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Everything posted by ProneSnoopy

  1. Thanks for the help! I figured it out and everything works just fine.
  2. No, no reason why I couldn't use html. I think my problem has something to do with the php code and the naming of the variables.
  3. Ok... the php code is ok, but it won't pull in data for six fields. (Date, Time, Location, Other, Other and Comments) Below is the email that's created once you submit the form. First Name:RickLast Name: GipsonTelephone:504-957-9244 Email:rgipson1@hotmail.com Type of Event:Bridal Shower How did you hear about the company?:Business Card Date: Time: Location: How many guests?:40 Budget:1,500.00 Services Needed:Hourly Consultation Full Service Planning Invitations and Other Communications Decorations Entertainment Comments: Other: Other: You can reply to this message by contacting Rick at: rgipson1@hotmail.com
  4. Hello! Here's my code for the AS2 for my form that I built in Flash. I'm going to attach my php code. stop(); mx.accessibility.NumericStepperAccImpl.enableAccessibility(); _global.style.setStyle("themeColor", 0xB5CAE9); //var firstName:String = ""; //var lastName:String = ""; //var phone:String = ""; //var eMail:String = ""; var eventType:String = ""; //var eventOther:String = ""; //var hearCompany:String = ""; //var hearOther:String = ""; var eventDate:String = ""; //var time:String = ""; //var location:String = ""; //var numGuests:String = ""; //var budget:String = ""; var servicesNeeded:String = ""; //var comments:String = ""; firstname_txt.restrict = "A-Z a-z"; lastname_txt.restrict = "A-Z a-z"; phone_txt.restrict = "-0123456789"; email_txt.restrict = "a-z@._-01234567890"; time_txt.restrict = ":01234567890ampmAMPM."; location_txt.restrict = "A-Z a-z.,"; budget_txt.restrict = ",0-9.,"; other_txt.restrict = "A-Z a-z"; other_txt2.restrict = "A-Z a-z"; message_txt.restrict = "A-Z a-z@.!?_-01234567890"; firstname_txt.tabIndex = 1; lastname_txt.tabIndex = 2; phone_txt.tabIndex = 3; email_txt.tabIndex = 4; eventType_cb.tabIndex = 5; other_txt.tabIndex = 6; company_cb.tabIndex = 7; other_txt2.tabIndex = 8; date_box.tabIndex = 9; time_txt.tabIndex = 10; location_txt.tabIndex = 11; NumbericStepper.tabIndex = 12; budget_txt.tabIndex = 13; services.tabIndex = 14; message_txt.tabIndex = 15; Selection.setFocus(firstname_txt); arrivalDateListener = new Object(); arrivalDateListener.change = function(eventObj) { var eventSource = eventObj.target; var theSelectedDate = eventSource.selectedDate; // format the date var theDate = theSelectedDate.getDate(); var theMonth = theSelectedDate.getMonth()+1; var theYear = theSelectedDate.getFullYear(); var formattedDate = theMonth+"/"+theDate+"/"+theYear; eventDate = formattedDate; }; date_box.addEventListener("change", arrivalDateListener); /*var listListener:Object = new Object(); listListener.change = function(evt_obj:Object) { servicesNeeded = servicesNeeded += services.selectedItem.label; trace(servicesNeeded); trace("You have selected " + services.selectedItems.length + " items."); } services.addEventListener("change", listListener); */ submit_btn.onRelease=function () { /*trace(firstname_txt.text); trace(lastname_txt.text); trace(guests.value); trace(phone_txt.text); trace(email_txt.text); trace(eventType_cb.selectedItem.label); trace(company_cb.selectedItem.label); trace(eventDate); trace(time_txt.text); trace(location_txt.text); trace(budget_txt.text); trace(services.selectedItem.label);*/ var sendLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); sendLoad.other=other.text; sendLoad.others=others.text; sendLoad.messages=message_txt.text; if (firstname_txt.text=="") { firstDynamic.textColor = "0xFF0000"; firstDynamic.text = "First Name:"; }else{ firstDynamic.textColor = "0x273F63"; firstDynamic.text = "First Name:"; sendLoad.firstname=firstname_txt.text; } if (lastname_txt.text==""){ lastDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; lastDynamic.text="Last Name:"; }else{ lastDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; lastDynamic.text="Last