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  1. hey all i hope someone can be kind enough to help me with this im a php beginner so i apologise in advance i found this nice little script that upon submitting the form emails me the text contents of the form and uploads the image attachment to a file on my server which is perfect except one thing id really like the email to either contain a copy of the image as an attachment as well or preferrably a link to the image on the server so that way i can tell which image goes to what form submission the site allows people to send me pictures with comments and if i like it ill add it to the site manually so here is the php code <?php $site_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $url_dir = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $url_this = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $upload_dir = "files/"; $upload_url = $url_dir."/files/"; $message =""; $msgban = "$file_name"; /************************************************************ * Create Upload Directory ************************************************************/ if (!is_dir("files")) { if (!mkdir($upload_dir)) die ("upload_files directory doesn't exist and creation failed"); if (!chmod($upload_dir,0755)) die ("change permission to 755 failed."); } /************************************************************ * Process User's Request ************************************************************/ if ($_REQUEST[del]) { $resource = fopen("log.txt","a"); fwrite($resource,date("Y/m/d h:i:s")."DELETE - $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]"."$_REQUEST[del]\n"); fclose($resource); if (strpos($_REQUEST[del],"/.")>0); //possible hacking else if (strpos($_REQUEST[del],"files/") === false); //possible hacking else if (substr($_REQUEST[del],0,6)=="files/") { unlink($_REQUEST[del]); } } else if ($_FILES['userfile']) { $resource = fopen("log.txt","a"); fwrite($resource,date("Y/m/d h:i:s")."UPLOAD - $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]" .$_FILES['userfile']['name']." " .$_FILES['userfile']['type']."\n"); fclose($resource); $message = do_upload($upload_dir, $upload_url); } else if (!$_FILES['userfile']); else $message = "Invalid File Specified."; /************************************************************ * List Files ************************************************************/ $handle=opendir($upload_dir); $filelist = ""; while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if(!is_dir($file) && !is_link($file)) { $filelist .= "<br><a href='$upload_dir$file'>".$file."</a>"; $filelist .= "<a href='?del=$upload_dir$file' title='delete'>x</a>"; } } function do_upload($upload_dir, $upload_url) { $temp_name = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $file_name = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $file_name = str_replace("\\","",$file_name); $file_name = str_replace("'","",$file_name); $file_type = $_FILES['userfile']['type']; $file_size = $_FILES['userfile']['size']; $result = $_FILES['userfile']['error']; $file_url = $upload_url.$file_name; $file_path = $upload_dir.$file_name; //File Name Check if ( $file_name =="") { $message = "Invalid File Name Specified"; return $message; } //File Size Check else if ( $file_size > 4000000) { // print $file_size; // $message = "The file size is over 2MB."; // return $message; } //File Type Check -- Prevent possible attacks else if ( strpos($file_name,".php") !== false || strpos($file_name,".cgi") !== false || strpos($file_name,".htm") !== false || strpos($file_name,".phtm") !== false ) return; else if ( strpos($file_type,"image") !== false || $file_type == "application/msword"); else { //$message = "Sorry, demo. only allows image or ms-word upload." ; //$message .= "<br>You may allow other types(i.e, .zip) on your own server." ; //return $message; } $result = move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $file_path); if (!chmod($file_path,0755)) $message = "change permission to 755 failed."; else $msgban = ($result)?"$file_name" : $message = ($result)?"$file_name uploaded successfully. In cel mult 24 ore Bannerul va aparea pe site." : "Somthing is wrong with uploading a file."; return $message; } ?> <?php $email = "Name:\t$_POST[nume_expeditor]\n"; $email .= "E-Mail:\t$_POST[email_expeditor]\n"; $email .= "Image:\t$_POST[userfile]\n"; $email .= "Image name/Title:\t$_POST[email_expeditor3]\n"; $email .= "Comments:\t$_POST[mesaj]\n\n"; $destinatar = "submit@maricopamilfs.com"; $subiect = "Milf Submit"; $detalii = "From: Maricopa Milf Submit Form<> \n"; $detalii .= "Reply-To: $_POST[email_expeditor]\n\n"; mail($destinatar, $subiect, $email, $detalii); echo "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>"; echo "<align=center>thanks for submitting your milf pic!"; echo "</BODY></HTML>"; ?> and here is the html code <html> <head> <title>Contact Form</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <div align="center" class="style3"><form name="upload" id="upload" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="thanks-for-submitting-your-milf-pics.html"> <P align="center" class="style3">Name<span class="style1">*</span>:<br> <INPUT type="text" name="nume_expeditor" size=30> </p> <P align="center" class="style3">E-Mail<span class="style1">*</span>:<br> <INPUT type="text" name="email_expeditor" size=30> </p> <P align="center" class="style3">Image<span class="style1">*</span>:</p> <P align="center" class="style3"> <input type="file" id="userfile" name="userfile"> </p> <P align="center" class="style3">Image Title <span class="style1">*</span>:</p> <P align="center" class="style3"> <INPUT type="text" name="email_expeditor3" size=30> </p> <P align="center" class="style3">Comments:<br> <textarea name="mesaj" cols=30 rows=5></textarea> </p> <div align="center"> <span class="style3"> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Send"> </span></div></form> <div align="center">* - please check theme. </div> </div> </body> </html> just so u know this block here $email = "Name:\t$_POST[nume_expeditor]\n"; $email .= "E-Mail:\t$_POST[email_expeditor]\n"; $email .= "Image:\t$_POST[userfile]\n"; $email .= "Image name/Title:\t$_POST[email_expeditor3]\n"; $email .= "Comments:\t$_POST[mesaj]\n\n"; the $email .= "Image:\t$_POST[userfile]\n"; line i added myself.. it didnt come with one i guess they didnt assume the script would be useful for a site with multiple submissions or something anyways thank you in advance for any help
  2. im getting a Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error when the array passed to it is empty im pretty new to php and would appreciate any feedback as to why this might happen and how to go about resolving it
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