 } else { $task = "step1"; } } if($task == "step1" || $task == "step1do" || $task == "step2" || $task == "step2do") { if($database->database_num_rows($database->database_query("SELECT NULL FROM se_profilecats WHERE profilecat_id='$signup_cat' AND profilecat_dependency='0'")) != 1) { $cat_info = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT profilecat_id FROM se_profilecats WHERE profilecat_dependency='0' ORDER BY profilecat_order LIMIT 1")); $signup_cat = $cat_info[profilecat_id]; } if($task == "step2do") { $validate = 1; } else { $validate = 0; } if($task != "step1") { $cat_where = "profilecat_signup='1' AND profilecat_id='$signup_cat'"; } else { $cat_where = "profilecat_signup='1'"; } $field = new se_field("profile"); $field->cat_list($validate, 0, 0, $cat_where, "", "profilefield_signup='1'"); $cat_array = $field->cats; if($task != "step1" && count($cat_array) == 0) { $task = "step1"; } if($validate == 1) { $is_error = $field->is_error; } if($task != "step1" && count($field->fields_all) == 0) { $task = "step2do"; } } if($task == "step2do") { // PROFILE FIELD INPUTS PROCESSED AND CHECKED FOR ERRORS ABOVE // IF THERE IS NO ERROR, ADD USER AND USER PROFILE AND CONTINUE TO STEP 3 if($is_error == 0) { $new_user->user_create($signup_email, $signup_username, $signup_password, $signup_timezone, $signup_lang, $signup_cat, $field->field_query); // INVITE CODE FEATURES if($setting[setting_signup_invite] != 0) { if($setting[setting_signup_invite_checkemail] != 0) { $invitation = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_invites WHERE invite_code='$signup_invite' AND invite_email='$signup_email' LIMIT 1")); } else { $invitation = $database->database_fetch_assoc($database->database_query("SELECT * FROM se_invites WHERE invite_code='$signup_invite' LIMIT 1")); } // ADD USER TO INVITER'S FRIENDLIST $friend = new se_user(Array($invitation[invite_user_id])); if($friend->user_exists == 1) { if($setting[setting_connection_allow] == 3 || $setting[setting_connection_allow] == 1 || ($setting[setting_connection_allow] == 2 && $new_user->user_info[user_subnet_id] == $friend->user_info[user_subnet_id])) { // SET RESULT, DIRECTION, STATUS switch($setting[setting_connection_framework]) { case "0": $direction = 2; $friend_status = 0; break; case "1": $direction = 1; $friend_status = 0; break; case "2": $direction = 2; $friend_status = 1; break; case "3": $direction = 1; $friend_status = 1; break; } // INSERT FRIENDS INTO FRIEND TABLE AND EXPLANATION INTO EXPLAIN TABLE $friend->user_friend_add($new_user->user_info[user_id], $friend_status, '', ''); // IF TWO-WAY CONNECTION AND NON-CONFIRMED, INSERT OTHER DIRECTION if($direction == 2 && $friend_status == 1) { $new_user->user_friend_add($friend->user_info[user_id], $friend_status, '', ''); } } } // DELETE INVITE CODE $database->database_query("DELETE FROM se_invites WHERE invite_id='$invitation[invite_id]' LIMIT 1"); } // SET SIGNUP COOKIE $id = $new_user->user_info[user_id]; $em = crypt($new_user->user_info[user_email], "$1$".$new_user->user_info[user_code]."$"); $pass = $new_user->user_info[user_password]; setcookie("signup_id", "$id", 0, "/"); setcookie("signup_email", "$em", 0, "/"); setcookie("signup_password", "$pass", 0, "/"); // SEND USER TO PHOTO UPLOAD IF SPECIFIED BY ADMIN // OR TO USER INVITE IF NO PHOTO UPLOAD if($setting[setting_signup_photo] == 0) { if($setting[setting_signup_invitepage] == 0) { $task = "step5"; } else { $task = "step4"; } } else { $task = "step3"; } // IF THERE WAS AN ERROR, GO BACK TO STEP 2 } else { $task = "step2"; } } // UPLOAD PHOTO if($task == "step3do") { $new_user->user_photo_upload("photo"); $is_error = $new_user->is_error; $task = "step3"; } // SEND INVITE EMAILS if($task == "step4do") { $invite_emails = $_POST['invite_emails']; $invite_message = $_POST['invite_message']; if($invite_emails != "") { send_systememail('invite', $invite_emails, Array($new_user->user_displayname, $new_user->user_info[user_email], $invite_message, "<a href=\"".