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Posts posted by shah

  1. I also want to integrate a shopping cart to it. so basically it should be SEO friendly, having some marketing type of tools, like it should be giving options of integrating squeeze pages etc into it, or pages could be dynamically added to it, with some admin content (text etc) management. I know php and programming stuff, so basically it should give me the option to customize it programatically according to my needs. so look at these requirements and kindly suggest an open/free CMS.



  2. Hello all,

    My client wants me to set up a CMS for him. He wants to generate pages dynamically through this CMS wysiwyg through which he will type different content, place images and the page will be generated. He also wants the squeeze page to be the first page, which will lead to another sale page from where user will buy products. this page will also be generated through the editor of the CMS. kindly suggest a CMS system for it (joomla, drupal or wordpress) since i am new to this stuff. Also suggest If any of these CMS have integrated email auto responders and could have some plugins for squeeze pages.




  3. infact i am  placing the php debugger script "dbg-wizard.php", and when i give its url in the project mapping setting, it gives the above error. i think its an automatic way to install the debugger on the server. is there any other way to install the debugger module on the server.


    Thank you

  4. Hello all,

    when i try to install the remote debugger (phped) on my server, i get the following error


    Php with thread safety turned on under the glibc-2.5 platform is not supported


    Kindly suggest the solution, as how can i install the debugger on my server (it is a remote server).


    Thank you

  5. Hello all,

    I have gained some experience in php and mysql. i am able to perform small things in php. However i want to start designing dynamic websites. I am a beginner for it and want to learn it deeply. Kindly give me some references to tutorial and books, if you know any.


    Thank you

  6. Thanks a lot for your reply and giving me the time to check it. I solved that problem. I am new to CSS and don't know much about html. Kindly tell me what are those errors or how could i find out those errors. also please visit this page  http://www.kendoble.com/test/media-center.php  . as you can see, there is a big gap between the media centre and the rest of the paragraph. this gap does not appear in firefox. kindly tell me what could be the problem.


    Thank you

  7. Hello all,

    I have a problem that i have been trying to solve for days, but no use. kindly visit http://www.kendoble.com/test/, and tell me, why is there i white thin line below that header/banner. you might be seeing other problems but i have solved them all. the only problem now is that there is a white thin line below the header, which can not be removed no matter what i do. kindly visit it (in internet explorer only please) and let me know about the problem and solution.


    Thank you

  8. Hi all,

    i am using some php code in my website. i am getting the following error. kindly tell me what could be the problem


    Notice: Undefined index: submit in index.php on line 9

    Notice: Undefined variable: _post in index.php on line 88


    does it mean i have to set the global variables in the config file or something like that??


    i would appreciate your help




  9. Hi all,

    i have a problem with php variable names. i am having a check box (actually a lot of check boxes, dynamically being generated from database strings), whos name is like [NT]cartoon. for example i am having the following code in php

    echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$_post[$name]\"> $name</td>";


    where the name is [NT]cartoon.


    now my issue is that when this variable is used inside $_POST, it does not work because it will be like



    because of these brackets in the variable value. Kindly tell me how can i make it work



  10. Hello all,

    I am having a problem. I have table where the first column is check boxes and the remaining columns are simple data. The whole table is being populated from the database. i want this functionality that  the remaining column (except the first column which is checkboxes)are hidden by default. Then i want that when i select the checkbox for a specific row, the  whole row is shown, and when i deselect it, it hides again. Kindly help me in this matter.



  11. Hello all,

    i am displaying some fields in a table. The first column is a checkbox. I want to display the relevant information of all the fields for which the check boxes have been selected, in a separate windows. the relevant information would be coming from a database. any idea of how to do that???


  12. Hi every one,

    I am working on a registration system. I want to check that when the username is entered, it does not already exist, and if so, the user is informed that the username already exists, and the form is not posted to the other page. any code using php or javascript will do. Kindly give me solution if you have one.


    thank you

  13. I am putting the following style in the body so that in case the body has any default margin or padding, it is cleared




    but still there is a margin between the container and the body. that is the top edge of the page and container or wrapper.

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