Name:"; sendLoad.lastname=lastname_txt.text; } if (phone_txt.length<=10){ telephoneDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; telephoneDynamic.text="Telephone:"; }else{ telephoneDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; telephoneDynamic.text="Telephone:"; sendLoad.phone=phone_txt.text; } if(email_txt.text==""){ emailDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; emailDynamic.text="Email:"; }else{ emailDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; emailDynamic.text="Email:"; sendLoad.email=email_txt.text; } if(eventType_cb.text==""){ eventsDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; eventsDynamic.text="Type of Event:"; }else{ eventsDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; eventsDynamic.text="Type of Event:"; sendLoad.eventType=eventType_cb.selectedItem.label; } if(company_cb.text==""){ companyDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; companyDynamic.text="How did you hear about the company?"; }else{ companyDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; companyDynamic.text="How did you hear about the company?"; sendLoad.hearCompany=company_cb.selectedItem.label; } if(date_box.text==""){ dateDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; dateDynamic.text="Date:"; }else{ dateDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; dateDynamic.text="Date:"; sendLoad.calendar = eventDate; } if(clock.text==""){ timeDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; timeDynamic.text="Time:"; }else{ timeDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; timeDynamic.text="Time:"; sendLoad.clock=clock.text; } if(location_txt.text==""){ locationDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; locationDynamic.text="Location:"; }else{ locationDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; locationDynamic.text="Location:"; sendLoad.place=location_txt.text; } if(guests.text==""){ guestsDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; guestsDynamic.text="How many guests?:"; }else{ guestsDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; guestsDynamic.text="How many guests?:"; sendLoad.guests=guests_ns.value; } if(budget_txt.text==""){ budgetDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; budgetDynamic.text="What's your budget?:"; }else{ budgetDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; budgetDynamic.text="What's your budget?:"; sendLoad.budget=budget_txt.text; } if(services.selectedItems.length <=0){ servicesDynamic.textColor="0xFF0000"; servicesDynamic.text="Services Needed:"; }else{ servicesDynamic.textColor="0x273F63"; servicesDynamic.text="Services Needed:"; var numSelected:Number = services.selectedIndices.length; for (var i:Number = 0; i < numSelected; i++) { //trace("selectedIndices[" + i + "] = "+ services.getItemAt(services.selectedIndices).label); servicesNeeded += String(services.getItemAt(services.selectedIndices).label)+"\n"; } //trace(servicesNeeded); sendLoad.services=servicesNeeded; } trace(sendLoad.toString()); sendLoad.sendAndLoad("sendMail.php",receiveLoad,"POST"); receiveLoad.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) { if (success) { //if(receiveLoad.output=="sent"){ gotoAndPlay(2); //}else{ //show alert //} }else{ trace("error on page");//show alert } } } function clearContactForm(){ firstname_txt.text = ""; lastname_txt.text = ""; phone_txt.text = ""; email_txt.text = ""; eventType_cb.selectedIndex = 0; other_txt.text = ""; company_cb.selectedIndex = 0; other_txt2.text = ""; date_box.text =""; time_txt.text = ""; location_txt.text = ""; guests.selectedIndex = 0; budget_txt.text = ""; services.selectedIndexs = 0; message_txt.text = ""; } [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. Hello! I'm new to Php, but I almost got everything working except for a few variables that don't post to my email. I can't retrieve the data for time, date, location, other, comments and the $header: From variable. Can someone please help? Thanks! ProneSnoopy [attachment deleted by admin]
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