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Everything posted by yukafluck

  1. I have a small form on one of my pages that then calls the page again with a variable. I have the link set up that when it goes to the page it starts off with: vehicles_list.php?yearnarrow=_% [code=php:0] this way it starts showing all of the vehicles listed, but when it runs, I have it show the year that has been selected, but when it starts it shows the %. How can I do it so that it shows as "All" instead of the %? here is the code that I am working with: [code=php:0] <form name="Year" id="Year"> <select name="YearMenu" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option selected="selected"><?php echo $yearnarrow?></option> <?php include_once "_functions/db_info.php"; //connect to database $dbserver = mysql_connect($hostname, $dbuser, $dbpswd); $connection = $dbserver or die ('I cannot connect to the server'); mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ('I cannot connect to the database'); $sqlGetVehicleYear="SELECT COUNT(*) num, vehicle_year FROM vehicles GROUP BY vehicle_year DESC; "; $sqlGetVehicleYearRes = mysql_query($sqlGetVehicleYear,$connection) or die ("could not connect to sqlGetVehicleYear "); While ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlGetVehicleYearRes)) { $vehicle_year=$row["vehicle_year"]; ?> <option value="vehicles_list.php?makenarrow=%&typenarrow=%&yearnarrow=<?php echo $vehicle_year ?>"><?php echo $vehicle_year ?> (<?php echo $row['num']; ?>)</option> <?php }?> </select> </form>
  2. That's the ticket, you are awesome I've been trying to figure it out for two days
  3. tried that, and it just stops no errors or anything
  4. ok, all you need to do is point me in the direction to have it show with the echo statement
  5. not to sound like a complete numbnut, but how?
  6. I have a piece of code that generates a jump to menu, using a group by query. What I would like to do is be able to have it shows the number of records for each options. right now the option for 2009 would show "2009", I would like it to show: "2009 (3)". Here is the code that I have: <form name="Year" id="Year"> <select name="YearMenu" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option selected="selected">Choose</option> <?php include_once "_functions/db_info.php"; //connect to database $dbserver = mysql_connect($hostname, $dbuser, $dbpswd); $connection = $dbserver or die ('I cannot connect to the server'); mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ('I cannot connect to the database'); $sqlGetVehicleYear="SELECT * FROM vehicles GROUP BY vehicle_year DESC; "; $sqlGetVehicleYearRes = mysql_query($sqlGetVehicleYear,$connection) or die ("could not connect to sqlGetVehicleYear "); While ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlGetVehicleYearRes)) { $vehicle_year=$row["vehicle_year"]; ?> <option value="vehicles_list.php?makenarrow=%&yearnarrow=<?php echo $vehicle_year ?>"><?php echo $vehicle_year ?></option> <?php }?> </select> </form> [code=php:0] Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. figured it out: this worked <?php echo strftime("%B %d , %G", $bday); ?> [code=php:0]
  8. Maybe i should have put this into two posts, let me deal with the first, then I will post a second one for the other issue. I have in my code <?php echo $bday; ?> [code=php:0] And the output on the page comes as :1968-01-02 but I want it to come out as: January 2, 1968.
  9. My bad, I am using mysql. I am inputing the information through PHPmyadmin.
  10. Ok I have two things that I want to do: 1. I have a field in my database that is a birthdate. It gets displayed as yyyy-mm-dd, and I want to change it to ie*january 1, 2009. How can this be done. 2. I want to be able to have that date match today's date without the year coming into effect. any help or direction to a tutorial on this would be greatly appreciated.
  11. I have a form on one page and when the visitor hits submit, it goes to a sendmail.php, only problem is that it send two emails, one with all the variables, and one with the variables empty, any help would be awesome <?php $cus_email = $_POST['cus_email'] ; $lead_message = $_POST['lead_message'] ; $home_number = $_POST['home_number'] ; $cus_name = $_POST['cus_name']; $cell_number = $_POST['cell_number']; $cus_name = $_POST['cus_name']; $date = $_POST['date']; $info_type = $_POST['info_type']; print "Congratulations your email has been sent "; // Include the Mail and Mime_Mail Packages include('Mail.php'); include('Mail/mime.php'); // Recipient Name and E-mail Address $name = $first_name; $recipient = "sam@mysite.com"; // Sender Address $from = $cus_email; // Message Subject $subject = " $cus_name would like more information about financing a $info_type"; // E-mail Body $html = <<<html <html><body> <h3>Important Email Lead for You!</h3> <p> Hello<br /> <p> On $date, $cus_name looked at your finance page and is trying to get financed for a $info_type <p>Their Home Number is: $home_number</p> <p>Their Cell Number is: $cell_number</p> <p>Their email is: $cus_email</p> </p> <p>Additional comments.</p> <p>$lead_message</p> <p> <p>They want to talk with you.</p> <p> Call them now!!! Jackass!!! html; // Identify the Relevant Mail Headers $headers['From'] = $from; $headers['Subject'] = $subject; // Instantiate Mail_mime Class $mimemail = new Mail_mime(); // Set HTML Message $mimemail->setHTMLBody($html); // Build Message $message = $mimemail->get(); // Prepare the Headers $mailheaders = $mimemail->headers($headers); // Create New Instance of Mail Class $email =& Mail::factory('mail'); // Send the E-mail Already! $email->send($recipient, $mailheaders, $message) or die("Can't send message!"); ?>
  12. what type of code should be used, through a form or through a function? I usually do my coding through trial and error, and I'm all out of ideas.
  13. Complete Newbie. Have a table with a field called viewed for a used car site that I have (I'm one of the salesman). trying to get it so that when someone either clicks on a link to go to a page on my site or visits a page on my site, that it updates the field by one. Not sure how to do it or where to start. I have have a page that lists all the vehicles (vehicles_list.php) and then one that shows the details for the vehicle (vehicle_details.php). any help would be appreciated or direction to a thread that already shows the answer.
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