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Posts posted by shah

  1. HI all,

    I am sorry to bother you again. i am stuck in another problem. when i try to use the following CSS style to centralize the div (wrapper or container).


    margin: 0px auto 10px auto;


    It centralizes the div horizontally but leaves some margin with the upper edge of the body. i want this wrapper to start right from the start. what should i do??



  2. HI all,

    I am sorry to bother you again. i am stuck in another problem. when i try to use the following CSS style to centralize the div (wrapper or container).

    margin: 0px auto 10px auto;


    It centralizes the div horizontally but leaves some margin with the upper edge of the body. i want this wrapper to start right from the start. what should i do??



  3. hello every one,

    i have a problem in CSS. when i put an extra large text without a space, it goes out of the boundry of div tag. i want to wrap it to the next line no matter how long the text is or regardless of whether a space is there or not. i do not want a scroll. i want to wrap the word. any help/solution would be appreciated.



    Syed Shah

  4. hi every one.

    I have a mysql dump file which was made in phpmyadmin. now i want to import it using mysql.


    i write the following command in mysql command line


    mysql> mysql -u 'arif' -p 'Ericsson' 'booktorn_simplenotefreetag' < 'booktorn_si

    The error that i get is the following.


    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that

    corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mysql

    -u 'arif' -p 'Ericsson' 'booktorn_simplenotefreetag' < 'booktorn_simplenot' at

    line 1


    I would appreciate if some one could help me with an example or could tell me where am i making the mistake.


    Thank you

  5. Hello every one,


    This might be a little irrelevant question on this forum, but this is important for me. I use my online project money for my education. Rentacoder charges too much on everything. so i want to know if you guys know any other websites where i can find work easily and it charges less compared to RAC. Your help in this matter would help a student to have some work to support his education.





  6. Hi every one,

    I am a website designer but am not good in graphics. i am looking for a professional website header but can not find one. I will appreciate if some one could tell me from where can i download a professional header with tab navigation (for free).




  7. could some one give me a link to a comprehensive tutorial which is using a complex wrapper and nested div with different positioning like different size divs within a div etc. I think i am missing something here and i might be able to find it out if i go through a comprehensive tutorial

  8. So will  "./css/stylesheet.css" work if i am calling it from any subdirectories which is not in the parent directory??

    you can't use "../CSS/stylesheet.css" as header.php will load into index.php and then when the browser sees the link tag and calls the stylesheet, the path will be wrong as the browser is in the parent directory and not includes.


    I tested all your code and just changed "../CSS/stylesheet.css" to "./CSS/stylesheet.css" and works fine.

  9. yeah i know you are not obliged to offer me a solution.  Actually the person for whom i am doing it, wants relative paths so that it is usable anywhere, without changing the paths. It will also increase my knowledge to know how to use relative path in re-usable code. We are not using absolute path here. Once again i apologize if any of my statement offended you. It was not intentional.

  10. HI yesideez,

    Thanks a lot for your help and guidelines. Things seems to be working fine now. I am not sure why margin=0 auto; was not working before, but after restarting my pc, things have started working. Now i have some little issues which need to be solved.


    1) when i use the margin=0 auto; the wrapper seems to be leaving some top margin although i have set the first parameter equal to zero which means that the wrapper should be starting from the page start and end at the bottom.


    2) when i use the the following code


    #wrapper {
      width: 842px;
      margin: 0 auto;
    #header {
      width: 842px;
      float: left;
    #menu {
      width: 643px;
      float: left;
    background-color: #B8DAC2;
    color: #000;

    The menu starts right at the left of the wrapper which is fine. then there is another division homeMainContent which holds some text. because i use float:left, it starts right after the menu. I want it to be centered in the remaining available space after the menu. Is it possible without using a fixed/absolute positioning like left:300px etc.

  11. forum,

    I have solved one issue. the problem was that to centralize the div horizontally i had used



    because of the above code, when i tried to resize  the browser, it would hide the left section of the page. when i removed this code, the page is behaving normally now.


    now my problem is that the above code was working fine to centralize the main wrapper horiznotally. Since i can not use this code any more, i will need an alternative code to get the same functionality. i had used

    margin;0 auto;

    but it is not working. any idea?

  12. hi,

    Thanks for spending some of your precious time, solving my issues.

    so if i use

    margin:0 auto 10;


    then it will mean that the division will be stretched to top leaving 20 pixels at the bottom and centralized horizontally right?. sadly it is not the case here. could you please suggest what could be the problem. my second problem is that when i resize the page, the menu disappears/hides. The more i reduce(restore down) the page, the more it hides. I will appreciate if you could solve this issue as well.