$url->url_base."signup.php\">".$url->url_base."signup.php</a>"), TRUE); } // SEND USER TO THANK YOU PAGE $task = "step5"; } // SIGNUP TERMINAL VELOCITY POINT HOOK ($hook = SE_Hook::exists('se_signup_decide')) ? SE_Hook::call($hook, array()) : NULL; // SHOW COMPLETION PAGE if($task == "step5") { // UNSET SIGNUP COOKIES setcookie("signup_id", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("signup_email", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("signup_password", "", 0, "/"); // UPDATE SIGNUP STATS update_stats("signups"); // DISPLAY THANK YOU $step = 5; } // SHOW FOURTH STEP if($task == "step4") { $step = 4; $next_task = "step4do"; if($setting[setting_signup_invitepage] == 0) { $task = "step3"; } } // SHOW THIRD STEP if($task == "step3") { $step = 3; $next_task = "step3do"; if($setting[setting_signup_invitepage] == 0) { $last_task = "step5"; } else { $last_task = "step4"; } if($setting[setting_signup_photo] == 0) { $task = "step2"; } } // SHOW SECOND STEP if($task == "step2") { $step = 2; $next_task = "step2do"; if(count($field->cats) == 0) { $task = "step1"; } $signup_password = base64_encode($signup_password); $signup_password2 = base64_encode($signup_password2); } // SHOW FIRST STEP if($task == "step1") { $step = 1; $next_task = "step1do"; // GET LANGUAGE PACK LIST $lang_packlist = SE_Language::list_packs(); ksort($lang_packlist); $lang_packlist = array_values($lang_packlist); } // SET GLOBAL PAGE TITLE $global_page_title[0] = 679; $global_page_description[0] = 680; // ASSIGN VARIABLES AND INCLUDE FOOTER $smarty->assign('is_error', $is_error); $smarty->assign('new_user', $new_user); $smarty->assign('cats', $field->cats); $smarty->assign('signup_email', $signup_email); $smarty->assign('signup_password', $signup_password); $smarty->assign('signup_password2', $signup_password2); $smarty->assign('signup_username', $signup_username); $smarty->assign('signup_timezone', $signup_timezone); $smarty->assign('signup_lang', $signup_lang); $smarty->assign('signup_invite', $signup_invite); $smarty->assign('signup_secure', $signup_secure); $smarty->assign('signup_agree', $signup_agree); $smarty->assign('signup_cat', $signup_cat); $smarty->assign('lang_packlist', $lang_packlist); $smarty->assign('next_task', $next_task); $smarty->assign('last_task', $last_task); $smarty->assign('step', $step); include "footer.php"; ?>
  6. yes, ok.. well, it looks like it might be salted somewhere.... Ive tried crypt(), no success... and then base64_encode(), which is the function in the original script used to post the password to the database... but still, the output for base64_encode looks different to what i posted above... from what can see, base64_encode doesnt output with the $ symbols...so thats where im thinkin salt? So the only other option I have had has been to use a reset password page :-\ - which is just crappy...lol.. but it will have to do... Thanks guys for all of your help, and suggestion:) Clarity
  7. Ok, I agree, this may be what im after. thanks for that, ill give it try:) Cheers!
  8. Cheers for your answer... Yea, I didnt think it was md5...but wasnt completely sure, or was just hoping it was...lol..wouldve made things a tonne easier..... I'll keep searching. Thanks again!
  9. Hi all, Respectz & Greetz To PHPFreaks team! I am trying to set up a login form for an existing sql database. usernames & passswords already exist... I basically need to know what function has been used to secure these passwords.. Which look like: $1$EgZYyOOM$k1zO1PylkPdEuzpLX9Qfu0 Cheers! Clarity
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