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Everything posted by taquitosensei

  1. select c.* from customers as c LEFT JOIN type as p on c.customer_id=p.customer_id where p.customer_id not in(select customer_id from type where type in('macintosh')); You'll have to do a nested query to select the ones that match, then select the ones that don't match from that.
  2. You can always pull the info with the calendar and put it in the title attribute of the element. Instead of trying to fetch when they hover. Or am I misunderstanding what you're trying to do?
  3. first...does the counter need to be 1 or 0 on the first time through. You set it to zero. Then immediately ++ I would move the $counter++; to the end of the loop. Then echo $counter; somewhere in the loop to make sure that it's actually incrementing.
  4. you don't have a break after your default case. Not sure if that would cause this though.
  5. You've got a counter if($counter==0) { echo "<div class='email-header'>"; echo "<P>".$subject['subject']."</P>"; echo "</div>"; }
  6. you're missing a couple of quotes around email and city. Not sure if this is the problem or not. <input type='text' name=email value="<?php echo $email; ?>"> <input type='text' name=city value="<?php echo $city; ?>"> Other than that it's hard to tell at this point.
  7. If you see the custname in your (now) text field. Then at the top of process.php the very first line you need to do var_dump($_POST); just to make sure your post data is making it to your process.php page. It sounds like the field(s) in your database can't be NULL and it's receiving a NULL value for at least $custname.
  8. So if you do the var_dump($_POST) as the very first line of process.php your other hidden fields have values, but custname is NULL? But if you view the source of the html page your value is there? What is the value?
  9. Sorry didn't see that. Just skimmed through and didn't see an example.
  10. Just use a join with no on statement. select fields from tableone join tabletwo
  11. What do you have so far? Kind of hard to help when we have no idea what you've already done.
  12. It says right in the error message what to do. date_default_timezone_set("Your timezone here"); Mine is "America/Chicago". You'll have to look yours up.
  13. echo "<div class=\"panel panel-primary\"><div class=\"panel-heading clickable\"><h3 class=\"panel-title\"><b>$title_list</b></h3>"; echo "<small>$sublist</small><span class=\"pull-right\"><i class=\"fa fa-minus\"></i></span></div><div class=\"panel-sarabveer-table\"><table class=\"table\"><thead><tr><th>Time</th><th>Kirtani</th><th>MP3</th><th>Video</th></thead>"; Is inside your database loop. You're creating a panel and table for every single result. If that's not what you're intending to do I would move this and line 97 outside of your database loop.
  14. We kind of need the error to help you. It says Error. Could mean mysql, php or html.
  15. According to your query it should be stockfig not model COUNT(model) AS stockfig
  16. What data type is your active column and is it storing 'y' and 'n' or is it 1 and 0? Plus I've never used && before. Not sure that works. I've always used "and".
  17. you might try append "a" instead of "w" so you're not writing to the beginning of the file every time. Not sure if its going through section more than once. The end of the function appears to be missing here.
  18. The string looks okay as serialized data. More likely than not you have a value that's not the same length as the s: part. I would double check your test data to make sure these match.
  19. This is an example and you'll have to make it work with your code but something like this would work. $items=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,; $html="<table>"; $c=0; foreach($items as $item) { if($c==0) { $html.="<tr>"; } if($c%3==0) { $html.="</tr>"; $c=0; } $html.="<td>".$item."</td>"; $c++; } $html.="</table>"; echo $html;
  20. I would create an ODBC connection to the database. Then use pdo_odbc. Judging from your phpinfo you'll need to turn on pdo_odbc. It should be in the core php on windows. By adding extension=php_pdo.dll and extension=php_pdo_odbc.dll to php.ini then take a look at http://www.sitepoint.com/using-an-access-database-with-php/ EDIT - I just saw the part about asp 3.0 and this might not 100% apply to you.
  21. exactly like that which is why you did the 60*60*24 to get hours. 60 seconds,60 minutes,24 hours
  22. time is the number of seconds since January 1 1970 so just compare it. if(($timestamp2-$timestamp1) < 5) { echo "Less than 5 seconds"; } else { echo "More than 5 seconds"; }
  23. you need an exit; after the header redirection.Without more info I think that will take care of it. Also...use code tags. It will make it much easier for people to read. if(mail($email,$subject,$messag2,$from)){ header("Location: ../thank-you.html"); exit; }
  24. make sure any includes aren't full path not relative and try using /usr/bin/php -f /home/username/public_html/scripts/master.php
  25. It won't exist the first time you go to the page. As soon as you submit your form it will. So you'll need to check that your for has been submitted before trying to process $_POST['pass']. Something like if(isset($_POST['yourfieldname'])) { // do your processing here }
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