    Syed Arif Ullah Shah

  13. when i use margin:auto, it leaves some automatic top margin. i do not want any top margin. is there any solution to that?

    Still when i resize the page, the menu div is hidden.


    Any solution?

  14. Hi,

    i have a web page, which has the layout as the following.


    There is a main division MainDiv which holds other two divisions header and menu as given by the following code.


    <div class="MainDiv">Content for  class "MainDiv" Goes Her
                    <div class="header">
                    <div class="menu">


    The CSS code for each style is given below.


    .MainDiv {
    width: 842px;
    height: 800px;
    background-color: #FFF;
    .header {
    height: 158px;
    width: 842px;
    background-color: #CCC;
    .menu {
    height: 643px;
    width: 200px;
    background-color: #CCC;
    text-align: left;


    Now i have a couple of issues with this code.


    1) When i resize the page, The division which holds menu disappears. I want a scrollbar there so that after the resizing, the user is able to see the full content of the page


    2) I am placing another division in the menu division which holds some buttons. I am setting the text-align property of the menu division equal to center, so that the buttons are centralized in the menu division. The problem is that it is working in IE but not in firefox.


    3) As you can see, i am putting some margin .i.e 20px in bottom property of the maindiv but the division is still extending till the end of the page. it is not leaving any margin to the bottom of the page.



    I will appreciate if someone could help me in the above three issues. This is very urgent and i have to deliver the website to the client in a tight deadline.


    Hoping to get lot of responses.



    Syed Shah

  15. Hi,

    I am using the following CSS style.

    .MainDiv {
    width: 842px;
    height: 731px;
    background-color: #FFF;

    as you can see, i have left some margin at the bottom .i.e 10px, but the div tag using this style still extends till the bottom of the page. i have used padding-bottom as well, but nothing seems to be working. i will appreciate if some one could help me in this issue.


    Kind Regards

    Syed Arif Ullah Shah

  16. Hi,

    I have a little problem here. When i try to central align div tag witin a page using STYLE

    margin:0 auto; 

    it automatically puts some vertical pixels. for example if i put a div within a div tag, and use the above code, it will central align it horizontally but will leave some vertical margin before it starts the new div tag.


    shortly when ever i use the

    .header {
    height: 101px;
    width: 842px;
    background-color: #F33;

    it will align the header horizontally but it will always leave some vertical space  (that is top:0 or margin-top:0) will not work whatever i do. kindly help me regarding this problem.



    Syed Arif Ullah Shah



  17. Okay, here is a snapshot of my code.........


    before posting the code, let me give you the folder structure again....


                            Parent Directory (index.php)





                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                          -                                                  -

                          -                                                  -

                    Includes                                            CSS

    (config.php,header.php,footer.php)                  (stylesheet.css)



    The stylesheet.css simple contains the CSS layout which could be used in other files.


    The code of config.php is given below (according to the folder strcuture given above)


        $dbhost = "localhost";
        $dbuser = "root";
        $dbpassword = "";
        $dbdatabase = "blogtastic";
        $config_blogname = "MC's Home";
        $config_author = "Syed Arif Ullah Shah";
        $config_basedir = "";


    the code of the header.php is given below (according to the folder structure)


    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <title><?php echo $config_blogname; ?></title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../CSS/stylesheet.css" type="text/css" />
    <div id="header">
    <h1><?php echo $config_blogname; ?></h1>
    [<a href="index.php">home</a>]
    <div id="main">


    Since config.php is in the same folder, therefore i use require 'config.php'.

    Since stylesheet.css is in the CSS folder which is in the parent folder, i have to go one step above and then go to the CSS folder so i used

    "../CSS/stylesheet.css". If you know any other method to do so, kindly mention.


    When i run the header.php, it works absolutely fine. It displays the variables of config.php and uses the theme of stylesheet.css.


    Now comes the problem. in the parent directory, i have the index.php. its code is given below




    It uses the code of header.php, but theme style of stylesheet.css and variables of config.php which were used in header.php using the "require" is not used here anymore. for this purpose, i have to change the paths of files used in the header.php.


    change require'config.php' to require("./includes/config.php") and href="../CSS/stylesheet.css" to href="./CSS/stylesheet.css". as i have already mentioned, although the header.php is in the includes folder, but for it to be used in the index.php, we have to change the paths according to the index.php.


    I hope i have explained my problem. Kindly help me now.


    Kind Regards

    Syed Arif Ullah Shah

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