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  1. EDIT: I realize there are a few typo's in my pastbin link above, so I reposted: http://pastebin.com/m251ceb5
  2. What do you have for your 'bar' class in CSS?
  3. Hello, I'm working on a CMS that I'll be using for a site in the near future. However, I'm stuck on a feature that I want to add into the admin panel. To explain what I have so far, I have code that gets the sub directories (the actual themes) in my "themes" folder of the CMS. It lists these themes in a table with the themes' names, a screenshot, and a radio button at the bottom for the admin to select them. What I want to do with this code is make it so it only lists 4 themes per table. If they're are more than 4, I would like it to create a whole new table.. and repeat this process until all the themes are listed. Here is my code so far: http://pastebin.com/mc5df58b
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