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Posts posted by taquitosensei

  1. a boolean is 1 or 0, true or false. Usually a column labelled as "unread" would be a boolean telling you whether it had been read or not. If it's supposed to hold the user's id, you should rename it. But after looking at your table here is what the query should look like. 

    $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT unread FROM pm WHERE unread=1 and receiver_id=:id")

    This would get all of the results that were sent to your user that have not been read. You don't need the bind_result line. I believe that's a mysqli function and not needed with pdo. 

  2. What does the unread table look like. You only need to bind when you're putting user submitted data in your query. You don't have to do that with unread=1. Also unread shouldn't ever equal an id, because it's probably a boolean. Your query should probably look more like this 

    if($stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT unread FROM pm WHERE unread=1 and id_field=:id")) {
    	$stmt->bindParam(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); 


  3. I usually echo at the end of the script instead of in the loop and also send 200 http response. 

    $result = $page->read($_GET['pageid']); 
    	 //check for data
        if ($result) {
            //page array
             $page_arr['pages'] = array();
            while ($row =$result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                $page_item = array(
                'id'=> $id,
                'title' => $title,
                'pageid' => $pageid,
                'pagecontent' =>html_entity_decode($pagecontent),
                'mdkeywords' => $mdkeywords,
                'description' =>$description,
                'date_added' =>$date_added,
                'hasAudio' => $hasAudio,
                'excludeSearch' =>$excludeSearch
                //push to data
                array_push($page_arr['pages'], $page_item);
    } else {
        $page_arr['message']="Nothing Here!!!"; 
    echo json_encode($page_arr); 


  4. If you're not seeing the results you expect in console. I use postman for troubleshooting. You can put in the URL and the post data in json format, and run it to see what the result actually is. You could have an error in my_cart.php. You could be outputting something along with your json. Your json may not be formatted properly. I would add this 

    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

    to the beginning of my_cart.php and either view the results in development tools or download postman and try it that way. 

    • Like 1
  5. I forgot to specify that I should get the selected country from a similar html datalist tag:

    <datalist id=country_data></datalist>
    And get the selected value to reduce the name options of the second datalist:
    <datalist id=name_data></datalist>

    In other words I should connect both datalists each other.

    I would suggest doing some more research. It sounds like you need to learn some basic mysql/pdo, php, and html.    Here's a decent reference for PDO. There's a ton of php/html tutorials out there. 


  6. Well I don't have bad intentions however I understand your point of view!

    It's not the intentions that count. This is unauthorized use. Without an error message, or anything other than "my script doesn't work" I'm going to assume that it's not working because of something on the IRS end.

  7. I'm starting with an empty database.  I want to provide 10 users credentials to a web front end.  I'm going to create tables.  I want the users to have access to the new tables I create.  They probably should not have access to the system tables.  I don't want anonymous people on the internet to be able to access the database through this web page.  Please let me know if you need more details on the requirements.

    I don't think anybody here is going to do the work for you. Do you have anything so far other than the requirements? Break it down one step at a time and then if you have trouble in a single spot post the code you're using and we can help.

  8. You could use something like 

    select c.* from customers c where not exists (select 1 from type t where c.customer_id = t.customer_id and t.type in ('macintosh'))

    All this does is find the people where a record isn't found for a set of types.

    Isn't that what he asked for? 


    This works if I Just use IN for the customers i want to find that have purchased a particular type of apple but i am trying to search for customers that have never purchased a particular apple or multiple apples from my list.  For example if i select just macintosh from the list customer 1 still show up as not purchasing that apple type because they have purchased an apple that is not a macintosh.  Can anyone help me figure out how i accomplish this task?


    I am in the process of writing a personal mail system for something that I am working on.


    I am setting the system up that when you open the message. It shows the original message and all messages associated with the original message. I am doing this with a while loop. I do not want to, however, show the message subject with every iteration of the while loop.


    How do I make it only show the subject once and run through the rest of the while loop?


    This is the code that I have so far.

    <div class="row compose-form">
    	$id = $_GET['id'];
    	$que = "SELECT mail.*, CONCAT(s_t.first, ' ', s_t.last) AS 'to', CONCAT(s_b.first, ' ', s_b.last) AS 'for' FROM mail INNER JOIN users AS s_t ON mail.sent_to = s_t.id INNER JOIN users AS s_b ON mail.sent_by = s_b.id WHERE mail.id = '$id' OR mail.replied_to = '$id' ORDER BY mail.sent DESC";
    	$res = mysqli_query($dbc, $que);
    	$counter = 0;
    		while ($message = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		<div class="email-header">
    			<P><?php echo $subject['subject']; ?></P>
    		<div id="toggler-<?php echo $counter; ?>">
    			<div class="row">
    				<div class="col-md-12">
    					<div class="col-md-6"><span class="to"> <strong><?php echo $message['to']; ?></strong></span></div>
    					<div class="col-md-6"><span class="to pull-right"> <?php echo date("m-d-Y", strtotime($message['sent']));?> (<?php echo getTimeSince($message['sent']).' ago'; ?>)</span>
    			<div class="toggler-hide-<?php echo $counter; ?>">
    				<div class="row">
    					<div class="col-md-12">
    						<div class="email-content">
    							<?php echo $message['body']; ?>
    		<hr class="mail-controls-divider">

    You've got a counter 

    if($counter==0) { 
    echo "<div class='email-header'>"; 
    echo "<P>".$subject['subject']."</P>";
    echo "</div>";
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